Instances of Jesus in the Midst

Duration: 58min
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Address—Wally Dear
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Our, uh, brother Wally Deer is gonna address the young people here, but, uh, perhaps he didn't know about the.
The time being pushed up, so he should be here shortly. And in the meantime, we'll, we'll sing a hymn at least one we sing maybe, uh, 177.
Anything. You're not going to do anything.
I do apologize as an impression that the meeting was at 2:00.
Singing sounded wonderful.
And we'll continue with the meeting.
First of all, could we look to the Lord in prayer, seek his help?
Father and gracious God, we thank you. This afternoon I was giving us.
Opportunity to be together.
We rejoice in the exceeding riches.
Of thy grace and thy kindness to us.
We thank you for the kindness of our dear brethren here in Scranton.
Who have gone to great lengths.
To arrange for these meetings and to make us feel comfortable and we just thank you for their kind hospitality.
We know it because of their faith in Thee, Lord Jesus.
That this labor of love has been put forth and now we just thank you for the meetings over these past.
A day and a half and we look to the on behalf of this meeting here that, uh, that which is said might be a help and encouragement to thy people. We pray for any who might still be outside of Christ who don't have a clue as to what.
We are enjoying having.
This I word before us and the marvelous flight to which we have been brought, we think of how many there are in darkness. So, Father, we do pray by blessing and help here, and wherever Thy word is being proclaimed this day, we just thank Thee for Thy wonderful grace and goodness.
And the precious and the worthy name of the Lord Jesus. Amen.
It's great to be here.
We're so privileged.
I do believe that the Christian really has the best of it in both worlds. I.
I mean, we're faced with.
Trial and difficulty as believers reproach. There's conflict.
But here we can.
In this world, Enjoy.
God and His Word.
And that's something we're gonna enjoy in the next World.
But here and now God has given to us.
That which can make us totally happy, That's his desire.
That we might be thoroughly happy.
And how can it be while we look into His word to get the answer?
We come across the border.
From Canada into the States often.
And there's a large dumpster there. And there's two words on it. Be happy.
That's all it says.
Be happy.
There once this afternoon, there is a way to be happy.
And I kind of wonder.
That, uh.
Trash business has put these dumpsters around. Perhaps we should call and find out what their thought is on how to be happy. I hope it's in line with the word of God.
This afternoon, we're here to speak.
To young people.
And to older people too.
And we have children here.
And we all want to be happy.
God's Word explains how it can be.
I think it has to do.
With putting the Lord first.
Now, yesterday.
We had reference to.
The fact that the Lord Jesus went with those two that were traveling to Emmaus.
They were going away from Jerusalem.
And they were discouraged.
They were disappointed.
But the Lord Jesus drew near and went with them.
And it tells us they were sad.
So later on in the chapter.
We read that they were glad.
And we sang in the little song.
Although I noticed it's written sometimes different on different hymn sheets. Jesus loves me though I'm sad. And perhaps on our hymn sheet this morning it said.
No, I'm bad.
Jesus loves me throwing bad.
But I've also seen that Jesus loves me, though I'm sad.
And he waits to make me glad.
He wants to make you glad there once this afternoon. And those two on the way to Emmaus, they were disappointed. And you know why they were disappointed? It's because they had certain expectations.
And things didn't happen the way they expected.
You know, they thought that the Lord Jesus was the Messiah who was going to deliver them from the power of Roman.
Dominion and make them a nation in the world.
But God had bigger plans.
And the Lord Jesus went into death, not simply that he might bring blessing to the nation of Israel.
But to the whole world.
And you know, these two, they came to understand something of what God's plans really are and found out.
That their expectations weren't what they should be. They weren't based on the word of God.
I think that's really what brings disappointment into our lives is.
You know, we expect something to happen and it doesn't happen and we become disappointed. But let me ask you. Let me ask myself.
Our our expectations based on the word of God. Because if they are.
We're not gonna be disappointed, no way. That's why the Word of God is so important. And we look into this blessed book and we find out what it is that God has in mind, what His purposes are.
And their purposes of love with respect to you and me.
And sometimes we think wrong. Thoughts.
Why? Because we're not reading the Word of God. We're not reading the Bible.
Well, those two.
As they traveled.
They were accompanied by the Son of God, by Jesus.
And of course.
They prevailed on the Lord Jesus to stay, and when he.
Broke the bread. It seems as though he becomes the host in the house and he's the one that actually breaks the bread.
And they realize that this one is the Lord Jesus Christ.
