If Then, Why Not Now?

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 6
Sir James Young Simpson, M.D., who introduced the use of chloroform in surgical operations, became well-known in Christian work, as well as in the world of surgery and medicine.
The way the truth came to him is interesting.
His outward life had been markedly consistent and religious. He knew and observed the external forms of Christianity, but its vital power was unknown to him.
Then it was that a patient of his, a lady who was an earnest and devoted Christian, began to seek his conversion. She wrote to him again and again, and in one of her letters, after kind references to his household and to himself, she asked,
"What is to fill this heart to all eternity? When benevolence shall have run its course, when there shall be no sick to heal, no disease to cure; when all I have been engaged about comes to a dead stop, what is to fill this heart, and thought, and these powers of mind? Only the God-Man! If then, why not now?"
Through these letters he was led to Christ and soon began to engage in definite Christian service.
Giving a public address to medical students, he said that he was one of the oldest sinners and one of the youngest believers in the room. He urged them all to open their hearts to receive the Savior there and then, just as they were.
"You will," he said, "find in Christ a Savior, a Companion, a Counselor, a Friend who loves you with a love greater than the human heart can conceive."
On another occasion, when asked what was the greatest discovery he had made, he replied,
"That I was a sinner, and that the Lord Jesus Christ is my Savior:"
Have you made this discovery of yourself? You may be admired by a large circle of friends, you may 'be exemplary in your conduct, you may be esteemed for religious observances. But though all this and much more may be true of you, you still may be without Christ. You must be born again. You must be converted, or you can never see God's kingdom or dwell in God's presence.
Do you intend to be saved at the end? "If then, why not now?" Christ alone can meet the claims of your conscience or satisfy the longings of your heart. But He can do both and He can do' them NOW.