In the Beginning, God

Duration: 1hr 19min
Address—P. Wilson
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So we sing together #61.
If you feel it helps, you can tell the language.
How wondrous the glories that meet.
In Jesus and from his face shine His love is eternal and sweet.
It is human. It is also divine.
His glory. Not only God's son in manhood, he had his full park.
And the union of both joined and won.
Form the fountain of love in his heart #61.
Some brothers started.
Jesus stand around his face.
I would like to make a comment before starting.
That is my thought.
To refer to quite a number of scriptures.
And if anyone here is in mind to make a note of the scripture references.
It might be well to do so at the beginning or from the beginning.
Just the scripture references so you can turn back to them and read them again at your leisure.
And I would like to make this remark quoting a scripture.
Canst thou by searching, find out God?
All the searching.
Above the earth.
And in the earth.
Has never enabled man to find out God.
Can't sow by searching. Find out, God.
You know the man. The creature could not know his creator.
Unless the creator were pleased to reveal himself.
To the creature.
And then the creature can only know the creator.
In the measure and in the manner in which the Creator has been pleased to reveal himself.
Now, in Old Testament times, God spoke in various ways.
To the prophets.
By dreams.
My visions.
We find that recorded for us in Hebrews.
How God spoke in time passed unto the Father is by the prophets.
But we who live in this era have had God reveal himself in the person of his Son.
And we would not know God.
If it had not been for this.
All the Old Testament has many types and shadows.
But until we come to the New Testament and see the mall made good in Christ.
We do not know God.
First, I want to turn to the first book in the Bible and the first verse.
In fact, I will read the 1St 2 verses of Genesis.
In the beginning.
Created the heaven.
And the earth.
And the earth was without form.
And void or empty?
Darkness was upon the face of the deep.
And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
And God then began to act.
You will not find any other book.
In this world.
On the subject of religion.
I don't care what kind of religion it may be.
That begins with this book.
In the beginning, God.
This isn't something to satisfy the curiosity of men.
This is something directed to the heart and the conscience of man.
He is first directed to God, with whom he has to do.
You know, there is a prevalent idea in the world today.
That all religions are good.
And that man can be saved or blessed by anyone of them.
That is the devil's life.
May I make a further comment?
And say that only in Judaism.
And in Christianity?
Do you have the true God presented to you?
It is only through the Old and New Testaments.
That you meet God.
Now who is this God?
In the beginning.
When was that?
Way, way back.
To go back as far as you choose, he was there.
You dear young people that are in college.
You hear all sorts of theories advance these days.
They tell you.
That this religion and the other presents a wonderful cold.
But does it bring you into contact with the Supreme Being?
The one, the creator.
The sustainer of all things.
And they'll tell you.
That man has to prove these things.
May I make this suggestion as an adjunct to what I've already said, that man could not know the creator unless the creator chose to reveal himself.
And only in the manner.
To the measure in which the Creator chose to reveal himself.
God created.
The heavens and the earth.
Young people, do you believe that?
I know that there are places where you go to school.
That they plainly tell you they do not believe it.
And there are some sophisticated professors that would look down upon you if you told them you believed.
But who are you going to believe if you do not accept this? You are at sea without a charter compass. You are out without any guy.
This is the only book.
It will tell you how it all came into being.
Now, Man says.
It came about thus and so.
You believe that? Do you believe there are varied theories?
Are you willing to believe this sublime statement?
God created.
You know I'm not credulous enough to believe these theories.
I read a book. I reviewed a book that was sent to me.
The brother is sitting here who sent it to me to review.
On evolution.
Written by a very intelligent man.
It's entitled The Unleashing of Evolutionary Thought.
And he ridicules anybody.
And anything.
That says that God created it.
And he goes into four or 500 pages to tell you how it didn't happen and how it did happen.
But finally he ends up with a conjecture.
He ends up with this.
He says. I have read lots of thoughts of how it all came about and I may as well express mine.
My thought is that originally there was a great monoblock.
And this block exploded.
And that is what formed the creation.
Now if that makes sense to you.
It doesn't to me.
He's been trying and been late. He was laboring for 400 or more pages to prove that there was number God.
And that the sooner this nation got rid of a God and all the idea of a God.
The better it would be.
I don't know why he didn't go to Russia.
But then, after trying to prove that God, there isn't a God.