And the Lord Jesus vanishes.
Make haste to return to Jerusalem.
Their hearts were warned.
And they want us to be with.
Other believers.
Sometimes we get disappointed and we like to go off on our own.
But when our hearts get warmed up, we desire the company of other Christians.
I had such a privilege to be here at these meetings.
With others of light, precious faith.
Then it is that the Lord Jesus it tells us.
He came into the midst of His own. I was just thinking of that expression in the midst. You know, God's desire is that in all things His Son might have the preeminence.
In all things.
Oh, how God delights in his Son.
This is Iris that all men should honor the son.
And he that honors not the son, honoreth not the father who has sent him.
Well, we find that expression more than once.
How the Lord Jesus.
Was in the midst.
Of his own.
Particularly with respect to the assembly.
Christ is the center.
And we wanna just look at that, but.
With respect to center.
We sang this morning of the vast universe of Bliss.
The center thou and sun.
Lord Jesus Christ, heaven's beloved one, the Son of God.
Is at the center of the universe.
Of all God's counsels and purposes, they sent her in his Son.
If God places such importance on His Son, should not we?
Of course Jesus is God.
The Father is God. Jesus is God.
The sun is God.
And so is the Holy Spirit.
I can't tell you too much how God has laid out this blessed book, but I tell you one thing. There's a perfect order and plan to what God has in this book that I hold in my hands. This is the word of God.
And with respect to being in the middle.
Or at the center.
There's over 40,000 verses in the Word of God.
But I understand that the center verse is found in Psalm 118 and verse 8. Psalm 118 verse 8.
It says there it is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man.
That's exalting the Lord.
And I believe that verse.
Has right at the center of that verse towards the Lord.
Well, that speaks to my heart, that.
When we pick up this book.
God is speaking to us concerning Himself.
He wants to be the center of our thoughts.
Of our activities.
He wants our lives to revolve around him.
It brings happiness into our lives when this is the case.
How many there are that leaving the Lord out, live their lives without? God can't be happy that way or for a season.
You know, there's pleasures in sin for a season, but we're talking now about a happiness that's real, that's lasting.
It's found in God.
Whoso trusteth in the Lord, happy is he.
Well, John 316.
Has right at the center of those 25 words, SON.
It's right at the heart of the verse.
Just as the planets.
Revolve around the sun. The SUN God's desire is that our thoughts, our lives would revolve around His Son.
Do you have the sun in your heart?
He wants to be there. You can't be happy without him in your heart.
There was a.
Dear man in Africa.
He was beaming.
Somebody asked him why is it that you're so happy? It's obvious something was making him happy, he said. I'm happy for three reasons.
He says I have Jesus in my heart.
And I have Jesus here. He put his hand on his Bible.
And he says I have Jesus up there.
He pointed heavenward.
Is that making you happy here?
This afternoon, that is a question for my own heart.
I believe all of that.
We ought to be the happiest people on the face of the earth. But I I would add one item.
And this has to do with our.
How is it that we assemble?
Is Christ the sensor?
That's the fourth reason to be happy.
Is they have a sense in our souls that as we come together with other believers.
As wonderful as they may be, what it is that attracts us is the person of the Lord Jesus Christ in the center.
To be gathered to his name and his name alone.
You say, well, I don't know exactly where that place is.
Well, do you wanna know?
Do you really wanna know? I just sincerely searching because I believe God will show you he wants to lead you in a plain path.
And I know some don't have peace about where they're at.
We can pray that the Lord might show.
And give them peace.
As to where his presence is collectively.
Now there's another verse. It's over in Hebrews 1313.
It's not hard to remember that reference.
But right at that center of that verse, there's a little word him.
It says, Let us go forth therefore unto him.
Without the camp bearing his reproach.
13 words I believe.
7th word him right in the center there of that verse.
You know, if we're going to enjoy the Lord's presence in a collective way.
We're gonna have to be willing to accept reproach.
But let me ask you a question.
Do you wanna sacrifice?
The enjoyment of.
The Lord's presence.
In order to avoid reproach. You think that's a better way to go?
I don't think so.
And I think most here would agree.
There's nothing more wonderful.
Than to enjoy the Lord's companionship.
Individually and also.
In the assembly well.
What I was?
Thinking this afternoon was just to take a little time to go to somebody's portions where we find the Lord in the midst.
The the first reference that comes to mind.
Is found in Luke.
Chapter 2.
Luke chapter 2. So perhaps we could.
Look at this portion.
