Isaiah 53

Isaiah 53
Gospel—R. Rule
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General Meetings, Glendale, December 1971. Gospel by Ralph Rule.
Hymn #10.
There is a Savior on high in the glory. The Savior who suffered on Calvary St. A savior is willing to save. Now as ever, His arm is almighty, his love great and free.
Will come now to Jesus, that dear loving Savior receive him this moment that he shall be thy hymn #10.
There is us a.
Appreciate anything.
Could we turn together for the?
53rd chapter of the book of Isaiah.
Chapter 53.
Who hath believed our report?
And to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed?
For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, as a root out of a dry ground.
You have no form nor complement. When we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him. He is to be despised and rejected of men, a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. And we hid as it were our faces from him. He was despised, and we esteemed him not. Surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows.
Yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted, but he was wounded for our transgressions. He was bruised for our iniquities, but chastisement of our peace was upon him, and with his stripes we are healed.
All we, like sheep, have gone astray. We have turned everyone to his own way.
And the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.
He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth.
He is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as the sheep before his shearers is down, so we openeth not his mouth. He was taken from prison and from judgment. Who shall declare his generation? For he was cut off out of the land of the living for the transgression of My people was he stricken? And he made his grave with the wicked and with the rich in his death, because he had done no violence, neither was there any deceit in his mouth.
Yet it pleased the Lord to bruise him, He hath put him to grief, and thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin. He shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper. In his hand he shall see of the travel of his soul, and shall be satisfied.
By his knowledge of my righteous servant justify many.
Are you so bear their iniquities. Therefore will I divide him the portion with the grave, and he will divide the spoil with a strong, because he is poured out his soul unto death. And he was numbered with the transgressors, and he bare the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors.
Well, this is indeed a very interesting.
Chapter in the Word of God.
You know, dear friends, this book that we have in our hands, it's the word of God.
The Word of God.
I was.
What brought this chapter to mind the other day?
Out in the desert, Hot Springs at about a warm pool.
I came in contact with a man who was.
A Jew and I tried to get into a little discussion with them about the things the Lord.
But he turned.
He turned me off. I couldn't. I couldn't seem to. I couldn't seem to get into any very much discussion with him. He just just wouldn't let me talk about the Word. I couldn't help but think of this scripture here, the 53rd of Isaiah.
Even they use the scriptures in the Old Testament. If he had allowed me to go through this chapter verse by verse, I couldn't help but wonder how he could possibly not see.
That the Lord Jesus Christ was the one who came here to be the Savior of the sinners and to die in the sinner's room instead.
But others might be brought into blessing. I believe that every verse of the 12 verses in this chapter, although this was written over 700 years before the birth of Jesus Christ, I believe that every verse in the chapter has some reference to him to the Lord Jesus.
As we said, God knows the end from the beginning.
And God has been pleased to reveal so much to us.
For those that are ready to open this book and to hear what God has to say.
Something that came out in one of our local newspapers 40 years ago is not true.
I don't think I'll ever forget that happened just about this season of the year was about two or three days before the day that the world calls Christmas.
And a young man accidentally shot himself.
He was critically wounded. Doctors felt there is no question but what, That he couldn't live very long.
The editor of our local newspaper, the Toledo Blade, came out and the words were these were almost as exact words. I won't guarantee I'm quoting exactly, but in substance, he said. But he hoped that this lab.
Could live a few more days, live till Christmas so I would have a chance to receive and open all the presents sent to him before going to his eternal mystery.
CRAN once ahead is not a mystery.
God tells us in this book what lies ahead.
And God makes it very clear that for everyone of us.
It's one of two destinies.
Heaven or Hell?
Eternal Blessing.
Our eternal judgment.
Let me ask you.
Which Rd. are you traveling at the present time?
Are you on the Broad Rd. that leads to destruction that we read of in the 6th of Matthew?
Or are you on the narrow Rd. that leads to life, Life eternal? You're traveling one of the two roads.
Which is it?
The M writer says these very put it in these plain words, passing onward, quickly, passing.
Yet, but whether whether bound?
Which of the two destinies are you bound for? Where are you headed, dear friend?
