"I Shall Be There."

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A LADY on board a homebound steamer noticed d barefoot little girl playing about the deck. She spoke to her, and said, “Where do you come from, my dear?” “From San Francisco,” she replied. “And where are you going?” asked the lady. “Oh, to England.” After further conversation the lady said, “Do you love the Lord Jesus?” “Who is He?” said the little girl, “I don’t know Him.” The lady took her aside and told her the story, of His birth, sufferings, and death. Tears stood in the little girls eyes, showing that her heart had been touched, by what she had heard. “But,” added the lady, “He is coming again soon for all those who love Him, that they may be with Him forever.” When leaving the vessel the lady waved her goodby, to her little friend, who in reply, pointed upward to the sky and said, “I shall be there! I shall be there!” Will all our dear little readers be there?
E. B. H.
ML 08/26/1900