It tells us in verse 39, Luke 2 and 39.
And when they had performed all things according to the law of the Lord, they returned into Galilee.
To their own city, Nazareth.
And the child grew and waxed strong in spirit.
Filled with wisdom.
And the grace of God was upon him. Here we find the Lord Jesus growing up.
As a boy in this place called Nazareth.
Sometimes we see a list.
Of the 10 best cities.
To live in in the United States.
Or maybe there's a list of 100 cities?
With the best cities as man sees it at the top, but you know Nazareth wouldn't be too high in the list.
In fact, there was one who said, can any good thing come out of Nazareth?
But you know, God doesn't think like man does.
And God had purposes of grace.
For his son to fulfill.
And the way it could happen best was that he would be reared in Nazareth. It was a despised place.
But that's where the Son of God grew up.
And notice what it tells us here.
Even in those circumstances, the child grew waxed strong in spirit.
Filled with wisdom.
And the grace of God was upon him.
Here was God manifest in the flesh.
There is a child. He went from a baby to a young child.
To a teenager. To a full grown man.
I believe his development was a normal development. It was.
We read on here in this portion. It says Now his parents went to Jerusalem every year at the feast of the Passover when he was 12 years old. They went up to Jerusalem after the custom of the feast, and when they had fulfilled the days as they returned, the child Jesus tarried behind in Jerusalem, and Joseph and his mother knew not of it.
But they supposing him to have been in the company when a day's journey, and they saw him among their kinsfolk in acquaintance. And when they found him not, they turned back again to Jerusalem, seeking him. And it came to pass that after three days they found him in the Temple, sitting in the midst of the doctors, both hearing them and asking them questions. And all that heard him were astonished at his understanding and his answers.
And when they saw him, they were amazed. And his mother said unto him, Son, why hast thou dost dealt with us? Behold, thy father, and I have sought thee sorrowing.
And he said, said unto them, How is it that you sought me? Wist he not that I must be about my Father's business? They understood not to saying what she spake unto them. And he went down with them, and came to Nazareth, and was subject unto them. But his mother kept all these sayings in her heart, And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.
We don't have too much recorded about uh.
The Lord's early life.
The 1St 30 years of his life, we don't have that much recorded about it, but here we have something. At 12 years old, he goes with his parents.
To Jerusalem.
To keep the passo.
Now when they go to return home apparently.
They overlooked the fact that.
Jesus wasn't with them.
I suppose maybe they traveled in a caravan and.
Maybe Joseph and Mary, they thought well.
Perhaps he's with one of the groups of young people. You know, I notice that these conferences, groups of young people walking about, and it's so nice. And I'm sure that parents at these meetings don't always know exactly where their children are, but you have.
Uh, not too much concern because of the fact.
You know, they're probably in good company.
Well, they had gone a day's journey and found that.
Jesus wasn't with them.
And so they turned back. And where do they find it?
He's in the temple.
Sitting in the midst of the doctors.
I turn over a couple of pages and I see reference to doctors of the law. I I suppose these are teachers.
Well, this indicated I believe the Lord Jesus at an early age had an interest.
In the word of God.
The Bible was that which attracted him.
And he was asking questions.
And he was listening to the teachers. You know, this, I believe, showed humility on his part. He wasn't trying to take over.
Even at 12 years of age, he could have taken over the temple.
He was the master of the temple. It was his father's house. But no, he shows, I believe, a respect for those that are older.
And we learned lessons, I believe, from the way the Lord Jesus conducted himself.
Well, the parents are rather upset.
But of course, the Lord indicates that He must be about his father's business.
Speaking about God, his Father.
But then we find that there was that submission.
To his parents Joseph and Mary, and it tells us here he went down with them and came to Nazareth.
Went back to Nazareth.
I suppose.
There perhaps is a lesson for us to be learned.
And I speak to myself.
Have I not gone?
Perhaps a day's journey.
For two days or three days.
Thinking that, well, the Lord is with me, but perhaps I actually lost contact with the Lord.
It's possible, isn't it? We can allow things into our lives.
We can allow sin.
And it spoils our communion with the Lord, and although He does not forsake us, we know that.
We will lose the enjoyment of his companionship.
What do we need to do? We need to go back.
So we're.
We went off the track and confess.
Wrong. Confess our sin.
You know it tells us there in first John chapter one.
That if we sin, well, he's faithful and just if con.
If we confess our sins, he's faithful and just to forgive us our sins and.