And God didn't create it then, he says. But there was a monoblock.
He has to come back to something that existed in the beginning.
And that explodes.
Now all you have to do is ask him where the mono block came from and he's back in the same puzzle he started with.
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.
I believe that exactly as it said. And if you don't believe that, you have no basis.
For any kind of belief, the foundations out from under you.
Now then, and the earth was without form, shapeless.
Boyd Empty darkness was upon the face of the deep.
Water covered it.
The Spirit of God brooded over this scene.
In that condition.
Now we would go to Isaiah. We would learn there that God did not create a divorce.
He did not create it in the condition in which it is in the second verse.
Let us say this.
It doesn't make any difference when God created it.
And you can put as many millions of years between the 1St and 2nd verses of this chapter.
As the most blatant inferior can conjecture.
I know they like to talk in big numbers.
They say, oh, we just found a skull and we believe that this skull.
Is 50,000,100 million, 200 million years old.
And if that won't do, we'll test it with Carbon 14, or we'll test it with some of the newest ones.
There is a man in this audience, I think.
He was here this morning, at any rate.
Went to the University of Michigan.
He lived on a farm in Michigan.
And they had a place on this farm where they carried the dead animals. They just dragged them out and left them in the back of the farm.
They decay.
One dime. This man was home on vacation, young man. Then he was wandering around through the boneyard.
He found a bone, a tooth back there. He picked it up and.
Rubbed it off, put it in his pocket.
Went back to college and he put this tooth on his desk.
Professor came along and saw that tooth, he says. May I have it?
He said, well, you can borrow it.
So the professor took this bone that came from the boneyard.
He examined it and he came back and told him he had a real find.
That born with so many millions of years old.
Well, he let him go on and tell all about how old it was, and he told him where it came from.
Let's believe the word of God and not be ridiculous.
Now whatever happened between the 1St and 2nd verses of Genesis?
We are not told, but suffice it to say that something came in.
And upset the order of creation.
It wasn't created without form or void.
When the God began to work, and to form it, and to shape it for man.
And if I am not misinformed?
Intelligent biologists.
Will admit that human life appeared.
Rather suddenly on this earth.
And not too many too far back either.
Was when God chafed this earth, when God put it into the condition which it is now.
And people, the visitors now.
I'm not saying that it's in the condition that God fixed it and made it in those days.
For sin soon came in and marred his fair creation.
But now this word God, I'd like to say a word about that.
That word? God.
Represents the creator.
In the majesty of his being.
The creator.
In the Hebrew, it's a loyal.
It is a plural word.
And when it's put together here, it's put together with a singular verb, with singular adjectives.
How can you account for using you students now in English?
How can you account for using a plural noun?
And the singular verb was singular adjectives.
In other words, couched away in this version verse of the Bible.
Is the interest of the Trinity.
God the Father.
God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Go down in the chapter and you will find the Godhead saying, let us.
What does US mean one person?
Let us make man in our image.
The God God had took counsel with itself about the creation of man.
I ran across a statement made by an old writer.
And he remarked about the Areum doctrine.
You know, Arias was a man early in church history.
Who brought in a terrible heresy. He denied the Deity of Christ.
He denied the Trinity.
I think he was from Alexandria, Egypt. Is that right, Brother Rome?
He upset the church. It was a direct blow of the enemy to spoil the truth of God.
Well, this writer said that one thing that he marveled about in all the controversy about Arianism was that this fact had not come out.
That God was a plural word in the Hebrews.
He felt that those that answered Arias had missed them.
Arianism is today prevalent in this country under the name and guise of Jehovah's Witnesses.
It's nothing new. It's Arianism.
Denial of the Deity of Christ and the denial of the Trinity.
I went to see a man one day.
I believe the dear old man.
Knew Christ.
But very untalked.
And he said a man had just been there and brought him a book.
And he said he enjoyed it. There was so much good in it.
So he went back into the house. We were already outside, and he went back into the house and brought the book out.
He says. I want you to see this and I was in a hurry to leave.
There was one of Pastor Russell's books, one of Jehovah's Witnesses.
I opened the book at random and I read there. To him, Jesus is just the highest creature that God ever created.
I said, Mr. Del Mar, if I brought you a box of luscious candy.
And you said to me there are some good things in this box. It would be true, but if I put enough stricken in a few of those pieces of candy to kill, you'd be too bad.
