"It's all Right now."

A POOR widow was induced to come to the gospel preaching, and was much moved by the Word. In speaking to her she said, “I was all right once.” “How long since?” we inquired. “Eight years ago,” was the reply. “Well,” we said, “what’s the matter? Why are you not right now?” Poor woman, she had left the Lord, and was, like the prodigal, far away. The Father’s love and readiness to meet her was put plainly before her, and we left that night with these words— “Tell your Father, and if you do, you will come to the gospel on Lord’s Day evening happy.”
This poor widow came to the meeting, and we shook her by the hand and said, “How now?” when she replied with a face full of joy, “It’s all right now.”
Reader, she told her Father. Should this meet the eye of any dear child of God who has got away—left the Father’s house, your poor heart well-nigh breaking—here’s a word of encouragement for you, “Tell your Father.” How intensely He desires to hear you again say, “I will arise and go to my Father.” The Father has not changed towards you, His love is as great as ever. You have changed, you have gone astray. Oh, the far-off country is a wilderness of misery, and may your heart cry out, “will arise and go to my Father.” W. S.