Into Eternity Deaf and Blind.

A MAN who had neglected his soul’s salvation lay on a dying bed. He was filled with terror; he knew not how to die, for he had lived without God all the days of his life. He asked for a minister, or someone who would “seek mercy” for him. One was found, but the man was sinking very fast. No time was to be lost. Stooping over the dying man, he made several enquiries; but there was no reply. “You are a great sinner, but Christ has died for sinners,” said the Christian. But there was no reply: the man had lost his speech. Laying his mouth close to the ear of the dying sinner, the minister in a loud voice spoke to him of sin and of salvation. But another of his senses had gone: the man had lost his hearing. All old family Bible was next brought; it was opened and put before the dying man; but the glassy film of death had veiled the eyes: the man could not see.
Overwhelming thought! Every avenue was closed. He was shut out from hearing the Word of life. Those ears which had been so often willfully shut against the Gospel were now sealed. The man had shut out God from his thoughts all the days of his sinful life, and now God, the righteous God, Who, although a God of love, is yet almighty and will not be trifled with, had left the man to reap as he had sowed, to die as he had lived, to enter eternity as he had chosen to spend the years of time.
Reader, do not trifle with God. He will not be mocked.
If you live day by day, despising, rejecting, neglecting His Christ, you have no promise of salvation on a dying pillow. The stroke of God may cut you down, as it has clone many others, in a moment’s notice, giving you no time to settle this great question. Disease may fix its talons on you, and lay you low in pain, unable to think on things eternal. The fevered brow, the pain-racked body, the sleepless, weary nights, shut out these thoughts. “Now is the day of salvation.”
“To die with no hope! Hast thou counted the cost?
To die out of Christ, and thy soul to be lost!
So near to the kingdom! Oh, come we implore!
While Jesus is pleading. come enter the door.”