The other day, my sister seeing many little birds seeking in vain for food in the garden on a very cold and frosty morning, carried out some bread crumbs, which she sprinkled, on the walk in front of the house.
As I watched our hungry little friends I thought, dear children, what lessons we might learn from them. In the first place they were all alike, cold and hungry, but just notice the difference in their behavior. First, came a number of little sparrows; they pecked up a few crumbs very hurriedly, looking all the time to see if any one were coming; at the slightest noise they all flew away to the shelter of a friendly tree, where they sat looking with longing eyes at the food which they so much needed.
But look again; here comes a great black-bird, he is not nearly so frightened as the sparrows, he seems to think that as the food has been placed there for him, he will eat until he is perfectly satisfied; he is not going away hungry when the food has been offered him. Now, dear children, you may think this a funny idea, but some of you remind me very forcibly of these little birds,
“O,” I think I hear some of ye say, “I am sure I never turn away when food is offered to me, and I am hungry; I am not so silly!”
Wait one moment, and think, dear child, if you never long for something you do not possess; well, this longing is just the kind of hunger I mean. Ah! my child, you are hungry, you are not satisfied, you want some food, but take care you are not like the little sparrows; for I am going to tell you of One who is offering you just what you long for.
There is a Saviour who is now standing close by your side, looking at you with tender pleading eyes. ‘Tis as if He said, I have been waiting far you to look up, and see Me stretching out My loving hands to receive you. Do you not remember how I walked on the water to Peter, and when he cried to Me,
“Lord, save me,” did I not put or My hand and hold him up? Now, children, here is a dear, loving Saviour, gentle, yet strong and tender. But, you say, What are those cruel wounds in your hands? Ah, little sister, little brother, you remember that day you disobeyed your Father, he said, yet must be punished for your disobeence; but, Jesus says, I have borne the punishment of sins instead of you, and these marks on my hands were just a little part of what I bore for you. Now will you not
“Come unto Me,”
“Come and learn of Me, for I am meek and lowly in heart?” But you say, “Why does He want us? Why does He call us?”
He wants to satisfy you fully, satisfy you with joy, and happiness.
“Ho, every one that thirsteth, come, he that hath no money, come ye, buy and eat; yea, come buy wine and milk without money and without price.”
“Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends,” But Christ died for His enemies,
If a dear school-fellow came and said to you, “Come home with me to tea,” you would either refuse or accept the invitation, would you not? So, just answer your dear Saviour; do not keep Him waiting, dear children; listen once again to Him,
“Behold I stand at the door and knock,”
He is waiting, He wants to be your dearest friend, your Saviour.
Think how He nursed the little children and blessed them, and He comes now with a message from His Father
If you are willing to let Jesus he all He wishes to you, just ask Him to show you how much He loves you, and longs for you to know Him as your Saviour, then you will be fully satisfied, just resting, “safe in the arms of Jesus.”
ML 02/18/1945