I'll tell you why we're having this meeting tonight.
We're just hoping by the grace of God, if there are any here, they're on the Broad Rd. that leads to destruction.
But you'll switch.
To the road that leads to life, my dear friend, if you're on the downward Rd.
May God use His word tonight to give you to feel your need, to bring you to realize where you're headed.
And that you might be brought to trust in the Lord Jesus.
The one who is indeed the savior of sinners.
The one who died to save you.
The one who died on Calvary's cross and suffered under the awful judgment of God's wrath. That you.
Might be among those.
That might be bound for glory.
Yes, as the onward.
Quickly passing, Yes, but where were they bound? Where are you bound tonight, dear friend? Well, I know I'm bound. I know I'm headed for the glory, not because of any anything good in myself, but because Christ died for me.
At all. If you're on the downward Rd. May God give you to join those of us that are on the upward Rd. as it were, headed for glory.
Well, in this chapter, the 53rd of Isaiah, I'd just like to bring out a few of the things that it brings before us as to our Lord Jesus Christ.
It starts out with a question. Who hath believed our report and to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed?
I'll answer the I'll speak of the last half of the verse first. To whom is the arm of the Lord revealed?
In the previous chapter, in the 52nd chapter it says in verse 10 the Lord hath made bare his holy arm in the eyes of all the nations and all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God who was His holy arm.
Always the Lord Jesus. You know, I I was in business life for many years and we'd often hear.
Top executives say speak of someone, say, well, he's my right arm. He meant he's someone that he could give a a big job to do and count on him to get it done.
Well, the Lord Jesus Christ was the Holy Arm of Jehovah. That's referred to in verse 10.
He's the one spoken of here is the arm of Jehovah. When you have the word Lord spelt in all four letters as capitals, it's Jehovah. It's bringing in God and the Lord. Jesus was the arm of Jehovah and what God especially had to accomplish through that Blessed One was for providing salvation for poor lost sinners. Now in the verse that we read in the 10th verse of the 52nd chapter.
Where it says in all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God.
The previous verse speaks of how he'd recomported his people and redeemed Jerusalem in this portion. In Isaiah, it's primarily God's earthly people, Israel, that are brought before us. And we know that although there is a terrible time of tribulation ahead, but he is going to bring his earthly people, the Jews, the children of Israel, back into blessing in the Millennium, that is those that.
Those that have life, they're going to be. There's going to be a restoration of that of many in that Nate, of those, and not only that nation, but the Gentiles too. But I it isn't my thought to get into prophecy, but the work that Jesus Christ accomplished was very broad in its aspect, and it's primarily though from the standpoint of the gospel, the grace of God. But I'd like to speak of the Lord Jesus today.
In in the first clause it says Who hath believed our report. Well now if we were to turn to the 10th chapter of Romans, we find there that this verse is brought in in connection with those that have had the gospel of the grace of God brought before them. It's Romans 10 that says, if thou shalt confess with thy mouth Jesus is Lord and believe in thine heart that God has raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
Well, the person that we're going to find brought before us here is the one, the Lord Jesus Christ, the one whom God raised from the dead, the one who died in the sinners room instead, but the one whom God raised from the dead as evidence of the fact that he finished the work. And we know now that that blessed one is a man in the glory. There is a Savior on high in the glory, one who suffered for sinners, one dear friend who suffered.
That you might be brought into blessing.
Are you trusting in that savior? Well, we find in Romans 10.
It goes on to say, in fact, I'm just going to read a verse or two from that to you to show how it's definitely connected with this chapter.
He goes on to say, speak of those that preach the gospel of peace and bring glad tidings of good things. But he says in verse 16, they have not all obeyed the gospel. For as they have said Lord, who hath believed our report. You see, Isaiah the Lord gave him to realize that it it most would not going to believe they were going to turn their back on this wondrous message of blessing.
Yes, but he goes on to say, Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. Oh, dear friend, we want to bring the word of God before you tonight and all we long that you might in faith believe, because it says.
It says that whosoever shall write in our that chapter in Romans 10, whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Friend, we spoke of two destinies.
