James 1:13-18

Duration: 1hr 9min
James 1:13‑18
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I think that in 32 and the appendix.
In weakness and trials thought we may believe.
Oh man, no.
I can't dance out in the past and now.
So good at everything here.
But everything is on.
Your father's health here.
All right, so may be sanctioned in time.
Ah, by 10 minutes, right?
Ah, I'll be able to play anything and diagnose them. You have a different time and ah.
To get.
And then I'm just saying.
Right, God and their Father was.
Thank you that whatever maybe the difficulty that faces us yet we can come to the.
And we can bring our request before thee.
And we thank you that that would always answer it according to.
To what is the very best? Maybe not what we asked for, but.
That thing that is needed. And so we just thank you that we could sing this hymn together.
And the confidence of what it expresses, according to thy word, to know that thou were to God, who is for us.
And that that is not fair, thine own son without us to deliver him up for us all.
And therefore, our God and our Father, how shalt thou knock?
With him also freely give us all things.
So we rejoice in that, and we'd love to be further now to open Thy word and pray that Thou would give us more of that wisdom from its pages. We ask it in the name of the Lord Jesus, Amen. Amen.
Maybe we could continue our Bible reading.
When he has one reading.
More in this conference one a day.
Is this a suggestion?
James chapter one.
James chapter one will begin at verse 13.
Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God, for God cannot be tempted with evil. Neither tempt to see any man, but every man is tempted when he is drawn away of his own lust and enticed. Then when lost hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin, and sin when it is finished, bringeth forth death. Do not earn, my beloved brethren, every good gift, and every perfect gift is from above.
And cometh down from the Father of light.
With whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning of His own, will begat He us with the word of truth, that we should be a kind of firstfruits of His creatures. Wherefore, my beloved brethren, that every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath, for the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God. Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness, and receive with meekness and engrafted the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls.
But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves. For if any be a hearer of the word, and not a doer, he is like unto a man, beholding his natural face in a glass. For he beholdeth himself, and goeth his way, and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he was. But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth therein, he being not for forgetful here, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed, if any man among you seem to be religious.
And bridaleth not his tone, but deceiveth his own heart. This man's religion is vain, pure religion, and undefiled before God the Father, and before God and the Father. Is this to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world?
Back up How was man first tempted?
God created man's perfect.
And everything he created was very good.
But then the tempter came.
He certainly was none other but the devil.
And he is still at work today.
This was just about with everyone.
Whenever he can find.
A way to get into his.
Person, his mind, his heart, his conscience. Whatever he can attack, he will.
So we have to be on guard constantly.
Some people think because God does everything.
He brings about everything.
He also is in some somehow in the business have demand. But this is a bad thought. God has nothing to do with it.
It is when men.
Whoever it may be gives in to Satan. That's when he is tempted in whatever it may be.
Cross between temptation and testing.
Because we go to Genesis 22 and the King James it says God did temp.
It's not a good translation of the verse really. A better is God did test or try Abraham.
Uh, station.
Draws men away by the lust that of the sinful nature that is in US. And so Satan works to tempt.
Or even without them, Satan were tempted by in inward loss in our Adam nature.
But God never does that. He never ever. He cannot do that.
Because of what He is, is God, and He's perfect in His Holiness and so he has no evil motive possible in him.
But God does test.
A test profession.
In part, James's epistle was to encourage the Saints to walk in the reality of their faith. But, And at times the word of God is used to speak to us in a way that tests us as to whether we're real or not, as to something. And so God will, according to his perfect wisdom and purpose, if we profess something, to be something.
Or believe something God will sometimes put that profession to the test. Is it real or is it not this person pretending? Maybe they're sincere and deceiving themselves. It isn't that there's necessarily an attempt to deceive on their part my part, but there can be with unconscious to us.
Not having really laid hold of something and so God puts it to the chest, He does allow in the test that He brings into our lives, He does allow and make use of.
Satan or sinful man?
Uh, to bring the test about, as in the case of Job.
God said God had a purpose in Job's life for to bless him, but he was being hindered from his purpose of blessing Joe because he saw something in Job that needed to be taken care of before God could bring the blessing that he wanted in his life. And so when Satan prepares before him, he says, hast thou considered my servant Joe?
And as it were, Job responds yes, but you won't let me touch them. So what can I do? Satan had the desire to bring out make jumps in and God did permit. He said, all right, I will allow you to go this far. And he went that far. And as a consequence of the first step, the result was it says Job sin not with his lips.
Doesn't mean he didn't send, but the words didn't come out. He wasn't fully exposed to himself or to others by the 1St measure that God allowed Satan to go, but then God allowed him to go farther, allowed him to touch his body and his health and uh, then he.
