The late Dr. Pentecost of the United States I met an infidel, who scoffed at the idea of
anyone putting faith in the Bible. He said, " A good many books of the Bible have no name of the writers attached to them. How then can you have any confidence in a book, whose authorship is so uncertain, and the subject of so much debate? "
" Who wrote the Multiplication Table? " asked Dr. Pentecost.
" I don't know," replied the infidel.
" What a man you are," exclaimed Dr. Pentecost, " you believe it and use it, and yet don't know who was the author of it."
The infidel was hard put to for a reply. He saw his difficulty, but seeing, as he thought, a way out, he said, " But the Multiplication Table works."
" Doubtless," replied Dr. Pentecost, " and so does the Bible. It works."
How true this is as tens of thousands, nay millions of true Christians all over the world and down the centuries, have found out. " The Gospel... is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth " (Rom. 1. 16). Everyone without exception, who has really trusted the Savior, can testify to the truth of this. It works.
The writer knows of a striking case, illustrating what we say. The soldier round whom the story turns has been well known to the writer for many years.
As a young soldier, W- was converted in Ireland. His army record had been particularly bad. A wild youngster, he had committed every kind of military offense. Every form of punishment short of flogging had been his. He was threatened, if he appeared again, that it would mean a court martial with the possibility of two years' imprisonment and discharge from the army with ignominy.
Just then there came the news of the death of the great preacher, C. H. Spurgeon, of the Metropolitan Tabernacle, London. He had spoken to W- as a boy, and his death brought this home to his remembrance. Threatened with expulsion from the army, he began to desire a change in his life. This led to his conversion. An outward change in life would not do. It must be something deeper, a work of God in his soul-conversion, conversion to God, without which there was no real change or blessing. Thank God, this took place. He trusted Christ as his Savior, and then works followed.
Some six years later found W- on foreign service in Jamaica. The Barracks there are
situate high up at Newcastle on the Blue Mountain Range, where the temperature is exceedingly hot during the day,' and bitterly cold at nights. At nights W- and a few Christian comrades, among them a Captain in the regiment, met for prayer and Bible readings. These meetings were held on the bleak mountain side, often above the clouds, when it was bitterly cold, and windswept. A hurricane lamp was used to see by.
These circumstances being difficult, it was proposed that one of them should approach the Commanding Officer, and ask the favor of the use of the Schoolroom once a week for the purpose of their meetings.
The Commanding Officer, a most efficient soldier, was most opposed to anything of a religious nature. Not even the Captain' dared approach him on such a matter. Feeling the importance of the situation, they decided to make it a matter of prayer for a week that their petition might be granted. W- was chosen to be the mouthpiece of the rest. The interview was sought through the usual routine of Sergeant Major and Adjutant, both of whom pitied him in the venture he was making, for the Colonel of the regiment was a very severe man with no soft side for religion. -
The request was made, and point blank refused.
" What has your religion ever done for you? snapped out the Colonel.
W- replied, " Sir, will you look at my Defaulter Sheet? That will speak better than my words."
The orderly was rung for, and told to produce W-'s Defaulter Sheet. It was brought. The orderly retired.
" Sir," said W-, " will you please look at my Defaulter Sheet," mentioning a certain date, " and see what entries there are before that date, and what there are after? "
The Colonel looked with amazement at the sheet. Before the date there was a long list of military offenses, showing how wild and insubordinate W- had been. After that date there was not a single entry. The sheet was as clean as when it left the hands of the manufacturer. The date mentioned was the date of W-'s conversion.
Impressed, the Colonel asked W- to repeat his request. He asked for the use of the Schoolroom.
" You shall have it for two nights a week," snapped out the Colonel.
" Thank you, sir, we will provide the oil for the lamps."
" No, you won't, it will be a charge on the Canteen Funds. You can go." So he was peremptorily dismissed.
Nay, further, later on some of the soldiers desired to have a Sunday evening service. With some little demur, and strict instructions that the service should be orderly and reverential, the request was granted.
This led to a time of rich blessing. Quite a few comrades were converted, among them some very unlikely cases. Eventually request was made and granted for the building of a prayer room by the Christians in the regiment, at their own expense and labor, to be open for access at any time.
Thus God used the Defaulter Sheet. Christianity, real Christianity, works.
Reader, have you ever tried real Christianity? Either it is true or false. If true, you cannot afford to neglect it. If false, how can you explain that when the Bible is practiced in human lives, it produces men and women, who lead pure and holy lives, who are ever seeking the blessing of others? Let W-'s Defaulter Sheet appeal to you. But remember salvation is by faith, faith in the Savior, who died on the cross that your sins might be forgiven. Remember eternal life is a gift, and you cannot work for a gift. " The Gospel of Christ... is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth " (Rom. 1. 16). " Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved " (Acts 16. 31).