And as I use that word saved, I'm reminded of the fact that all that are saved will be those that will be in the glory. But the word of God also says the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which is lost. Friend, if you are always among the lost, you're among those that are going to perish in a lost eternity. But we want you to be saved tonight.
Oh thank God, this one that we are going to read about in Isaiah 53.
He was the one.
That the Lord sent here to be the Savior of sinners.
In Luke's gospel at the time of his birth, you know they we have this, this message went out. It says unto you, is born this day in the city of David a savior, which is Christ the Lord friend? Do you know that savior yet? He's the one that this 53rd of Isaiah brings before us.
In so many different ways.
Let us look at the second verse.
It says he shall grow up before him as a tender plant. A better translation makes that Reed. He shall grow up before him as a tender sapling.
When you have sampling, you have a young tree.
And in Luke's Gospel, a 23rd chapter, the Lord refers to himself as a green tree.
If these things be done in the green tree, what shall be done in the dry? He said. He's Speaking of himself when he says the green tree. We might look at that a little later in more detail. But here what we have brought before us is his birth. That says he shall go up before him as a tender sapling and as a root out of dry grouse.
You know when I read that scripture.
Where it makes reference to a dry ground.
My mind often goes back to the first time going from California to the East. First time I went through the desert in Nevada and other states sort of surrounding it too. But Nevada and Arizona? Well, I went there the season of the year where they hadn't had rain for several months and everything seemed dead dry.
You'd think there was no light.
Well, here it speaks of the Lord growing up before God as a tender sapling, as a root out of a dry ground. What's the application? What would that speak of? Well, I believe.
As a route out of a dry ground in this poor scene.
All there wasn't that which God could delight in in man all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.
Friend, you're a Sinner. Thank God many in this room are save sinners. But if you're not trusting in the Lord, you're a lost Sinner on the way to a lost eternity. But all as we said earlier, we want you to change roads. We want to get you on the upward Rd. as it were. Well, here it says he shall grow up before him as a tender sapling, as a root out of a dry growl. All this poor world man was going on as we read in Ephesians 2. Dead in trespasses and sins.
No life toward God. Life but the Lord Jesus was one God could delight in.
You know, it would have been amazing thing to me going through the desert if right where everything seemed dry, dead, barren If I saw a green tender sapling growing, I couldn't have believed my eyes if I'd seen it. But I didn't see anything like that in the middle of the desert back in 1928, the first time I made that trip well.
In this scene, a dry barren ground. God all was around here. This blessed Lord Jesus, that babe that was born in Bethlehem, cradled in a Manger. There was no room for him in the end. And you know, this world doesn't have room for the Lord now either. He's still a rejected one in spite of all that to do that may be made, but we'll see in connection with tomorrow and the celebrations and all that. And yet that blessed one is still.
A rejected Savior. Thank God. There are some that have learned to know His love and that love Him have been made His children.
But here it says speaks of him as a tender sapling coming, and to God. God could find pleasure in that one. He was the one whoever sought to do the Father's will. And God could find pleasure in him. But it says as to his his creatures, it says when we Speaking of his earthly people, when we shall see him, there's no beauty that we should desire him. No, he goes on to say he's despised and rejected of men.
Or another translation, says the spies that left alone of men, and at the time of his greatest need, when he'd been nailed to that accursed tree, a Calvary, we find that then even his own forsook him and fled. And so this has despised and left alone of men a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. Who was this?
Oh, the creator, the creator of the universe, the one who not only made the world.
But the One is who is sustaining them, who is sustaining all things. In his hands, he's the one that keeps the stars in their orbit, the sun in its orbit. He's the creator and sustainer of all things. And yet in grace he came. Here we find him on this earth, a lowly, humble man. And then we find him rejected, despised, cast out.
And finally nailed to that cross at Calvary, well says here. He's a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. We head, as it were, our faces from him. He was despised, and we esteemed him not.
But in spite of all the treatment that he received from his fellow man, yet his heart went out to men in their need. He felt for those that were in need. This next verse brings that out. Surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows. Now that verse that is referred to in the 8th chapter of Matthew, we find there in Matthew 8 where the Lord one evening he came across many that were real sick and and it says he healed all of were sick that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Isaias the prophet saying.
