In Disgrace

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HERE is a dear, sweet little girl sitting up on a high stool. But she doesn’t look a bit happy, does she? And her pet dog is just as close to her as he can get. He is showing his sympathy because he loves her, and is very sorry to see her unhappy.
Now, what do you suppose is the matter with this dear child? I think most of you will say, she has done something naughty, and is being punished for it.
All of you do naughty things. Sometimes you are punished, and sometimes you are not punished when you should be, for sin deserves punishment.
“The way of transgressors is hard.” If we disobey our parents we are likely to suffer for it in some way.
Often sin brings its own punishment. Many times children who have been forbidden to go near the water, have gone in, or gotten in boats, and have been drowned. Others, who were told to stay in their yard, have gone out into the street, and been run over by automobiles, street cars or trains.
Still others have eaten things they were told not to eat, and have been made sick by it. Or have played or meddled with things they were told not to touch, and have been cut or hurt in some way.
But none of these dreadful things happened to the little girl in the picture. Often punishment comes from our parents, and it is never pleasant. So we would be much happier if we didn’t do the naughty things.
Sometimes we do wrong, thinking our parents will not find out about it, but there is another verse that says, “BE SURE YOUR SIN WILL FIND YOU OUT.” Numbers 32:2323But if ye will not do so, behold, ye have sinned against the Lord: and be sure your sin will find you out. (Numbers 32:23).
Grown people, as well as little folks, often do wicked things, thinking no one will ever know. But sooner or later the evil is discovered, and the Lord always knows.
“The eyes of the Lord are in every place beholding the evil and the good.” Prov. 15:33The eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good. (Proverbs 15:3).
But don’t think, dear children, that your parents enjoy punishing you. It is just as hard for them to see you suffer, as it is for you to suffer. They sympathize with you just as truly as the kind hearted, faithful dog in our picture, but the punishment must be given for your own good.
I hope all who read this will try to do only that which is right and pleasing to the Lord. Wrong-doing brings sorrow and trouble, not only to yourself, but also to those you love.
ML 03/06/1927