Went on and had blessing after he judged himself and so God does try or test we had the other day in the case of Joseph, God said to Joseph, your family, your father and mother are going to bow down to you and it says later the word of the Lord tried them. So he passed through years of testing as to did he really believe God.
In spite of all the circumstances through which he was passing and uh, God used him as a great vessel of blessing because you might say pass the test, he was real. And so it is in our lives is it says in this verse, let no man say when he's tempted, I'm tempted to God. That is God never, ever put something before us with the intent that we will disobey.
If we profess something.
Then He may put something before us that'll see whether we will obey or not, but it's never in the nature of what we call it, or what should be called a temptation, as it says in this verse.
We are active blame God in some way in trial, aren't we? We get into trouble and it happened in the very first ten that was mentioned.
And the Lord talked to Adam. Adam said the woman this house gave us to me to be with me. She gave me an IED. She blames her. But he also implies that there's some fault on the part of God because God gave her to him. And so we are apartment to turn around and blame God in some way. So this is a very needed expectation.
They don't do it. It's just something that God never can do.
This earth is also very blessed for defending the deity of our earthy the person of our Lord Jesus Christ. He is God.
And so Satan came to him. He could be tempted in all the ways that we had earlier in our chapter. That is, he went through testing, He went through great testing. They would come there and put things before him. But he couldn't be tested in this way. He couldn't be tested this way because there was nothing from within that would respond to it.
So Satan comes and he completely fails. Later on, Satan would come again at the end of the Lord's ministry, and the Lord would say the Prince of this world comes and he has nothing.
In me there was nothing inside the Lord that could correspond to that. There is enough, and so we need that. But the Lord didn't have that sin nature.
So it says in Hebrews chapter 4 that he was an all points tempted like as we are, and yet without sin or sin apart he couldn't be tempted that way. So it's important to see that.
And defend who he was in this person.
I say that because a lot of people today, a lot of Christians today say that the Lord Jesus could have been, but he didn't. So he's the great overcomer and we look to him as the one, the great example as to how to overcome that actually is a slur in this person and.
From what I understand, perhaps the majority of Christians today would hold that teaching. We need to be aware of it. That's really a very bad teaching with respect to the person of the Lord.
Where is that thought? A little step farther as well.
Very very important point to learn.
Never, ever, ever judge God by what we are.
I say that again, it's a tremendously important thing. Never, ever judge God by what we are.
What we are is this.
If you've lied.
Con one of the consequences is you will believe that you could be lied to.
You see that in Cain he committed murder.
And when he committed murder, he was afraid he would be murdered.
If you cheated.
You will think people will cheat.
In return, if you've ever stolen, you will think you may have someone steal from you. It's the way we are, and it's important to recognize what we are and why we act, if you will, that we do.
But the mistake is so easily made is we try to apply those same things to God.
If I deceive.
If I haven't been righteous, I may say, well, maybe God doesn't always do things just quite the right way.
And so on.
And the importance of it is is.
That we recognize that our God is what he says he is.
I do not lie.
Pretty obvious. I do not cheat, I do not steal, I do not deceive, I do not attempt.
We tempted somebody. There's a certain something in US and it says right here, God doesn't tempt because he never ever acts inconsistent with himself, which is not like us.
And as a consequence.
We we must learn to trust. We've been talking about faith in the last day. We've got to learn to trust God and not according to the character of what we are.
Or we will, in certain circumstances, not trust him.
We will misrepresent him.
Because we're judging him according to what we are in ourselves. And that's part of what Joe had to learn. Uh, he had to change his perspective to see things from God's perspective.
And always look at it from, well, what is God said of himself and how is he going to act consistent with his own character? He said, I can't deny myself. I promised this to you. I'm going to deliver on my promises regardless in that sense of us. And just one final thought about it.
If we look at things from God's perspective, you can find in tremendous encouragement in spite of what we are.
In spite of what we are, uh, just a little example out of this chapter, it says.
God cannot be tempted with evil either. Tempteth he any man.
God says.
I've made you my child.
I've given you the life of the family, the nature of the family.
And when the transition that Phil spoke about is done and it gets to the end of what God has purposed, he says you'll never tempt anybody.
You'll never lost.
You'll never fail to love.
To participate in the essential deity of God.
But as his children, we've received the divine nature and we will be morally like the Lord Jesus Christ when God's work is done and so.
Even it's not to diminish or to weaken the exhortation here, but at the same time it's a it's a wonderful thing to say. God says I can't tempt anybody. Won't it be nice when his work is done and we never, ever have a desire to tempt anyone.
