A poor little girl, after having been educated, was apprenticed to a dressmaker.
A lady who had formerly taken charge of her, and had been very kind to her, going one Sunday into the chapel before service, found the girl sitting by herself, reading her Testament.
On coming up to her the lady inquired where she was reading.
She said, “In the fifth chapter of the Epistle to the Romans.”
“Why do you choose that chapter?” She replied, “O, I delight in it much.” “On what account?”
“It just meets my case. Is not that delightful?” pointing to the sixth verse. “‘For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly;’” and then added, “I am indeed a sinner, and without strength, but here is the blessed remedy— ‘Christ died for the ungodly.’”
ML 11/24/1918