And I said, I've just read to you the strict men that's in this book.
If this statement is true, you're lost. You're damned. You have no savior, and neither do I.
Jesus was not a created being. It was God manifest in flesh.
So this is alarm when you go through the book and you find the Lord.
God, if you would look into the reference Bible you would find that in the Hebrew it is alarm.
Generally speaking, but now I want to go on.
To another portion.
Turn to Genesis.
19 I think it is.
Yes, 17, Genesis 17 and verse one.
And when Abram was 90 years old and 9:00.
The Lord appeared to Abram, and said unto him, I am the Almighty God.
Walk before me and be thou perfect.
Now God has chosen at this point to introduce another name.
Along with God.
And God had called Abraham to depart from her of the Chaldees.
To leave his home, his father's house, and all the associations of childhood.
And go out and become a stranger in a strange land.
And God had promised to take care of it.
And he promised him his son.
But you know Abram, while he's a great example of one who had faith.
In some things he lacked faith or he was weak in faith, shall we say.
And he was listening to the voice of his wife Sarah, and God rebukes him. And he said, I am the Almighty God, Walk before me and be thou perfect. You've been walking before, Sarah.
I am the Almighty God. He had called Abraham out and promised him this blessing, and the other blessing, and so on and so forth.
And he says I am able to do what I have promised. I am the Almighty God.
Now you only find that combination Almighty God about three times in the book.
You go right through to the 19 chapter of Revelation and you will find that the Lord and He is coming back to execute judgment.
Is going to tread the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.
In Genesis 17, it's Almighty God Almighty.
To fulfill every promise he had made.
In Genesis 19, he's the almighty God who is going to be able to.
Execute judgment.
Man thinks that judgment isn't coming.
But it is on its way, and nothing man can do can avert it.
Are delayed. It's on its way.
There's another time that you get almighty and that's in.
Corinthians 2 Corinthians 6. I think that's where it is.
God calls.
Pardon me. The Lord calls on the Christians to walk in the path of separation.
As he called Abraham to a path of separation.
And he said, be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers.
That's the same call to separation.
Come out from among them.
Touch not the unclean thing. I will be a father to you, saith the Lord Almighty. Now that doesn't mean that we will know. Christian will know God in the relationship of Almighty God.
But the God whom we now know as our Father will take care of us.
He'll do a father's part for us. He's called us to walk in the path of separation and he says you do that.
And I am able to take care of them. Did you ever get tested like this?
That you were offered a good job.
That would cause you to compromise the truth of God if you took it.
And then you gave it up, for Christ's sake. Do you think that you're going to be the loser for it?
The Lord says I want you to walk in the path of separation.
People don't like that word separation, but, he says. I want you to walk in the path of separation.
I will do a father's part for you. What more do you want?
What more did Abram need than the Almighty God and his sure work?
Want to turn now to Exodus?
Verse Chapter 3.
Now go at the time had come.
By which God had promised to Abraham.
That he was going to.
Deliver the seed of Abraham from Egypt.
And he calls Moses.
To be the leader of the children of Israel. Exodus 3.
11 Verse 11 Moses said unto God, Who am I, that I should go unto Pharaoh?
That I should bring forth the children of Israel out of Egypt. And he said, Certainly I will be with thee.
God promised to be with him, but Moses was still reluctant.
13 Verse And Moses said unto God, Behold, when I come unto the children of Israel, and say unto them.
The God of your fathers hath sent me unto you, and they say to me.
What is his name? What shall I say unto them?
And God said unto Moses.
I am that I am.
I heard one person say that could be rendered. I am that I will be.
I am that I am.
And he said, Thou shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I am has sent me.
Did you know that I am as one of the names of God?
And yet we have the effrontery to see a man of flesh and blood.
Take the name of I am in the city of Los Angeles.
To appropriate the name of deity for himself.
Go to the 6th chapter.
Third verse And I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by the name of God almighty.
But by my name Jehovah was I not known to them.
And here it is that God introduces himself to the children of Israel by the name of Jehovah.
And that is the force of I am.
Jehovah means the self existent one, the self existing one, the one who is who was who is to come.
The one who always wasn't, who always would be.
Jehovah, Remember that it's frequently put in all capital letters, Lord, in your Bible.
It's mostly there in all capital letters, Jehovah.
