
Children—James House
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Never hurts to start a couple minutes early because sometimes when you start early you can end early. Who wants to start the singing? Yes Sir, what do you want to sing?
55 Let's see, Hold on. Actually, I got a hymn book right in front of me.
Yes, Leah.
#2A little child of seven.
A little child of seven, or even 3 or 4.
4747 #47.
And I am sure that he says it for me.
Salvation Story, Rebecca.
Someone can say of the children of men. Nobody ever has told me before.
104 Is that the last song in the book?
All right, 104 Yield not to temptation.
Yield not to temptation for you.
My passion says you.
Will intervene here. He will be here.
A little ship was on the sea all right #3.
A little ship was on the scene.
Almighty Windsor Big swim and all that much indeed.
Raise your gravely wonderful soul when we are not as well today.
You can explore his personal neither wet and she's overhead and she's obeyed.
Avery, 54.
54 Jesus, my Savior to Bethlehem came Jesus my Savior to Bethlehem cave.
Was wonderful. Let's see this name.
From the sky coming for me, for me.
Morning, morning.
I must dream this, and from the sky.
To introduce what I want to talk about today, we're going to sing another song. So the second line, when it's so first line of the second verse, you kind of have to smush it together to fit it in, but if you go quickly, it sort of evens itself out. And then the second verse.
Don't say Abigail's whole name, just say Abby and then it'll work much better.
But it goes to the tune of Shamgar had an ox goat.
Jail had a hammer. Joseph had a dream he had was left-handed. Sarah had a scheme. Rebecca Perry.
And I have four daughters and they all work for the Lord.
All right, maybe we'll see that again at the end. First thing I want to talk about today is a very brave woman, and she's the very first line of that song, and her name is jail.
And before we get started, I'm going to pray and ask the Lord Jesus for his help.
God and Father, Lord Jesus, I ask for your help this morning. Please organize my thoughts. Help me to present the message that you've laid on my heart and ask that there be something here for each of the kids and everyone listening to. In your precious name, Lord Jesus, I pray, Amen.
So back when jail was alive, there were also these people called the Children of Israel. And this wasn't the Children of Israel when they were wandering through the desert or when they were in Egypt. This is the Children of Israel when they were living in the Promised Land.
But there was a problem. It didn't really feel like the promised land anymore because the children of Israel had sinned. They had done bad things. They had done what they were not supposed to do. And that's true of everybody. The Bible says that all have sinned. And the children of Israel, they were no different. And in the book of Judges, chapter four, we read about how they were servants.
To the Canaanites, their enemies, and these people they were not.
Nice to the children of Israel and we're going to read about the bad guy because every good story has a bad guy in it. So let's let's read about our bad guy and judges chapter 4.
And as far as bad guys go, he does sound pretty cool. His name was Cicera and you could say Cicero.
Good job, Cicero. Now he had something. Let's read about what he had.
Judges chapter 4 and verse one. And the children of Israel gained it evil in the sight of Jehovah. Now Ehud was dead, and Jehovah sold them into the hand of Jabin, king of Canaan, who reigned in Hazel. All right now here's our bad guy and the captain of his army. The general in charge was Cicero, who dwelt at Hirosheth Goeng. And the children of Israel cried to Jehovah for he.
Sisera had 9.
100 Chariots of iron and he mightily oppress the children of Israel. 20 years. Anybody here 20 years old? 21 Oh, OK, we got it. Sorry, my blind spot. So imagine your whole entire life. Are these guys old? Relatively speaking, yes, their whole life. This king Jabin and his evil general Cicero with his 900 Is that a lot?
Where's that? A little. That's a lot of Chariots. And they were ironed. So they were tough and they were strong. And he was mean.
And this went on for a long, long time.
But then it says that the children of Israel.
Cried to Jehovah, and you know the book of Romans tells us that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.
And the Lord Jesus Christ came down from heaven, where he lived with his Father, and he died on the cross.
So that anybody who wants to, anybody that feels sad about their sins, anybody that feels guilty because they did something wrong.
Can go to the Lord Jesus and ask him to wash their sins away and all you have to do is ask him, say Lord Jesus, I've been bad, Please take my sins away and with his precious blood that he gave on the cross, he can make you clean and take away all of your sins and become your savior. But now we have to go down a little bit further.
To find our hero, our heroine, I guess the woman that we want to talk about jail.
So it says in verse 17 that Cicero fled on foot the tent of jail, the wife of Hebrew, the Kenite.
So Dale lived in a tent. Has anyone here ever spent the night in a tent? Ever go camping? Is it fun to go camping? Well, Jill lived all the time in attempt. That was her house. Maybe her home doesn't say her home. That's where she lived.
And Cicero, how many Chariots did he have?
900 And what were they made of?
Vienna Iron. So he was very scary. And what I want to talk about today is being brave. Now, the Bible doesn't actually have the word brave in it. Instead, the word the Bible uses is courageous, but it means very close to the word brave. So I'm going to use both words and everybody here has something that they are scared of.