Himself took our infirmities and bare our sicknesses. Another translation for the words that we have in Isaiah 53. That is, He healed the sick He entered in. He felt for those that were sick, He felt their needs. And so it says here that it might be fulfilled. Himself took our infirmities and bear our sicknesses. And so it says in Isaiah in the fourth verse surely is born our griefs and carried our sorrows.
He entered into those and how ready he was to meet those that were in need and friend.
If you're not saved yet, you have a great need. But the Lord is ready to meet you in your need if you'll only receive him. He wants to bless you. Yes, he wants to bless you. And he wants to be your savior. Oh thank God Christ is a savior of sinners. And oh thank wouldn't it be wonderful if someone would say for the worst first time tonight, Christ is the savior of sinners. Christ is the savior for me.
He came to save you. He loves you. He died for you. He wants to redeem you, well goes on to say. And the fifth verse.
That's a rather forceful word right here, but you would think one that that entered into the needs of others.
As the Lord did, one who blessed them, one who healed the sick, gave sight to the blind, hearing to the death, and so forth. You would think, oh, how they would receive such as one, and just receive them into their arms. No, dear friend, He was rejected.
As we saw earlier, and more than that, he was brought to where he had to suffer on that cursed tree at Calvary, it says. But he was wounded. For our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities. The chastisement of our peace was upon him, and with His stripes we are healed. Well, everyone that knows the Lord is their Savior can say that verse for themselves.
But friend, have you ever entered in to the fullness of this verse? Have you ever enjoyed it for yourself?
Have you ever realized he was wounded for your transgressions? Well, you know.
Christ died for you.
Christ died for you, dear friend. He wants to save you. Will you have Him? Will you receive Him as your precious Savior?
I remember.
I often think of a story I heard in my younger days. You know, one's memory is better, things they heard in their youth and what they've heard more recently as we get older. And maybe I've already quoted this story and the presence of some here, but I'm sure there's some that I haven't. So I'm going to, I'm going to pass on a story I've enjoyed about a noted evangelist.
Over in England.
He was having a meeting.
It was in a large hall. I think it was in London. I believe the evangelist was Spurgeon. That I'm not sure of. I. But anyway, he was having this meeting and he was having evangelistic meetings every night of the week.
You've had, I think about two meetings with at least five more to come and on the on this particular night.
Was standing up at the pulpit that they had provided for him.
And someone came into the hall, came right up to the platform where he was.
And they said Mr. Spurgeon.
One of the members of your family is dying.
We think he just has a very short time to live and he asked me to come and get you, asked you to please come to the house right away.
Well, here was this evangelist with over 500 people I believe I heard he had around 1000 in this great big auditorium. What was he going to do? A loved one dying?
And wanted him at the deathbed.
And here's this big audience. What was he going to do?
On this platform.
There was a young man sitting behind him and over to one side.
And he thought, well, maybe he can give a few words if I leave now. And he just spoke to the young man, he said I've got to go.
My loved one is on his deathbed and dying and wants to see me right away. Will you please finish the meeting for me?
Well, this young man.
Got up trembling.
Came up to the.
Where the, the speakers, the platform and.
He paused. He wanted. What shall I say?
And the Lord brought part of one verse to him. It was part of this.
5th verse.
He said, quoting from memory. But he was wounded for our transgressions.
He was bruised for our iniquities.
He didn't remember the next clause, and then he ended with and with his stripes we are healed.
Then he wondered what to say next.
A little pause.
And he couldn't think of anything else that things seemed to blank out of his mind. He wondered what to say.
So he started over again.
But he was wounded for our transgression.
He was bruised for our inequities.
The test has been of our peace was upon me. He was bruised for our iniquity, and with his stripes we are healed.
Well, another pause again. He wanted. What shall I say now?
But his mind was a blank.
He even added up. He told afterwards a silent prayer to God to ask him what to say, but he couldn't think of anything else.
So for the last time he was wounded. For our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities, and with his stripes we are healed.
Well, he thought again. Now what shall I say?
