"I Think."

A SMALL boy of four years old was standing, flattening his little nose against the window pane and evidently thinking deeply. At last he turned to his mother who was preparing to go out with him, and said, “Mamma, what color will the cloud be that the Lord Jesus will come on?”
“I do not know, darling,” was the reply, “the Bible does not tell us.”
“That’s what grandma said when I asked her,” he replied, “but I think it will be a white one, and He will let it down and take papa and you and us up. I do not know how other people will get on, but I think it will be a black cloud for the rest.”
This was many years ago, and the little boy is now a man and a father, and I can add with pleasure he desires to think only God’s thoughts and to follow Him by His word. But is it not the same today as of old, — man putting his own thoughts first instead of the precious word of God?
The color of a cloud may seem to be a very small matter; but how deep is the need for guarding against our own thoughts where no revelation is given! Do we not find all around us today man’s” I think” instead of God’s “It is written?” Man by wisdom knew not God, we read, and yet man presumes to put his “I think” before the word of Him Who could say, “Let there be light: and there was light,” and to the raging billows, “Peace, be still,” and immediately there was a very great calm.
1898 (now asleep in Christ).