It was just a capital L with a small Ord.
It's usually from the word adanya.
If it's just all small Lord like Sarah called Abram Lord.
It's Adam.
Now don't think that I'm splitting hairs.
I am merely calling your attention to the facts of Scripture.
And remember that the facts of Scripture are the things that we should enjoy.
If these things are new to you, I trust that you'll make a note of it. Mental note.
And be able to remember them and enjoy them.
Hasn't put anything in his word for no reason.
We should desire to know why, what he has given us and why.
Now, Jehovah.
As I said before, is frequently translated with all capitals.
You would turn to. I know of one place that comes to mind. It's in the 110th Psalm. I won't turn to it.
Where Jehovah said unto Adana.
There you get all capitals Lord and a capital L.
Small Ord, it's Jehovah's speaking to the Messiah.
Sit thou at my right hand until I make thine enemies thy footstool.
I think that's probably the best, most quoted verse of the Old Testament in the New.
For that Psalm at least 110th Psalm.
Now Jehovah God revealed himself to Israel.
And why did he do it? Why he was entering into a relationship, into a covenant with that people?
And if you want to make a contract with somebody and they're going to guarantee something for 10 years?
You would like to know, for instance, that they would be there in 10 years to fulfill their guarantee.
But here is one who was, who is, who always will be, and he enters into a covenant relationship with Israel.
What bitters authority did they have? The now one who always wasn't, always would be.
Therefore we read I Jehovah change not.
Therefore ye sons of Israel, or sons of Jacob are not consumed.
It was just his faithfulness that he hadn't changed that saved them.
All the meaning of these words is important for us.
Now I want to go back and then I want to leave this subject Genesis 14.
Many people are quite at sea about the use of the different names of God.
But Scripture is very precise.
In their use.
In Genesis 14.
Verse 19.
And he blessed him, and said, Blessed be Abraham of the Most High God.
The Most High God you will find in Genesis 14 with connection with.
As he will be known in the coming millennial age on Earth.
And here we find Melchizedek as.
Priest and King.
And the Lord Jesus will be a priest upon his throne according to Zechariah in that coming day.
He will combine kingship and priesthood.
And here we have it. The Most High God. Now you will find that expression frequently in the book of Daniel that looks forward to the coming age. You'll find it in the last verse, I think it is of the 83rd Psalm.
But wherever you'll find the expression the Most High God, it's God's title as it will be known as He will be known in the Millennium.
Now I wish to leave this part of the subject.
One return now to Genesis 22.
We all know the story of Genesis 22.
How God did tempt or test Abraham.
How he told him to take his son, his only son Isaac, whom he loved, and offer him up for a burnt offering.
It was all done in a way calculated to tear the very heart strings of Abraham.
Take now thy son, thine only son Isaac, whom thou lovest, and offer him.
It's a type of what it would cost God.
To give his beloved son to die on cow.
It isn't so much the thought in Genesis 20 through 22 of the death of Christ as it is the point of showing what it would cost God to give him.
Now then.
Seventh verse of our chapter Isaac spake unto Abraham his father, and said, my father, And he said, Here am I my son.
And he said, Behold the fire and the wood. But where is the lamb for a burnt offering?
And Abraham said, My son, God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering.
So they went both of them together.
Father and son going together.
The son says, Father, where is the lamb?
The Father said, My son, God will provide himself a lamb.
Our brother Gladding referred to this verse yesterday afternoon in the reading.
It was a lamb for God. God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering.
Remember that God's holy nature had been outraged by sin.
And God had to provide a burnt offering.
One who would go and offer himself without spot to God, not particularly now as the sin offering, but in the place where sin was.
And Christ was that burnt offering, the One who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself without spot to God.
And he so fully glorified God about the subject of sin.
That God is glorified, not merely satisfied, my friend.
But Gloria.
God is so thoroughly honored in respect of sin by the death of his beloved Son as the burnt offering, that he would be righteous and forgiving every Sinner on earth if that Sinner would just accept Christ.
He won't do it. Apart from that, he won't save you unless you own your sin and accept Christ.
But if you do accept Christ, he has a righteous basis to forgive you.
My son God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering.
Now go down to the 14th verse and Abraham called the name of that place Jehovah Jireh.
As it is said to this day, in the mount of the Lord, it shall be seen.
Now I want to cover a few points where you have Jehovah in a compound name.
