It Matters Much

It matters not to God the Lord
What I have done, or what I am—
But what His Son on Calvary bore―
“Who tasted death for every man”
It matters much!
No matter where my birth took place,
In cottage mean, or mansion fair—
But whether I am “born again”
Through faith—with Christ “a fellow-heir”
It matters much!
It matters little where I dwell,
Midst poverty or wealth or space—
But whether Christ in me abides
My body now His dwelling-place.
It matters much!
It matters little what I know
Of science, literature, or art, —
But whether God through Christ I know,
On Him believe with all my heart.
It matters much!
It matters not what I have seen
Of mountain grand, or landscape fair—
But whether I have seen the Lord
On Calvary’s mount—my sins to bear—
It matters much!
It matters not whom I may please—
The frown or smile of men I gain—
But whether in God’s will I walk
And glory bring to His great name.
It matters much!
Twill matter nothing bye and bye
What I possess of things below—
But whether I’ve “a house above”—
Prepared by Christ— “by faith I know”
It matters much!
Twill matter not when Christ shall come—
What I have known of loss or gain—
But whether I “abide in Him,”
Obedient to His word remain
Twill matter much!
F. J. A.