Heinz Brinkmann, Robert (Bob) Thonney
1hr 8min
Open—H. Brinkmann, R. Thonney
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In view of many young people and children here.
At the conference to go into a subject that we have not taken up at any conference for a long time, and that is the subject of the creation.
I am not a scientist, I have very little training in that area and maybe that is not a loss.
Because it makes it easier for me, I believe, to accept the plain statements of Scripture. Because we do not turn to science.
To understand where things came from, science can never.
Tell us.
Where things came from and the purpose for us being here, where we came from or why we are here and where we are going, we need divine revelation.
To have answers to these questions, and we have that in the word of God. Now, I'm aware of some of the things that young people are exposed to in the schools of men and even teachings that are circulated by professed Christians.
Which do not jive with the word of God.
And to begin with, we'll read a verse in Hebrews.
Hebrews, Chapter 11.
Verse one. Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
For by it the elders obtained a good report.
Through faith we understand that the world refrained by the Word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear. Now that's quite a statement, isn't it?
By faith.
We understand.
You know we need faith.
To accept any part of the revelation of God that He has given to us in His word, and we know from Romans chapter one we should turn to that.
That creation.
Is one form of the revelation of God that He has given to man.
Verse 19 of Romans one because that which.
May be known of God is manifest in them, for God has showed it unto them. For the invisible things of God from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse. Now this revelation of God everybody has on the face of the earth.
People have asked the question, what about those poor hidden that have never heard of Jehovah or have never heard of Jesus?
They do have God's revelation in creation.
They are without excuse and they are held accountable to accept the revelation that they have of God and that is creation.
Because one of the philosophers has made this statement that the starry skies above and the conscience within convicts him that there is a God.
And we might not have to know much about creation, but when we look in our limited way, even at creation, we see God's power. We don't see a God of loving grace as we have him revealed in Jesus Christ.
Neither do we see God the way that you knew Him in creation, as a holy sin hating God, sin being made manifest, or convicting men of sin through the law that God gave by Moses.
But how wonderful. We have more than God revealed in creation. We have the full revelation of God in the person of the Lord Jesus. We are held responsible for what God in his goodness.
Has been pleased to reveal to us, but that doesn't mean that we can no longer look at creation and see their His eternal power and Godhead.
And then just remember what we read in Hebrews.
That which God created, He didn't create from anything that previously existed.
Some people have said he created out of nothing. I believe it is better to say he created out of himself. He spoke this vast universe into existence.
He spoke, and it stood firm. Let's turn to sound.