Increasingly Precious

 •  1 min. read
Increasingly precious, this Saviour of mine,
So merciful, gracious—yet holy, divine.
He came from a glory beyond all compare,
From heavenly mansions, surpassingly fair,
To tread a lone pathway ‘mid sorrow and woe,
That I, undeserving, His goodness might know.
A stranger, and homeless, oft tempted and tried,
Yet ready to succor, with arms open wide,
His faithfulness carried Him e’en to the cross—
To cruelest sufferings, and bitterest loss.
The realization of love so divine,
Was precious indeed to this poor heart of mine.
But as I go on learning more of His grace—
Of the marvelous beauty that shines in His face,
Of His patience and love, as I’m kept by His power
Mid danger and trial, from hour to hour,
Increasingly precious, my Saviour to me,
Revealed in the beauties I constantly see.
Though weakness and failure oft how me with shame,
I always find comfort and strength in His name.
Though oft I forget what He suffered for me—
The death He endured on that terrible tree.
He never forgets—no change His heart knows,
But freely, unhindered, His love He bestows.
“Lo, always I’m with you,” yea, “e’en to the end,” —
What words of assurance on which to depend!
His presence ‘mid sorrow, His presence ‘mid joy,
His presence to comfort, whate’er may annoy,
Till ended life’s journey, I meet in the air
The One who is waiting to take me “up there.”
Increasingly precious, O Saviour divine!
O, wonder of wonders, that Jesus is mine