The cleanses from all unrighteousness. I believe that's where we need to go.
In repentance and confess our sin.
And that's hard for to do. I mean, the old man can't do it.
The old man in his pride would persevere in a course of self will.
And just keep on going down the wrong path and never really enjoy companionship with the Lord or communion with the Lord again. It's possible for that to happen, I believe. But you know, when we confess our sin and be specific about it, you know, if we set an unkind word or, or we took something that didn't belong to us, make it good, confess it to the Lord.
We don't have to ask forgiveness. It's automatic. He forgives us.
And we can be restored.
To communion with the Lord.
And we can enjoy his company day by day.
Now it tells us later on the chapter here.
52 And Jesus increased.
In Wisdom.
In stature.
And in favor with God and man.
Now he was a young person.
That was well balanced in every respect.
Says he increased in wisdom.
Well, perhaps we could think of that with respect to uh.
His mind.
His mind.
His stature, his physical being.
And it tells us he increased in favor with God.
Here we have his spiritual progress, if we could put it that way.
And then he also increased in favor with man.
Would this be?
In a social way.
You know, there are social graces that God would have us to cultivate.
With respect to.
Our dealings with one another and with those at work.
He wants us to be friends.
And it tells us that in order for one to have friends, he has to be friendly.
Don't want to be facetious, but.
I heard something I didn't forget.
The question was what kind of vitamin do you have to take?
In order to have friends.
And the answer was B1.
Well, let's go to the next.
Incident here.
John Chapter 19, we're going to Fast forward.
The Lord Jesus.
Has grown to manhood.
He's answered on his public ministry.
He's shown how he's able to resist the devil.
They're in the wilderness. He was tempted, but he spoke the word of God. He knew it. He presented it to devil.
And the devil had no more to say.
The Lord Jesus came into this world.
To destroy the works of the devil, he cast out demons.
Fed the multitudes, thousands and thousands and thousands of people hungry. They had compassion on them.
The desire was to meet their needs.
First of all, I believe in a spiritual way and he preached the word, but also he wasn't.
Ignorant, Sir.
He didn't close his eyes to the physical need and he fed the multitudes and it tells us they were filled.
Is there anybody?
That went away from that meal table.
Over there at the dining hall that wasn't filled.
Is there anybody like that?
I know I went away filled.
And maybe some people didn't want to be filled, but I'll tell you one thing. You had the opportunity to be filled. If you wanted to be filled and you weren't, it's your fault. You know the Lord.
He works in a wonderful way to meet the needs.
Of his own.
And impossible he could say, my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.
All you need so the Lord Jesus had this beautiful ministry.
And yet we find that he was faced with bitter opposition.
And there were those that would seek to destroy him.
They want to cast them over a Cliff.
What kind of people were they? Religious people?
You know why? Because the Lord Jesus and His teaching didn't fit in with their religion.
And rather than.
Giving up their religion and bowing at the feet of Lord Jesus and accepting him as a way of salvation, No.
They want to get rid of Jesus and hold on to their religion.
And I believe that.
Some of the bitterest.
Strife and conflict.
In the history of the Church of God.
Or shall I say in this world?
Has been religious strife.
Well, dear, once.
No Ortiz S.
Lived a beautiful life.
We're here at John 19 ****.
You don't need to turn to this, I'm just going to read something back here in Luke chapter 4 because this describes his ministry.
It tells us that the Lord.
In Nazareth.
Uh, open the book.
So you can turn to it if you want. This is Luke chapter 4, and he begins to read out of this book. It was the book of the prophet Isaiah.
And it tells us he found a place where it is written. This is what he wrote. Read verse 18. The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor. He has sent me to heal the broken hearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, to preach the acceptable year of the Lord.
And he closed the book.
And so on.
Verse 22 And all bear him witness. And wondered at the gracious words which proceeded out of his mouth.
They said is this not?
Joseph's son.
The Lord Jesus.
He was full of grace and truth.
Of His fullness have we received, and grace upon grace.
Upon grace. How wonderful the grace of God, the hymn writer put it. Lord, it's enough.
Your grace around this pores, it's fast and unexhausted store in all its joy is ours.
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.
So beautiful.
But this was his ministry here.
I think of healing the broken heart. Is there somebody here whose heart is heavy because of some circumstance in your life?
I wanna tell you to Lord Jesus.
Is not all evil, but he's willing to heal your heart.
He can give you peace in your circumstances.
Sometimes he doesn't change the circumstances, but he gives us peace in them and we can enjoy his companionship.
