Insulting God

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 5
One night one of my workers called me and said, “Come and talk to this man. He is an infidel.” I went over and talked to him. I said, “Are you an infidel?” He said, “Yes, I am an infidel.” I said, “Will you tell me why you are an infidel?” He said, “Yes, sir, because the Bible is full of contradictions.” I said, “Will you please show me one?” He said, “It is full of them.” “Well,” I said, “if it is full of them you ought at least to be able to show me one. Will you show me one?” He said, “I don’t pretend to know as much about the Bible as you do.” “What are you talking about it for then?” I asked. “Now,” I continued, “the Bible is God’s Word. God is its Author, and in throwing contempt on the Bible, you are throwing contempt upon God who is the Author of it, and Jesus tells us that men shall give account of every idle word in the Day of Judgment, and you will have to give account of this idle word you have spoken against the Bible and against God who is its Author.” He turned pale, as well he might, and said, “I did not mean to do that.” “Well, that is what you have done,” and that is what many a man is doing, speaking lightly and thoughtlessly about the Bible, not realizing that in condemning the Bible, he is insulting the God who is the Author of it, and he will have to give account of his folly in the Day of Judgment.