Everything seemed to have gone from it.
So after a little pause.
He closed the meeting with a word of prayer.
The next day, the evangelist.
If it was Spurgeon, let's say it was Spurgeon. He was walking down the street, London.
And as he was walking down the street, he saw a lady coming to whom he had seen at his meetings but two nights before this.
And he hadn't talked to anyone yet about what happened after he left. So he said to this lady.
Madam, how did the young man do when I left the other night?
She said. Oh, Mr. Spurgeon, it was wonderful.
He made it so plain. I see it now. He was wounded and I am healed.
In simple faith, she laid hold of a part of that one verse, and God used it to the salvation of her precious soul. She'd heard the Evangelist speak tonight before. It hadn't got saved. Part of one verse God used and she was saved.
Oh dear friend.
The Lord Jesus was wounded.
At Calvary, he suffered. There he died.
Not only was he wounded when men put the nails in his hands and nailed him to the cross, not only with the Spears by being the horns, that they put a crown of thorns on his head, pierced his holy head with thorns.
No, the Lord Jesus suffered much more.
And only what he suffered at the hands of a holy God could wash your sins away.
We find that in the last three hours of darkness the Lord Jesus was forsaken of God.
It was in those three hours that the law of the darkness covered the face of the earth. The Lord cried out. My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? He was the Holy One. Why did God forsake that Holy One, the one who always did his will? Oh, dear friend, it's because in those three hours he stood in your room instead of.
God made him who knew no sin to be sin for us. The Apostle says that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. Yes, it was there, but he underwent the judgment of God against sin in order that you and I might be brought into blessing. Oh dear friend, He died for you. Will you have him as your savior? He loves you.
He died for you.
And the word makes it plain why God forsook him? Because there he stood in the sinner's room instead. He paid the price that none of us could have paid.
None of us are going to get to glory and say, well look me over folks, I made it.
No, dear friend.
The word of God says by grace are you saved through faith, and that not of yourselves. It is the gift of God, not of works, lest any man should boast.
After the Lord had suffered there on that cross, you know, the Roman soldier came and pierced aside, and now forthwith came thereof blood and water. We're told there we have the proof of God was satisfied with the work He accomplished there. It's the blood of Jesus Christ, God's son, that cleanseth us from all sin. He had to die. He had to shed His precious blood.
The Lord that you and I might have our sins washed away, and for without the shedding of blood there is no remission.
Oh dear friends, thank God the Lord has finished that work. He not only suffered, he not only.
Shed his precious blood and went down into death. But now he's a man in the glory. God raised him from the dead. Arisen Christ is evidence that God was satisfied with the work that he accomplished there.
Yes, the work is done.
But how about you?
Have you taken that Blessed One as your own precious savior yet?
The next verse tells us.
All we, like sheep, have gone astray. We have turned everyone to his own way, and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.
All we, like sheep, have gone astray.
And I'm the first man was the bellwether, as it were.
Adamson, As by one man sin entered into the world, death by sin, so death passed upon all men for the law of sin. Friend, you know you've sinned. God's word makes it clear that you have Even the thought of foolishness is sin the word of God tells us.
Yes, Who hasn't had a foolish thought? Who in the audience has never told a lie? Oh, dear friend, we've all sinned. One sin will keep you out of heaven unless you have a savior. But here, So here, it says all.
That's not a very long word, but it's a very broad word, very broad. In his scope all have sinned, but here it says all we like sheep, have gone astray. We have turned everyone to His own way. And the Lord or I mentioned where it's capital, this Jehovah, Jehovah hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.
The Lord Jesus.
Is the one that died that you and I might be forgiven.
Yes, come now, let us reason together, saith the Lord. Though your sins be a scarlet, they shall be white as snow, though they be red like Crimson, they shall be as wool. Everyone that comes and trust in him can have their sins all washed away.
White as snow.
I often think of a story that I heard also connected with England in connection with this verse that we just read here.
An evangelist.
Not as prominent A1 as the one I just referred to, but one who.
Who's active in gospel work. He went up to a city further north of London, then had to have a one or two Gospel meetings and.
Just before.
