The measure of Thy love to me,
My blessed God, what tongue shall tell?
Ah! could I reach the heights of bliss,
And cast from thence a line to hell,
That unknown length would fail to prove
The measure of Thy wondrous love.
The measure of Thy love to me
Shall all Thy works, my God, declare?
Nay, all the wealth of countless worlds
Cries constantly, “It is not there!”
Thy works of wisdom, though divine.
Discover not what love is Thine.
The measure of Thy love to me—
O God, My God! —tis Jesus’ cross!
His bitter pains, His agony,
His weakness, shame, affliction, loss!
In Jesus’ cross, my God, I see
Thy love immeasurable to me.
The cross of Christ, Thy blessed Son,
Exceeds all powers of human speech;
The measure of Thy love to me
No thought of man shall ever reach;
My God, O teach me to adore,
And dwell in love for evermore.