It Is Mine

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 6
Sitting in her little room, busily employed in writing, was an aged lady of fourscore years or more. Before her lay an open Bible, sundry verses of which had been underlined, and to copy these into a small book was the task in which she was then engaged.
God had been dealing with her soul, awakening there a sense of need and a desire to know Christ as her Saviour, but she had but little, if any, assurance of her security.
Her task ended, she rose up, and, as she thought, closed the Bible, and laid it and her little book aside. On returning to the table, she found to her surprise the Bible still there, and an underlined verse on the open page seemed to look at her reproachfully, and to say, What have I done that I should be left out of your book? She looked at it, and found it was the forty-seventh verse of John 6: “Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that believeth on Me hath everlasting life.”
Powerfully did those words go home to her heart. “Blessed Lord,” she said, “I do believe in Thee. Then I have eternal life; it is mine; Thou sayest it.” Brightly shone the light into her heart as she received, in childlike simplicity, those precious words. Thenceforward she knew she had everlasting life; not because she felt it, but because He had said it.
Reader, cast your eye on that lovely verse. Art thou a believer in Christ? If so, What does He say is thine? EVERLASTING LIFE. Wilt thou not believe Him?