Leaving to return home, he had his last Gospel message.
You're going to have to leave right after the message because the train back to London came just shortly after the time the meeting was closed and he finished his message that night.
And picked up his bag.
And a lad came up to him and he asked if he could carry his bag to the railway station for him.
This was before the days of taxi cabs and.
This preacher told him yes he could, and the preacher found that the reason he wanted to carry his bag was only a couple blocks or so. But he got to talking with the lad, and he found that this lad.
Was somewhat interested in the gospel, but he hadn't had the chance to hear it very often in life, and anyway it wasn't too clear to him. And he asked the preacher a question or two, and about the time they got up the railroad depot, and then they they heard the two to the the of the engine.
And he realized that he'd have to get on the train within the next minute. And I'll tell you what he told this young man.
He said. Listen, friend, I want you to do something. When you get home, you get out your Bible.
You turn to Isaiah 53.
And verse 6.
And he said.
You go in on the first stall.
And come out on the last call.
Well, let us look at that.
Go in on the first stall. All we, like sheep have gone astray. Friend, have you ever acknowledged to God that you're a Sinner? That you've gone astray?
Well as he the preacher told him, go in on the 1St all and come out on the last all.
That verse ends by saying the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.
We trust that that lad was brought to realize first that he was a Sinner.
And then that he had faith in Christ as his Savior, as the one on whom that the Lord laid on him his sins, his iniquities, and that is a result. They were gone. Forgiven. Well, dear friend, I'll say to you.
You're not saved tonight. Won't you go in on the 1St all on your center and come out on the last? All is one that has faith in Christ as a savior. If we were to turn to Acts gospel, we find two things brought together there that somewhat answer to these two walls.
1St is repentance. All we like sheep have gone astray in Acts 13. I think it is. It speaks of repentance toward God that's owning you're a Sinner, owning you're a sheep. Gone astray, as it were, repentance toward God. And then we read faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ.
Well, this one.
To faith in Christ all how necessary it is repentance toward God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ.
Well, it goes on to say he was oppressed and he was afflicted.
Yet he opened not his mouth.
Is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before shearers is done. So he opened not his mouth.
Oh, you know, if we were to turn to the Gospels, we'd find on more than one occasion 1 pilot was before.
We'll turn to one of them and Matthew and Matthew in Matthew's Gospel.
Before even he got to the cross in the 26th chapter of Matthew.
We find.
When he was before.
Caiaphas, the High Priest, and they're also scribes and elders there.
That tells us in verse 59 that they sought false witness against him to put him to death any way to get rid of him.
Oh, how solemn. I saw a false witness against Jesus to put him to death.
And it goes on to say at the end of verse 60 at last came two false witnesses.
And they said, This fellow said, I am able to destroy the temple of God, and build it in three days. The high priest arose, and said unto him, Answers thou nothing?
What is it that these witness against thee? Well, what kind of a defense did the Lord put up? How much money and expense people go to today to have a good defense on whatever charges are brought against them? Why, the Lord held his peace, He didn't open his mouth.
Says he held his peace. Now if we go over to the.
Next chapter and verse 11, it said Jesus stood before the governor.
And verse 12 when he was accused of the chief priests and elders.
What kind of a defense did he make? It says he answered nothing.
Then Pilate said unto him, Hearest thou not how many things they witness against thee? And he answered him never a word, insomuch that the governor marveled.
Why didn't the Lord answer? Oh, dear friend, he didn't come to save himself. He came to save you and me. He knew he had to go to Calvary. He knew he had to suffer. He knew he had to die if you and I were to be brought into blessing. No, it says here that he answered nothing, and it says the governor marveled. Oh, indeed he was led as well as it says here as a lamb to the slaughter and as a sheep before her shears his dumb.
So he opened not his mouth. No, he opened not his mouth.
It goes on to say.
He was taken from prison and from judgment. Who shall declare his generation for his cut off out of the land of the living? For the transgression of My people was he stricken?
If we were to in the 8th chapter of Acts, where we have the Ethiopian eunuch.