Deceive anyone, lie to anyone, steal from anyone, and so on.
It's, uh, it's an encouragement if we stop and allow God to show us what he's doing and his perspective on what he's doing. But again, I say never ever judge God by what we are.
It's helpful, On the contrary, to judge ourselves by what God is.
There's, there's all kinds of temptations around us and we're prone to yield to them and to make excuses. And perhaps one of the commonest these days is and the Christians endorse this, My Christians endorse, they say it's all right to lie once in a while if you do it for a good purpose.
Does God ever lie?
God never lies that it's always wrong.
That doesn't mean we always have to tell everything we know. God doesn't tell us everything he knows. But God never lies. It's never right to lie. It's it's a it's a truth, a simple truth that.
Is not commonly recognized in society these days.
Originally God, uh, made us in his image.
After we fell, we made God in our image.
And you look around at the Greeks and all their funny gods and uh, they all have these human characteristics. They all have an evil connected with them. Look at other societies in these ugly, angry looking slots, idols and stuff. That's just a representation of what's in my heart. So.
We we now make God an art image.
But uh, certain settings, not the way it is there. There is that symmetry there.
Brother already mentioned about the.
The fact that we have enemies, really the just one is mentioned here and that is the flash that's within.
And uh.
It's really important to see that.
That is taken up by itself because we may even try to blame other enemies that we have. The devil made me do it or something like that. But the fact is there's enough that's wrong right inside of us and we need to be guard on guard again. Satan really doesn't have to do much work. Maybe with regard to me, sometimes I get into plenty enough trouble by not judging myself and keeping my flesh the place of death and so that it's taken off all by itself later on.
James goes and takes up the other enemies in order in chapter 4. You'll find there that it's first he takes up the the flesh and the first part of that.
The the lost again. He thinks up in verse three and then he goes on to the world. Friendship with the world is enmity with God in verse 4.
And uh.
And then he goes to the end of verse seven there resist the devil. He will flee from you until he takes up the three enemies as a believer has. And that's all true and important. And the word of God speaks much about all three. But as I understand it, the flesh is the one that is dealt with the most is there we fail the most. And so when we look at this and see that there are these suggestions that come from within.
And they're called lots and it doesn't say lost is sent here. I think the word is actually desire.
Translated that in other places when it's used in a good way, like the Lord Jesus said with the desire of I desire Jesus Passover with you. It's the same word, but it's a suggestion, a desire that comes from the old nature and that's what's wrong with it. And if we listen to it, if we get place to it.
And don't immediately judge that is where it came from and it's rude. Then it says there's a progression to it and it goes on to +10 which then goes on to what is called here death and.
The warning here isn't to explore what happens down that road, but to stop right at the beginning of it. Recognize where the thought is coming from.
And be done with it. Judge it.
Own that God is good and submit to him and go on.
The first part is to do with you all the enough.
Versus just described.
The verses which follow give the very opposite side of it too. It says do not earn my blood rather than because then it brings out good.
Well, as to the evil?
We give excuse.
As to our sin in doing it.
Only three main excuses given in Genesis are God's fault, Satan's fault, or somebody else's fault. Those are the three that are given in the excuse.
Alright, equally subtle in US.
Is if we see something that we perceive to be good.
We want the credit.
We we want to think that's me.
That was the root of Joe's problem. Gone and made him a righteous man.
And the keyword is God had made.
But Joe's problem was he was proud of what he was and he wanted the credit for it.
And so God had to work with Joe to help him to discover what he thought of himself.
And what was wrong with his conclusion about it? Because no flash is going to glory in the presence of God.
When we look at things that way, then we judge God again. I've done good.
Why am I not receiving from God the just recompense of my goodness?
Why isn't God doing this for me? So and so does that and nothing seems to happen to him. But I'm I'm not doing it. I'm doing it right now. Why isn't my life getting good?
Our hearts say I deserve.
And so, he says, every good and every perfect gift is from a glove.
The source of all goodness is in the heart of God.
It's not in our doing, it's not in our not doing. It's in the heart of God.
Did God want Job to be a righteous man? Yes, He did. Does He want you and I to be righteous people? Yes, He does.
But whose? To whose credit is it?
It's gone.
It's God's credit, but if the natural man is given his chance, if Adam is given his chance, he's going to say I deserve, I'm good.
And he's going to judge his fellow for not being so good. Father, I thank thee that I'm not, as other men are.
And then he looks at the public and, and as his prayer and uh, so as such is, is the confidence that man has in his own goodness.
That we are.
We are in that, and so we're taught to say don't hurt that way. Every man, every blood, every perfect gift comes from God.
And he is the one that is to receive the credit for it.