Just as much as if the circumstance was changed.
And somebody said Joy is Jesus.
In you and nothing in between.
Joy, joy.
Apostle Paul, he said, rejoice in the Lord always.
And again I say rejoice. You see, circumstances do change. Circumstances are difficult. But the Lord Jesus is the same yesterday to date forever, and his love for you and for me will never change.
He loves us just as much today as when his hands, his arms were extended, pierced by nails out there on Calvary, on that cruel cross. His love held him up there. His love for you and me has not diminished down through the centuries, and it warms my heart to think about it.
I trust it warms yours too.
Now, with respect to the crucifixion, John chapter 19, what does it tell us?
16 John 1916.
Then delivered he that's pilot delivered Jesus therefore unto them to be crucified. And they took Jesus, and led him away. And he bearing his cross, went forth into a place called the place of a skull, which is called in the Hebrew Golgotha, where they crucified him and two other, with him on either side, one and Jesus.
In the midst.
How despicable.
How shameful a death that was.
That the Lord Jesus was obedient to. He was obedient even unto death, and that to death of the cross.
But God saw to it in these circumstances that his son was in the middle. I believe that's how Mr. Darby puts it.
He's in the middle.
He was numbered with the transgressors, one on this side, one on the other.
But it was our privilege this morning as we met in the presence of our Savior of what Jesus Christ, to be focused on that center cross.
And to realize that Jesus died for me.
Can you say that from the depth of your heart?
You know.
Many say Jesus died.
Well, that's history, we all know that. But can you say Jesus died for me?
That's salvation.
And so the Lord Jesus was lifted up.
To die.
His hands, feet were pierced.
Crowned with thorns, spit running down his face, his face bruised, his visits so mild more than any man's.
We can't imagine what it must have been like. I.
I know there are those that have sought to depict the Lord's physical sufferings, and I'm told that those that have seen videos to this effect, they've come out so moved even to tears that a man.
Would accept such abusive treatment.
But that's my savior. That's your savior.
We need to keep ourselves in the love of God and over that cross in shining letters we can see.
Written God is love.
So there he was. He died.
We read here too about.
How his blood was shed, his side was pierced, and forthwith came throughout blood and water.
Of course, during those hours of darkness, the Lord Jesus suffered from the hand of a holy God.
He had already suffered.
At the hands of wicked men. Now he was to suffer at the hands of a holy God.
Will never enter into that suffering for sin.
He exhausted.
The the wrath, the fury of God.
There's a scripture back in uh, Nahum.
One and seven. Jonah, Micah Nahum Habakkuk.
This is what it says.
We all know verse 7, but I was noticing the verse before it says who can stand? This is Nahum one and six. Who can stand before this ignition and who can abide in the fierceness?
Of his anger.
His fury is poured out like fire.
And the rocks are thrown down by him. The Lord is good, the stronghold in the day of trouble.
And he knoweth them, they trust in him.
In order that the Lord Jesus might be.
A stronghold, a refuge for your soul and mind.
He bore the fury, as it tells us here, the fierceness of the anger of a thrice holy God.
It happened during those hours of darkness at Calvary. My precious Savior suffered for seeing the chest, for the unjust. What for? To bring us to God.
He was willing to take our place on the cross. I deserve to be on that cross, but he become a substitute.
What a savior Jesus is. He was taken down. He was buried. Chapter 20 of John.
Indicates to us.
How he rose again.
The third day.
And when they came to the tomb, they didn't find him. There in the tomb, he had arisen.
He appears to marry Magdalene, out of whom he had cast 7 devils. Trophy of the grace of God. Marvelous.
That the God of the universe, the Creator himself was willing to become man and in the person of the sun become our Redeemer, our Savior. Now he's risen, he's talking to Mary Magdalene. But then verse 19, it says then the same day at evening being the first day of the week, when the doors were shut, where the disciples were assembled for fear of the Jews, came Jesus and stood.
In the midst.
And saith unto them, Peace be unto you.
This is a picture of the assembly.
And he comes through the doors.
He had a resurrection body go right through doors.
We don't have those kind of bodies yet, but I believe that we'll we'd have that.
Capacity to do the same. Resurrection body might say too, that because the Lord Jesus had a resurrection body doesn't change, you might say, his attitude towards you and to me. You know, the very person that we've been reading about in the Gospels.
Who is flesh and blood?
Is the same person.
In the glory of his flesh and bone.
That's a comfort to my own soul.
And we sometimes sing his love and his loneliness still shine upon his glorious face.