Who had been to Jerusalem, and he hadn't got what answered his need at all there, and on his way home to Ethiopia took why we find the Lord told Philip to go near to him, and Philip heard him quoting these very words from Isaiah 53. The 31St, 2nd, and 33rd verses of vaccine is where we get them quoted.
But the Spirit of God gives us a slightly different translation in the 33rd verse.
Vaccine, it says in his humiliation his judgment was taken away. Who shall declare his generation follow the Lord Jesus in his humiliation? He had no there was no real judgment rendered there. No man wasn't open to any fair trial or anything of that sort.
The one thing they had in mind was to get rid of him. Get rid of him well.
It says, For the transgression of my people, Was he stricken? Yes, he was stricken, smitten, and afflicted. But it was in order that that the law God might have a people saved by the work of Christ, and made his own children through grace. And so it says.
But they made or appointed his grave with a wicked but with me. But he was with the rich in his death. Yes. Remember Joseph Arimathea, rich man. When he died, he asked for the body of the Lord, and he put it in that stone tomb wherein never man had laid. Once the Lord Jesus had accomplished, suffered, and died, God took over. And so this rich man.
Joseph of Arimathea.
Put him in that.
Tomb in which never man had laid well, it says, because he had done no violence. Neither was deceit in his mouth or tenth verse says. Yet it pleased Jehovah to bruise him. Friend, you know, at first that would be very hard to understand. How could it please God to bruise the Lord Jesus? How could he? Oh, I'll tell you.
In our prayer meeting before the Gospel, Brother quoted John 316 in prayer.
He said for God's soul of the world that he gave his only begotten Son.
That's why God bruised that blessed One because of his love To you, Dear friends, if you spend eternity in hell, it isn't because God didn't love you.
God's soul of the world that he gave his only begotten Son. He couldn't have given more. He gave the dearest object of his hearts affection.
He couldn't have given anything more. Any greater gift, but nothing less would have satisfied.
If he's given a trillion dollars, that wouldn't have saved the soul. No, nothing would have met your need and mine, except that that sinless holy one suffer in your room instead, and in my room instead.
And so God put him to grief.
He made his soul an offering for sin at Calvary. This tenth verse of our chapter in Isaiah and.
He made his soul an offering for sin.
Christ Jesus, the one who suffered for our sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God.
All friends, are you? I asked, as I did at the beginning of our meeting. Are you still on the downward Rd. He died for you. It says here that that the Lord bruised him. He made his soul an offering for sin. Here's the perfect sin offering. Will you receive him today?
Tonight is your savior. Oh, I've warned you. Don't stay any longer on the downward Rd. for at least to hell God so loved the world. He gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish. I'll never forget the definition of brother from this very area. Gave a parish in Toledo, I'll never forget it.
There are 6 letters P for pass E eternally R ruin I into S sinners HL.
Oh dear friend, I don't want you to pass eternally ruined into a sinner's hell.
But you will. If you do not know Christ as your Savior, won't you have him?
Won't you receive him right now as your own precious savior?
If so, you'll be part of the fruit of the travel of his soul. The next verse says 11Th verse, he shall see of the fruit of the travel of his soul and shall be satisfied.
I'm giving another translation that I think is a little more accurate. He shall see the fruit of the travel of his soul. When is he going to see the fruit of the travel of his soul?
One of these moments the Lord is going to call all, is redeemed home to glory.
Those that belong to him are going to be taken home to glory.
Oh, we're going to be in his presence, and he shall see the fruit of the travel of his soul and he'll be satisfied. But you know something? Everyone that's there is going to be satisfied. The last verse of the 17th Psalm says I shall be satisfied when I awaken his likeness. You know, dear friend, there's no satisfaction down here.
When I was a youngster, I couldn't have dreamed, I couldn't have imagined of all the unrest.
That I see in this country today. There wasn't that unrest back in the 20s. In the 30s, no. But today there's such unrest.
People are seeking for something. They think maybe if they get rid of the establishment, well then maybe they can bring in a better world. Ah, dear friend, there's no satisfaction down here. Now none but Christ can satisfy.
The hymn writer says none other name for me. There's love and life and lasting joy Lord Jesus found in thee. Oh yes, I shall be satisfied when I awaken my license.