When was the beginning? This is a time we cannot understand. It is a depth too great for us to look into, too great for us to measure. One thing is certain, the heaven and the earth had a beginning, however long ago it may have been. God alone had no beginning.
There was a time called “In the beginning”, when nothing existed but God alone.
Then God made all things out of nothing. He spoke, and from nothing came the heaven, and from nothing arose our earth, and all that is therein.
He called the heaven and earth into being by a single act of His all-powerful will. It is by reading the Word of God that we have the knowledge of all these wonderful things.
But, dear children, sin came, into the world through. Adam and Eve, and everyone has sinned since then; all are sinners, so God loved all, and sent His beloved Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to take their place, bear the judgment due to them; shed His blood to wash away the sins of all who will accept Him as their Saviour.
In creation, we see God’s power; but in redemption, we see God’s love.
ML 12/15/1940