And he's unchanging. He's unfailing. It is good.
You'll never, ever, ever give us something that is not from His unchanging heart of good.
Yes. Why did we begin ourselves?
Oh, by his own will.
That he us by the word of truth.
On his own with.
There is less.
Bringing up in every man, even children.
They are lasting after something, after new toys, after something that the other one might have and they don't have it.
They try to get it, maybe take it away.
There's many ways.
I wish men can be drawn, it says he had drawn.
Into some kind of loss.
Maybe getting a new car when they are older can't afford it.
Lasting after a house after.
People are married.
It looks very good but they can't afford it.
And and no is something happened that they don't?
Calculate into their lives.
It's robust. It'll go wrong.
That's why God says don't.
Money. Don't borrow anything.
Get that which you can't afford.
He has promised us to take care of us.
If we live a godly life according to His ways, He has promised to take care of us in whatever circumstances we are.
And again, patiently wait for the time where we can have what we need.
We've seen Gorbachev that this country down to their knees by doing this.
Well, it would have been a good thing if everybody had prayed when it happened.
Because with these mortgages so-called.
They got people to take high mortgages, big money, and then they couldn't pay it and they went into bankruptcy.
Well, that's one way that God, that God would like to have us to watch against. On the other hand, that's one way where how Satan got in.
And got a lot of help.
Hard things to happen to many, many families and through the whole country.
Lasting after something.
Question is for someone to answer. Some of them perhaps is in this situation, if my old nature is dead, why do I have this conflict? So could you expand a little on that reckoning? It would be a dead brother.
Well, I'm sure you can, but I'll give it a try.
The Word of God teaches us and.
We take some time to go through it, but in in Romans 6, it brings out very plainly how we have this, umm, old nature that's within us.
That, uh, we are to keep the hold in that place of, of death. Other scriptures as well, and it's always there.
The scripture talks about it as being alive.
Umm, it speaks about the old man that we have too. We often read about that. I just mentioned it briefly that that, uh, that is actually crucified and seen as dead. But the scripture talks about this old nature. We find that it is there and, and it can work if we allow it to.
And so this is one of those places where you find that lost is working. It's it's suggesting and and if we give it place, it will go on and progress now in Galatians Chapter 5.
We read something about the the secret of the power over it. So if I could just make the whole discussion short and go there.
It says in verse 16 this I say then walk in the Spirit and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh.
Now, as believers, we were born again. We just read that.
And having been born again, we have divine life from God. It's a perfect life, and that life only does what is natural to it.
However you go through and you read in the book of Romans, you find that there's a struggle between that life and and the the flash. We may say the new nature and the old nature. And in Romans we see that there's a a complete difficulty to you come to chapter 8. But here we find really the answer of it is the Holy Spirit, which also comes out in Romans 8, so.
Just to say that briefer, we've got a new nature and an old nature. The new nature wants to do what is right. The old nature doesn't want to do what is right. That old nature that we have cannot be improved. It's desperately wicked. There's nothing that can be done. It tells us that it's it can be improved, but it lies.
The new nature can't be improved either. It's perfect.
And we have to live in one of the other and the only chance we have to live according to the new nature is to walk in the Spirit. And we can do that because God has given us his spirit. We're in dwelled by the Holy Spirit. So that is what is taken up in Galatians chapter five. He says in verse 16 this I say then walk in the Spirit and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh.
So how do we do that? Well, the flash lost against the Spirit and the Spirit against the flesh. And these are the contrary ones to the others, so that you cannot do the things that you would. But if you're a lad of the Spirit, you're not into the law. Now the worst of the flesh and manifest, which are these and so on it goes through them, and then it brings out the fruit of the Spirit. And it says in verse 24 days that our Christ have crucified the flesh with the affection.
And the loss her brother was talking about that a little bit in his meeting, if you remember, said you could have put on the Lord Jesus Christ. And then we've got the putting off these works of the flesh. And here we find that keeping the flesh and the type of in the place of death, it's broken up here is having crucified the flesh with the affections and the loss.
If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the spirit. And that's the secret.
We have the Spirit of God.
And we take up with the Spirit of God in our life. We give no place to the flesh, but instead we walk according to the Spirit of God. And the Spirit of God will lead us in the ways of God. And that begins with so much of what we've had in this world in in these meetings. The word of God is an integral part of that. He's going to lead us on in his word. We get that later on in James one here. And we walk according to that way. It's called in Romans 8.
Umm, living after the Spirit, we're living in the realm of the Spirit, doing those things that the Spirit of God within us wants us to do and gives us the power to do. And when we do that, there is the power over the old nature that we have and we won't sin. Peter says if you do these things, you won't fail. And so that's the power and there is no secret or shortcut to it, but.