Where you have Jehovah linked with another name, and I believe that we should be interested to know them and know why.
Joel and Jairo, God will provide is what it means.
And God would provide. God did provide himself a lamb for a bird offering.
I like the expression that I read recently somewhere.
God and my conscience.
Are satisfied through the work of Christ.
God is satisfied with Jesus. I am satisfied as well, says the Pope.
But I understand that that hymn was originally written in German and something was lost in translation.
In the German it said, Where God rests with delight, there I rest.
Oh, how sweet it is, where God rests with delight. They're Irish.
God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering. Do you know what Jehovah Jireh means?
It means that God has provided that Blessed One Himself.
And he's satisfied with the work. He's glorified by the work.
And everyone of us who are saved by the precious blood of Christ today.
Everyone of us here who knows the Lord Jesus as our Savior can trace back all that blessing.
To the work of Christ on town, wherein God was glorified.
Are you satisfied? Do you rest with delight in that which God delights him?
And you know about the burnt offering. It was all burnt, everything, the skin and all.
It was all burned on the offering. There was number dross. It was all acceptable to God. It went up as a sweet savour to God.
There was nothing in Christ that didn't please God, and he was never so pleasing to God as when he died on calories crop.
Although in those three hours of darkness he poured out his holy wrath against sin.
But that's not the burnt offering garage. That's the sin offering carriage.
And the way we learn it as Christians is we learn about the sin offering first. Later on, we find that God had his fortune in it.
And God had his delight.
Well, I want to go on now to the book of Exodus.
The 17th chapter of Exodus.
We could spend considerably more time on these various points.
But it's my thought not to develop them in all their detail, but rather to point them out.
And have you enjoy them by meditation?
Now in Exodus 17 we find the children of Israel in the wilderness.
And in the 17th chapter of Exodus, they have embarked on this journey.
And they didn't have any water.
They were thirsty, and God told Moses to take the rod and strike the rock, and out of that rock would come forth water, and we read that it ran down like a river.
Oh yes, there's much said about the water that flowed from that rock and the sands.
Sometimes we sing at river of Thy grace through righteousness applied is flowing o'er the barren place where Jesus died.
The barren place.
But you know, there's another thing about this water. They drank of that water.
Now if we were to go to the 7th chapter of John's Gospel, we would read there.
That the Lord said, If any man thirst, let him come unto me and drink.
What's thirst?
You say it's a desire for water. No, it's more than a desire for water.
If you have ever been where you couldn't get any water, you know what I mean.
It's a felt need of water. It's more than a desire.
If any man thirst, where was the Lord saying that on the greatest day of the greatest feast in the city of Jerusalem?
The city that had more religion per square foot than any other place on earth.
You say they were pouring out the water on that last day, they said they used to say that. He who hasn't seen the joy of the pouring of the water on that day?
Hasn't tasted joy.
But the Lord says, If any man thirst, if this doesn't satisfy you, this outward form and ceremony come unto me and drink. Now that his belly shall flow rivers of living water, Then what does it say? And out of his belly shall flow. Out of his belly shall flow these rivers of living water. He drinks for himself. He's satisfied, and then it blows out to others. It becomes a channel of blessing.
Then it says this spake he of the Spirit, which they that believe on him should receive. For the Spirit was not yet given because Jesus was not yet glorified.
Rather, we are in the wilderness.
And when we know the Lord Jesus as our Savior, as we were speaking yesterday, the Spirit of God has taken up His abode in US.
We are sealed by the Spirit until the day of the redemption of our bodies.
So we're at home with Christ in glory.
Now that's what this means.
And they got water and as soon as they got the water.
Notice this verse.
Eighth verse. Then came Amalek and fought with Israel in referendum.
Amalek, you know, was a descendant of Esau, the man after the flesh.
Amalek is the tape of the flesh.
But you didn't have any conflict with Amalek until they drank of the water.
And an unbeliever doesn't have any conflict until he knows Christ as his savior in the spirit of God takes up his voting.
We were saying yesterday in one of the Reading meetings.
That some people put forth the gospel on this basis that you accept Christ and then you just rest on your oars and it's all easy sailing from then on.
No, it is just a reverse when you know Christ as your Savior and the Spirit takes up His abode in you.
Then the conflict begins. The flesh lusteth against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh. I'm quoting from Galatians 5.
