I'm Third

Narrator: Chris Genthree
Duration: 3min
 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 6
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ABOVE THE clock on the wall of a Sunday school room hung an old motto with these words, “I’m THIRD.” A preacher had come there one evening to address a group of children and young people. It was raining and he had arrived early so that only he and the caretaker were present. Seeing the motto on the wall, he asked the caretaker what it meant. The caretaker, looking at the clock, shook his head, and replied: “I have read those words a hundred times, and often I have dusted them off, but I don’t know what they mean.” Then suddenly he remarked, “I think my daughter Sylvia knows.”
Off he went down stairs, and shortly after he returned, puffing as he came up the steps. “Sylvia says the words mean what they say—'I’m Third',” he said. “It’s the motto of the young people—Jesus First; others Second; and I’m Third.”
“Why, of course!” said the preacher.
Soon after, the door opened and a group of children and young people trouped in, undaunted by the rain outside. During the course of the meeting they sang a hymn with the words:
“Be not selfish in your greed;
Pass it on!
Look upon another’s need;
Pass it on!”
The guest speaker for that evening learned that the children had been faithful in attendance at the Sunday school, and many had taken an interest in helping out old people, sick people, and in running errands for them. When they left to go home it was still pouring rain and he noticed how that the children were eager to share their raincoats and umbrellas with one another.
When the preacher got home that night he said to his wife: “How different it would be if everyone adopted “I’m Third” as their motto for life—putting the Lord Jesus first, then others second, and ourselves last, instead of putting self first.”
This is the way to true happiness, dear boys and girls. Put the Lord Jesus first; confess Him as your Lord and Saviour; then seek to please Him in everything. Put others send, and ourselves last. This spells J-O-Y.
“Jesus, and Others, and You,
What a wonderful way to spell J-O-Y!
Jesus, and Others, and You,
In the heart of each girl and boy.
J is for Jesus, for He has first place;
O is for Others, of every race;
Y is for You, and whatever you do,
Put yourself in the very last place!”
Memory Verse “IF ANY MAN BE IN CHRIST, HE IS A NEW CREATURE: OLD THINGS ARE PASSED AWAY: BEHOLD, ALL THINGS ARE BECOME NEW.” 2 Corinthians 5:1717Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. (2 Corinthians 5:17).