Introduction to the Bible

 •  3 min. read  •  grade level: 7
The Bible is a history of the world—a remarkably interesting and instructive book, a library in itself that everyone should possess.
It opens with this book called Genesis, written by Moses about four thousand years ago. Indeed, the whole book was written before 100 A.D. Here is the only authentic history of the creation of the world. Notice this: "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." After this comes the story of the fall of our first father, and the deluge that followed.
Are you fond of biography? Well, here are the lives of the great men of old: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob—of whom you have heard without doubt; it is all here.
After this we have the origin and history of the children of Israel—the Jews, you know, of which race our Lord and the virgin Mary were born. Here is the history of the wars of the Israelites and their kings, of Saul who died because he dabbled in spiritism, and notably of that great hero, David who killed Goliath. It is all here in this book.
Are you fond of poetry? If so, here is a collection of the most ancient and beautiful poetry in the world: 150 Psalms, most of which were written by great King David. Then you also have the wonderful proverbs of Solomon, the wisest of kings. Have you never read them?
After these are the books of the great prophets of God who, warning the world, foretold the birth of Christ hundreds of years before He came. Also it told that He should be born of a virgin, and become the Savior of all who receive Him. A deeply interesting and historical book is this book of Daniel. Have you ever heard of him? The great image of gold, the burning fiery furnace, the den of lions, and the fatal banquet are all stories found in this book. Now comes the second part of this volume, all that precedes it having been written before the birth of Christ. You will find here the most perfect account of the life of our Lord. You will find the teachings, parables, and miracles of our Lord related here, and the final sad story of His death to save us from our sins. Here are complete instructions what to do to inherit eternal life.
The next book relates how the Church originated. If you desire to know what they believed and practiced in the old days, read this book. Here is a letter of the great Apostle Paul to the church of Rome of those early days, teaching them pure and apostolic doctrine—what to believe and to do, and what to avoid. Here follow all the rest of the apostolic writings, absolutely complete, including two letters by the Apostle Peter. The last great book speaks mainly of things that are yet to come, and the end of the world. It includes a blessing from God, who inspired this book, for all who read it.
F. Glass