And these are contrary the one to the other, so that you should not do the things that you would.
It says.
The last verse of our chapter for he said because the Lord has sworn that he will have war with Amalek from generation to generation.
And in Galatians 5 we read that the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the spirit against the flesh.
And I'd like to make this remark too, dear young people.
You who know the Lord Jesus as your savior, since the Spirit of God dwells in you.
Have the Spirit of God dwelling in you, but you will now have a conflict that you couldn't know as an unbeliever.
You have the Spirit of God desiring to do the things that are pleasing to God, and you have an old nature that wants to please itself.
And that conflict will go with you as long as you're in this world and if you live to be 100 years old and the Lord hasn't come.
Still have that conflict. The flesh will never get any better, and flesh never becomes spirit and spirit never becomes flesh.
Now what about it? We're in this conflict.
What happens?
Now when it came to crossing the Red Sea, it said stand still and see the salvation of the Lord.
It came to your salvation. You had nothing to do with it. Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord.
But now look at this.
10th verse.
No, it's the ninth verse, Moses said unto Joshua chooses out men and go out fight with Amelie.
There's conflict. That's Galatians 5. Have you ever experienced it?
I'm afraid if people have never experienced the conflict between the old nature and the new, they don't have any new.
You only have the olds, you won't have any conflict.
Go out and bike. The Lord will have war with Amalek from generation to generation.
And then we find Moses going up onto the top of the mountain, and he holds up his hands. And when he holds up his hands, Israel prevails.
But he lets him down. Alma like prevails, so Aaron and her hold up his hands.
And Amalek was defeated, but now that the second last verse, 15th verse, and Moses built there and Alder and called the name of the Jehovah Nissi.
Here is Jehovah now in combination with the word our banner.
In other words, it wasn't their battle after all. Their success in the battle depended upon the one on high with his hands uplifted.
Dear young people, it is a battle.
It isn't all easy sailing, but if you seek the Lord's help and you tell the Lord about your problem, you don't have to fight this battle in your own strength. In fact, you can't fight it in your own strength.
The Lord is our banner. Be strong in the Lord, the power of His money.
Or I like these combinations of the word Jehovah. With these other words, Jehovah, the one who never changes, the one who is with us, is our banner.
Are you able to meet the enemy Aqua? You couldn't in your own health, in your own strength, But you can. This way the Lord is our best.
Now I'd like to turn to judges.
The book of Judges in chapter 6.
Now here we get another case.
Little different gates. The days of the judges have come on.
Days of weakness in Israel. Days when every man was doing what was right in his own eyes and everything was wrong.
I'd like to make this statement that I've often heard Brother Jackson make. When every man does what's right in his own eyes, everything's wrong.
He says. Remember, it doesn't say when every man does what's wrong in his own life, but when he does what's right in his own eyes.
Everything's wrong.
Well, that was the days of the judges. And in these days of the judges, we have these judges. This one is Gideon, and he's afraid. He's afraid to go out and lead Israel to the attack.
I am Judges Chapter 6.
Verse 22.
And when Gideon perceived that he was an Angel of the Lord, Gideon said.
Alas, O Lord God, where? Because I have seen an Angel of the Lord face to face.
Now he is afraid.
He was fearful. Now he is afraid.
Is not merely afraid to meet the enemy, but he is afraid that seeing the Angel face to face meant something bad for it.
23rd verse in the Lord said unto him, Peace be unto thee.
Fear not, thou shalt not die.
Then Gideon built an altar there unto the Lord, and called it Jehovah's Shalom.
And to this day, it is yet an offer of the Ezraites.
Peace. Oh, when I read these words, it makes me think of the 20th chapter of John's Gospel, where the Lord Jesus comes forth out of resurrection, as our brothers said this morning, with the fruits of victory and the marks on his side and his hands, the proof of where he'd been and what he'd done.
He comes forth and he stands in the midst of the 12, the 11 rounds.
And he says, peace unto you.
All the one that conquered the enemy, the one that came forth in triumph, in victory, he could hold up his hands and show them his hands and his feet.
Show them that it was he himself who had been in death, who was risen, mighty Victor.
And you could say please.
Does that Blessed One spoken peace to your soul?
Do you read those words in John 20 and enjoy them?