But there we find the Lord Jesus in the midst.
And he shows to them his hands and his side. Then were the disciples glad when they saw the Lord. Then Jesus said to them again, Peace be unto you. As my Father has sent me, Even so send I you.
Thomas wasn't present. He missed out.
I think Thomas is a picture of the Jewish remnant that.
They will not believe unless they see, but they will see. And they're not going to miss out on all the blessing, but I would say perhaps on the best of the blessing.
Their blessing will be in connection with the Earth.
But it tells us in 26 after eight days again his disciples were within, and Thomas with them. Then came Jesus, the doors being shut, and stood in the midst, and said, Peace be unto you.
The Lord Jesus spoke peace during his life.
It was his legacy, and now he's died, but he's risen again. His message is the same. Peace beyond. We can have peace of conscience. We can have peace of heart.
And it's because of what Jesus did on the cross. But notice he's in the midst of his own.
And this is the place where God.
I believe.
Moves by His Holy Spirit.
In the worship, in the ministry.
In my heart, just this morning seemed to be lifted up higher and higher.
Brother gives out of him.
And it seemed like the Spirit of God stirred another brother moved him to give out of him. And we sang, and we sang. It just seemed like we're lifted up.
It's precious.
It's a privilege of the assembly to be where the Lord is and where God has liberty by His Holy Spirit.
To control.
In the worship, in the ministry.
Of course, it's to be a place where there's submission to this book, the Word of God.
I believe that the Lord maintains a place like that on earth. There's always, I believe, a collective testimony.
To the Lord Jesus Christ here on earth.
Now just one got 2 minutes revelation, we've got another.
Seen here where.
Who's the center of attraction here?
You know the answer is Jesus.
There's a question about this book. Who's worthy to open the book to loose the seals? There are verse two a book. I think it has to do with cleansing the world from its evil and introducing.
A system of blessing that God has in mind.
Call it the Millennium, but it's all in connection with the exaltation of Christ.
That's God's purpose, to gather together in one all things in Christ, both that which is in heaven, that which is in earth. But.
The question is, who's worthy to open the book?
And there's weeping.
Until verse 6.
I beheld.
And low in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts, and in the midst of the elders, stood a lamb as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven spirits of God, sent forth into all the earth. And he came and took the book out of the right hand of him that sat upon the throne. And when he had taken the book, the four beasts and four and 20 elders fell down before the Lamb, having every one of them harps.
And golden vials full of odors.
Which are the prayers of Saints? And they sang a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals there up. For thou was slain, and has redeemed us to God by thy blood. Out of every kindred tongue, and people and nation, God has exalted his Son.
Who is it in the midst? A Lamb freshly slain?
God's answer to Christ's rejection here on earth is that He is highly exalted Him, and now he's in the midst of that great heavenly company. Well, as it is in heaven, so be it on earth. That's God's desire.
That the Lord Jesus Christ.
Might truly be.
At the center.
Of our thoughts.
Our ways, our words.
It brings happiness into our lives when this is the case. If you know these things, happy are ye if you do them. And the Lord, He has a path for each of us to travel.
And it worked for us to do, and we don't all do the same work. Lord has a special work for you to do, and there's no one who can do it any better than you that work that He has in mind for you to do.
How we need to look to the Lord about that as to what it is.
David said, Teach me thy way, O Lord, and lead me in a plain path. Somebody asked Mr. Darby how can we know the Lord's will and he quoted a verse.
He said the secret of the Lord.
Is with them that fear him.
Pose that fear to bring dishonor upon his name, those that have a desire to honor Him for who he is.
The Lord will tell you.
And the happy path is to walk in obedience to His will.
Faith will save our souls, but obedience to the Word of God will make us happy. So we pray. Father, we thank Thee this afternoon.
That together we could open thy precious word.
Thy written word we thank you for the one of whom it speaks.
I know, dear son, the one of whom thou could say this is my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased. It's been our privilege during these days of meetings to exalt the Lord and to magnify His name together, and we just seek thy help as we go from this place. We know it's perhaps not hard to do at a conference like this, but may we just continue?
To exalt the name, the one who loved us washed us from our sins.
In his precious blood, and that which we say and that which we do, that others might be attracted to the Lord Jesus.
And that's a 2.
Might find joy and peace through believing. So we ask these things now as we give thee our thanks for this time together and commit the balance of the day-to-day for thy further direction. Help the precious and the most worthy name of our soon coming Lord and our Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.