"I WANT to go.”
These were the words of one who had been a great sufferer for sixteen years, but who could say, "All things work together for good to them that love God." Great sufferer as he was, he said, "I can kiss the rod whereby I have been afflicted; for before I was afflicted I went astray, but now I have thought upon the Lord." He was a light to the village in which he lived, for it was his one great thought how he might glorify God and benefit his fellowmen that lived around, both in regard to soul and body. He was always ready to help others who were afflicted, by ministering to their temporal and spiritual needs. Most faithfully would he point them to Jesus, and tell them He was the only Saviour; and he would earnestly plead with God for the salvation of their souls.
Whenever I went to see him, I found him in communion with the Lord. No matter what trouble or sickness came, this secret communion was undisturbed, and his face seemed lit up with heavenly joy. I often heard him speaking to his God like a man would to a friend.
One day I heard that he was very ill, and I again went to see him. As I entered his bedroom, these words fell on my ears, "My lad, I am dying.”
“Mr. T—," said I, "you are not afraid to die?”
“I want to go; pray for the Lord to take me," he replied instantly. "What is left for me? Nothing, but to wait a little while till my Lord shall call me.”
Three weeks before his death, Mr. T— said to his wife, “I am going to leave you, but I am ready. I am washed in the blood of Jesus, and I have committed you and all our children to the Lord, and I know He will provide." As one read these Scriptures to him," Behold what mariner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God. Therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew Him not," the dying man exclaimed," That is my hope; “and then he broke out singing praises to God.
Soon after this, dear Mr. T— fell asleep in Christ.
The most wicked man in the village was broken down, and even in tears, when he heard that Mr. Thad gone home to the Lord. Another godless man whom I met on the day of the funeral, said, "Oh, my lad, old Daniel has gone. If he has not gone to heaven, never a man will go there.”
Thank God, he did go, and it was through the precious blood of Christ, which is still the title for every poor sinner who believes in the Lord Jesus Christ, and the work which He has finished. J. S—n.