As words spoken to you by the Lord himself, the one who conquered your enemy. He's like David, you know. When he came forth after slaying Goliath to his ID, came forth with the head of Goliath, and he's never more. Could that man trouble them?
He had the proof of victory with him.
Taken off his head with his own sword. And did not the Lord do that?
Satan says if I can get him on the cross, if I can get rid of him. He went down into death and he came forth a victor with the evidence, the trophies that he passed.
Of living Jesus, peace be unto you, Jehovah Shalom.
Do you know that one?
He is our peace.
You have peace with God.
If you're a Christian, you should have.
If you don't have, I don't know that I can call you a Christian.
You may say you believe, but if you believe, you should enjoy this peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Jehovah, Charlotte.
I want to turn to Jeremiah 23.
Jeremiah 23 and verse 5.
Behold the days come, saith the Lord.
Then I will raise unto David a righteous branch.
And a king shall reign and prosper, and shall execute judgment and justice in the earth.
In his days Judah shall be saved and Israel shall dwell safely.
And this is the name whereby he shall be called.
The Lord our righteousness.
Now if you have a margin in your Bible, look up your margin to that.
And you will find that it should be, Jehovah said. Can you?
Now what I mean by should be.
The Lord our righteousness is a translation.
She always said. Can you as a transliteration.
The difference being this that the transliteration is merely the Hebrew word.
With spelt with English letters. Now that's what we had with Jehovah.
Shalom, Jehovah, Jireh Jehovah nissi. And if they follow the same order, we would have it, Jehovah said. Can you hear?
We have a hymn written to Jehovah said Can you? I think it was 1 stanza of it that isn't in our book.
My tears from the daughters of Zion, which rolled. I wept when the sorrows went over his soul.
Getting thought not my sins had nailed to the tree, Jehovah said. Can you was nothing to me.
Oh, how many people there are that no religion talk about Christ?
And yet, Jehovah said, Can you as nothing to them.
What does it mean? The Lord our righteousness?
Now this will be true of Israel in the coming day of the Millennium, the Lord our righteousness.
Was it true when the Lord was here before? No, He willing to justify himself, said. And who is my neighbor? They wanted to justify themselves.
If you turn to the 10th chapter of Romans, you would find there that Israel have not submitted themselves to the righteousness of God.
Would have gone about to establish their own righteousness. That's what Israel did when the Lord was here.
But in the day that's coming, Israel is going to pass through the Great Tribulation.
They're going to go through terrible sorrow and they're going to look on him whom they pierced and mourn and be in heaviness for him.
They're going to admit that that was their Messiah whom they crucified.
And the sorrow and the agony will be so intense that it will be individual.
Zechariah says every family apart in their wives apart intensely individual, but after that they're going to refer to the Lord as their righteousness. And dear fellow Christian, do you know the Lord as your righteousness? We read in First Corinthians who of God is made unto us wisdom? Is he your wisdom or the wisdom of this world?
Hope God is made unto us wisdom.
Sanctification and redemption, We have it all in Him.
Righteousness. The Lord, our righteousness. Some people's attitude is in Christendom that we do our part and we believe and then we believe in Christ, but we add our part and we do certain things. Or maybe that the Lord makes up what we couldn't do and His righteousness is added to us. It's wrong. I heard our brother Brown make this statement numerous times. Nothing that Christ ever did in life or in death.
Is my righteousness, but He himself is my righteousness.
I stand before God in Christ. He is my righteousness.
Jehovah said. Can you? Oh dear fellow Christians?
What a savior we have. What more do we need? Jehovah said. Can you?
Is all things to me.
May we be able to say that now I want one more and that's the last verse of Ezekiel.
We have trouble finding. It's just the last verse before you come to Daniel.
Now you know in the prophet Ezekiel, we get the prophecy of the coming of Christ to reign.
And all the end of the book of Ezekiel tell you about the glories of the temple of that day.
Not only the glories of the temple, but all that will be true.
Of Israel then. But the grand climax? The grand finale.
Is the last verse of Ezekiel.
And it was round about 18,000 measures. And the name of the city from that day shall be.
Here is another case where they translated instead of transliterating.
If they had translated it, transliterated it, they would have said Jehovah Shama.
The name of the place shall be The Lord Is There. That's the grand climax of Israel's future blessing.
Not that they will have their cities. Not that they will have the temple again. Not that their enemies will be subdued, but that the Lord is there. That's how that place of Jerusalem is going to be known in that day. The Lord Jehovah Shama. This morning we were gathered together here to remember the Lord and death.