Yesterday out on the lake, I was standing next to a little boy on the dock and he was scared to go in the water.
A few nights ago.
In our room there was a little boy and he was crying and he was scared. And do you know what he was scared of? He was scared of the big bad wolf.
So there's all kinds of things that we can be scared of. You know, sometimes I'm scared to stand up here and talk.
And you can be scared of the dark, you can be scared of being alone, you can be scared of being sad. There's all kinds of things to be afraid of.
Frightened us, and they're different for every single person.
But today we're going to read about somebody who wasn't, who couldn't say she wasn't scared. Even though she might have been scared, she still did what was right. And it's important that even if we're scared, we need to do what's right. See somebody who's brave the inside, they might be scared, but they still go and do what they're supposed to do.
Now jail, she lived in a tent.
And Cicero, he had a big army with his mighty Chariots of iron that scared people, and he went all over the place. But jail, she just stayed at home. Now, you kids, do you mostly just stay at home, or do you guys go all over the place riding around in Chariots?
You mostly just stay home, so most of us in this room were more like jail than like Cicero.
And, you know, trouble found jail. She was just staying at home, minding her own business and this bad guy sister.
Did you come riding up on his chariot? No, it says he ran up. You see, what God had done is he had gotten Deborah and Barack, and he gave them power and strength and a mission, and they had defeated Cicero in battle. And so all of a sudden this guy Cicero, who used to have 900 Chariots of iron, he was the one who was scared.
And he came running because he was scared of the Israelites this time, and he came running up to the tent of jail.
You know how when you run really hard and then you're all out of breath? That's the way Cicero was. And you know who came out the door, jailed it.
And says, right, he wanted jail to hide him because he was scared. But if I saw somebody that I knew used to have 900 Chariots of iron, somebody that used to be really mean to people.
I think I'd still be a little bit scared. Would you? Yeah. So imagine if you're jail, maybe your heart.
Eating really hard and your hands are shaking just a little bit and so she came out to meet Cesaro and Cesaro said I need you to hide me. I need you to help me and so it says that jail. She got Cicero a blanket and.
She took him into the tent.
And then sister is in the tent and after you guys run and play soccer or play Frisbee, does anybody get thirsty? Yeah, I get thirsty even if I'm not playing sports, I get thirsty. And so Sisra, he had just run a long way and he was really tired and he was thirsty, so he said the deal. Can you please get me a drink of water?
You know what she did?
And everybody see the table behind me.
Who can guess what jail went and got?
Milk. That's right. Now the Bible says that it was in a flask, so we don't really have a flask. We have this jug that came from Sam's Club. And so she went and got the jug and she gave Cicero a big drink of milk.
I had some of the smoke this morning. It was very good. So he had the drink of milk and sister, I said now jail, I want you to go stand at the door of the tent because he knew there were people chasing him.
And he said, if anybody comes, I want you to say nobody here.
All right, now he was asking her to tell a lie. Is that a good thing to tell lies? No. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life and the Bible. In the New Testament, in Ephesians, the apostle Paul says putting away lying, God wants us to speak the truth with each other. And so says Rahi wanted jail to tell a lie to keep him safe. He said, go stand at the door and if anyone comes, say there's nobody in here, keep running.
And he was going to lay down because he was so tired.
So tired.
And he fell fast asleep. Now I need some help. Who wants to be Cicero? You want to be Cicero? All right.
So remember, you just had a big drink of milk. Have a drink of milk.
Big drink of milk and you've just run a long, long way. Like a really long race. Are you tired? Are you sleepy? All right. And jail just gave you a nice warm blanket. Now you can lie down. All right, So here's our Sisera lying down, and he's fast asleep.
And you know, sometimes I've been told in my life, if you wake them up, you have to put them back to bed.
But you know what, Cicero? He was fast asleep, but jail She was still really quiet.
All right.
Gotta be quiet, don't wanna wake up.
This is the bad guy. He's really mean.
But he's also still very scary.
And we're still scared of him because he's mean and you know it. Jail did. I'm going to take off my shoes so I can be extra quiet. It says that she took a tent pin like a steak that used to hold down the tent, and in her other hand she took a hammer.
She snuck in.
Oops, just made noise and she got up till she was beside Cesaro by his head.
And then she put the nail right up against the side of his head like this, and she took the hammer and she went.
And it went until the tent nail was in the ground all the way through his head.
And then she went outside.
She put down the hammer and she went outside and there was this guy named Barrick running past.
And she said, hey, come on over here, I know who you're looking for. And she brought him in. And Barack, he had been chasing Sis for because he wanted to kill Sisera, and he came in.
And on the ground was that man who used to be so scary, who used to be really mean to people who used to have 900 Chariots of iron.
