"I'll Turst Him."

Narrator: Chris Genthree
Duration: 2min
F. became exercised about his soul. He had been taught that those who believed in the Lord Jesus Christ are saved. He thought he believed in Him as much as anybody could believe, but he couldn’t feel that he was saved. As he reasoned in his mind about it, he thought he was not a true believer, or he did not believe in the right way, and he began to fear he was, perhaps, a hypocrite—trying to think himself a Christian, then he was not one at all.
The more he thought about these things, the more troubled he became, and doubts and uncertainties filled his mind.
The thought of death came before him and filled him with fear; but a dread even stronger than this, came before him; the Lord might come at any moment, and he was not ready to go with Him. When he would lie down at night, he feared to go to sleep, lest the Lord would come in the silent watches of the night, to take His people Home, and he would be left behind.
One day F, who was a farmer boy, was out in the field shocking grain. He got some distance in advance of the binder and lay down on the ground a few minutes to wait until it would overtake him. While lying there his thoughts were occupied with the question that had been absorbing him so long.
“O, why can I not know that I am saved? God says in His word,
‘Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and. than shalt be saved.’ “I do believe. I believe as much as anybody can.”
Believe!’ “It is God’s Wordy and God is true—I’ll trust Him.”
With this thought light came into his soul. He took Christ at His word, he trusted Him, and he was saved.
How many of in dear little readers are ready thus to take God at His word, and “trust Him?”
“‘Who was delivered for our offenses, and was raised again for our justification.” Romans 4:2525Who was delivered for our offences, and was raised again for our justification. (Romans 4:25).
ML 04/19/1942