It Passeth Knowledge (#83)

It passeth knowledge! That dear love of Thine,
My Jesus! Savior! Yet this soul of mine
Would of Thy love, in all its breadth and length,
Its height and depth and everlasting strength,
Know more and more.
It passeth praises! That dear love of Thine,
My Jesus! Savior! Yet this heart of mine
Would sing a love so rich, so full, so free,
Which brought a rebel sinner such as me,
Nigh unto God.
But though I cannot tell or sing or know
The fulness of Thy love while here below,
My empty vessel I may freely bring—
O Thou who art of love the living spring,
My vessel fill.
O fill me, Jesus, Savior, with Thy love;
Lead, lead me to the living fount above!
Thither may I in simple faith draw nigh
And never to another fountain fly,
But unto Thee.
And Jesus, when Thee face to face I see,
When on Thy lofty throne I sit with Thee;
Then of Thy love in all its breadth and length,
Its height and depth, its everlasting strength,
My soul shall sing.