And there he was, lying on the ground with a nail in his head. He was dead. All right. Thank you for being Cicero.
And you know, in the next chapter, Deborah sang a song because they were so happy that they were free from the evil king of the Canaanites and from that mean man Cicero. You know that day when Sisera died in jail's tent, when she took the hammer?
And pounded that nail into his head. Cicero's mom was at home.
And she went, maybe she probably didn't have a watch, but she was watching the sun move through the sky. And it was morning and it was lunch. And then it was afternoon. And she began to say to her friend, she said, what? What's taking so long? And her friends said, it's OK. He's probably got so much stuff. Kind of like when your mom goes on a big shopping trip, he's probably got so much stuff that he's going to be here in a little while. He's just taking him a long time.
He's got lots of clothes, lots of animals, lots of people. He'll be home very soon. So she waited, and she waited, but Cicero never came home.
Because he was dead. Jail had been very brave. She took her hammer and she took the tent pin and she killed them. Did she use a big sword? Did she go out and buy her own chariot? No, she used what she had.
In her tent, she had a blanket. Does everybody here have a blanket? Yeah. Is there anything special about a blanket? I mean, when I was three, I had a special blanket and.
Probably most people have a hammer at home, right? You have a hammer, ASA. Yeah, and I think everybody either has tent pins or nails. And if you go to your fridge, most people have milk.
Yeah, jail used what she had.
And so the lessons for us from this story are that even though we might not.
Feel like we're very important, even though we don't feel like we have something special. God wants you and me, people who believe in His Son the Lord Jesus, and have had their sins washed away. He wants us to use the things that He's given us.
You know.
Conrad, can I borrow your sketch thing?
You know what's this called? Is this like a drawing thing? Does it have a name?
All right, well, we'll call it your SketchUp thing there. I just did a squiggle on it. Did you know, Conrad, that you can use this for the Lord Jesus?
Because sometimes maybe your brother or your sister or one of your friends will say, hey, Conrad, I want that. And you can either say no.
Hey, I see that happen all the time.
Yesterday I saw a tug of war between two kids over a toy.
And if you want to use this for the Lord Jesus, then you can say, sure you can. **** you can have it. I'll share it with you because the Bible says be kind.
One to another, tender hearted.
The Bible, The Lord Jesus doesn't want us to be selfish. She wants us to think about others.
Or if your mom says, hey, Conrad, put away your sketch thing and come for supper, you can be obedient. And that is a little bit like jail, using her blanket and her milk and her hammer and her nail to do something for God. And, you know, maybe it's hard. Is it hard to share your toys?
Is it hard to think about other people? I find it very, very hard to think about other people. I want to think about me.
But if I'm selfish, then I'm not being brave and courageous like jail. I'm being more like Cicero. I'm being mean.
Now in the New Testament I want to read some verses.
In the Book of Revelation, because in the song of Deborah and Judges chapter 5 it says.
That she overcame Cesare. I mean, she won. Who here likes to win? I like to win.
And in the Book of Revelation chapter 3, there's a verse I really, really like.
Revelation 321 He that overcomes to him will I give to sit with me and my throne, as I also have overcome and have sat down with my Father in his throne. That's the Lord Jesus talking, he says.
If you overcome, you get to sit beside me. Does that sound pretty cool? To get to sit beside the Lord Jesus in heaven?
Now how do we overcome? Well, I want to read you guys a verse in Romans chapter 8, Romans chapter 8, verse 37. But in all these things we more than conquer through him that has loved us the way we overcome, the way we be like jail, and more importantly like the Lord Jesus.
The way we win is by thinking about the Lord Jesus and remembering how much He.
Loved us. If the Lord Jesus was selfish, would he have died on the cross?
Would he have let people do mean things to him? No. He would have gone back to heaven. That was his home.
And if Jael thought about herself and wasn't brave, would she have killed Cicero? No, she would have just been scared. She would have gone and hid in the corner. Or she would have listened to him and lied and done the bad thing that he wanted her to do. But instead, she was brave. She did what was right. And if we remember the Lord Jesus and think about how much he loved us.
And through the Lord Jesus, we can be overcomers. We can win and do what is good and what is right.
To make the Lord Jesus happy.
You guys bored yet?
No. OK, All right. I have one more point to make. I brought two hammers today. I wasn't sure which one to use. Are these hammers the same? No. Am I the same as you? Are you the same as me? No. Are they both good hammers? The answer is yes. They're both good hammers. And, you know, even if you don't look like your friend and even if you don't look like jail.
Or, if you don't look like Mr. Roach, you can still.
Be useful. You know both these hammers.
Compound this nail.
And you know what? The Lord Jesus, no matter what you look like.
What family you're from, the place where you live, the toys that you have, the Lord Jesus wants to use you and he wants you to be an overcomer and to win just like he did, just like jail did. So let's sing the song one more time and then we'll be done. Jail had a hammer and Joseph had a dream he had was like.