Did it enter your thoughts?
The Lord is here.
You want anything finer than that?
I've seen better buildings in this, not disparaging this place.
But what more could we have had?
If we had the most grand and eloquent building that man could make, what more could we have had?
What less could we have had? Well, if we hadn't had Christ in our midst this morning, we wouldn't have had much.
If we'd had all the elegance of Earth.
The Lord is there. Jehovah Shammath.
Brethren, it's going to be Israel's Christ. It's going to be the key to Israel's blessing and glory in that day.
And that's the key to your blessing and mine, as Saints gather to the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
You remember when the Lord rose from the dead and came into his own in the upper room?
The first time one of them was missing, Thomas was missing.
Thomas said. Oh, I don't believe his wisdom. And if I don't see the Prince in his hands, and put my finger into the Prince, and put my.
Hand into his side, I will not believe.
Well, you know, during the week.
Those disciples that were there met Thomas.
You know what they said to Thomas. We have seen the Lord.
They didn't say we had a good meeting last Lord's Day and you should have been there.
They said we saw the Lord.
That's what filled their soul. That's what filled their minds.
We have seen the Lord, you know, if you weren't to the breaking of bread this morning.
And you could have been. You missed something. The Lord was here this morning and you weren't.
How are you going to explain that? The judgment seat of Christ?
The Lord says Well, I asked you to be there where I'd be in the midst.
I ask you to Remember Me in death, and I told you how to do it and where to do it.
You didn't do it.
Oh, brethren, sometimes we need to check ourselves in this way.
What excuse would we give to him who was asked us to do it?
Jehovah Shama, the Lord is there if you are looking at men.
All you'll find men are failing lot and it won't make any difference whether you're here or somewhere else. You'll find men are failing.
If you would follow, if you followed David down to The Cave of Dullum, you'd find a 400.
You wonder how two sets could get along in peace in a cave with 400 of them got along there.
Because they were subject to taste.
Or if I'm going to carry with me my pet ideas and I'm going to try to assert them on everybody else, I'm going, I'm going right into trouble.
With all to lay hold of the fact.
What will it be to dwell above and with the Lord of glory reign?
Since the blessed knowledge of His love so brightens all this dreary plain.
No heart, didn't think. No tongue can tell what Joyce will be with brightness as well.
I overlooked one point and it's so important that I must mention it.
In Speaking of the Old Testament, Elohim.
And Most High.
And in my hurry to get on to the compound names using Jehovah.
I overlooked the name by which God is revealed to us in this age.
And that's father.
The Lord Jesus, when he was here as a man, could address God as his father.
But after the work of atonement was over.
And he arose that mighty victor.
He sent Mary first.
To convey the most blessed message ever carried by human lives.
Go to my bread, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father in you, my God and you.
He brings us into relationship with himself to know God as our Father.
An hour ago. I don't know which one of the two is the more one that God should have us know Him as our father and address him as such. We were speaking yesterday that that is the privilege of the youngest child in Christ, the one just saved to know God as his Father.
But all to know that God is our God and have No Fear before.
That one before whom sin is sin and all is hideousness.
And yet address him as our God, that one that knows it all and sees it all.
Hates him and yet address him as our God and.
I merely add that because I didn't mean to.
Mess it and I wouldn't miss it.
Let's pray.
Oh blessed God, our Father, we thank thee that we who were once strangers.
Even thine enemies.
Have been reconciled to thee by the death of thy son.
And all that stood against us before thee, a holy God.
Has been fully and forever removed.
And that that which is glorified thee in respect of sins has cleared our guilty conscience.
And so thou art flees, and our consciences are satisfied.
Always, thankfully, we thank thee that thou didst provide.
That lamb, Roberto.
We thank thee too, that most of us here this afternoon in this room know him as our savior.
We thank thee too, that while Israel knew thee, but in part.
At different times.
In different ways.
All that thou work to them is to us.
And beside all that thou art our father.
We thank Thee that we know Thee. Thus we ask thee too, that the meditation on Thy grace, thy goodness, Thy blessings to us.
May so enrich our souls.
That we may have a little have more strength and courage to go on a little longer in a wicked world.
The right block. We ask it for thy glory and the glory of Christ in his precious name.