Taking up with living that life in the Spirit of God and by the Word of God.
I'm sure someone else can better.
Lost his UMM desiring something to have something that God is not giving us. And umm, it's it's beautiful to see the answer to UMM trying to take something God has not given us.
He isn't giving it to us because it's not for our best interest. It's not for our blessing. But what He has to give us is every good gift and every perfect gift. And so, you know, we do umm, you know, just because we do have a new nature and we can put on Christ doesn't mean that we don't have a responsibility to, umm, not fulfill the lust of the flesh.
Well, the end of lust.
We have here in our chapters death, Death.
Why would we want that to be the end result of the activity of our life that God would have to?
Just condemn it as something that's not worthy of life.
God promises us that His every good gift and His every perfect gift is is there waiting for us. Often times He may test us to see whether.
Umm, we're we're willing to wait.
And to see whether we will give in to temptation. He, he doesn't tempt us with evil, as we've been saying, but oftentimes faith is tested, obedience is tested. And he, he's so good to show us exactly what's going to happen if we give in to lust. The end result. But then it's not very.
It's not very far down the chapter that he brings in the positive and the blessing and the good things that he has to to give us if if we take things from his hand instead of taking things that he that aren't from his hand.
Without the pace, we haven't really leased the thought of faith still. So we have to look at this and say because of faith, this is what happened. So verse 16 begins by saying do not error. We were to use today's language, let's say don't make any mistake about there's no mistake about this. Don't even think twice about it. Do not error. My beloved president, every Christian and perfect give us from above. Faith tells us that we're not to question any of it.
It is the results that we now know that we have the faith from God and then we can see and apply that to every situation that I mentioned here to the end of the after it would tell us even things like in verse 19. It tells us it says every man the swift to hear slow to speak slow draft. Well, what does they have to do with that? Well, almost everything because.
It requires faith to understand this to be able to.
Hear. Hearing is to hear what God have to say to us. Do we have to say that belief that God is speaking to us? So here we are told that we be swift to hear our our ears too, to hear what God has. Are we ready to accept the message from God himself? Swift to hear from his word? Well then, what's to do with slow to speak?
And I don't think it's speaking in the term of talking past or talking slow, but rather I believe here the speaking is the expressions of how we express God's thoughts. We have to be careful. We have to express it as it is from God himself that it will speak and be an article of God. We have to be slow to swift to hear and then slow to deliver necklace that he may be clear and concise.
And not only that, as a service of God, it is true faith that we learn not to strive. We learn not to be, not to, uh, to be slow with rock as well. And you can look through the rest of the examples here. The rest of the example throughout, uh, to the end of the chapter is really because of faith is the result of faith that we're able to follow the word of God.
Nice to take these verses and quiet to the 1St Corinthians 7.
Uh, and she is a good guest and she is every perfect yes. And if I view my wife as a gift from loving hearing God that I indeed going to be as we communicate.
To allow these things practically.
To her you don't hear about the Lord Jesus screaming, yelling at his bride. You know, here's the bride screaming and yelling at Christ. Every marriage we go to is a picture of marriage of Christ and his rise. And so often we don't function that way for, you know, take time to listen. We don't hear properly we get.
That out of shape we go domestic.
There's conflict.
I believe it's simply because of these things here.
Every good gift, every perfect gift.
Proper gift.
God has given her to me and.
Value her to see her in that light, then we can go out together if you want.
That was the Lord's desire, that we would go out together as one. But it was nice to see that with whom there is no variable that neither shadow is turning. There's no Gray areas with God, brother. There's any Gray areas in our life with regards to spiritual things. We've created them. There's no variable that's neither shadow turning with God. It's all black.
That takes space.
We all know that the book of Genesis is the book of beginnings. So we see the beginnings of things, but out of Genesis in.
How does the book of Genesis end?
Joseph died.
Joseph died.
Uh, Genesis is a great beginning, but it ends in death.
And if you continue to trace it on to the end of Malachi?
Speaks in the very end of Malachi of the great and dreadful day of the Lord.
And uh, less I come and smite the earth and the curse doesn't have a very happy ending.
Because the Old Testament is what man is.
It's the history of man and what he is.
But by contrast to that, the New Testament, and it's great intent, is what God is.
That's what God is. And uh, so we have in, in the book of John, right? And truth came by Jesus Christ.
God brings his fullness to man in the person of his Son, Jesus Christ, and it's what God is and what God brings. It's the great giver bringing his gifts and, uh, demonstrating what he is for man. And so in our chapter.
We were begot by the word of truth. It is that truth that came by Jesus Christ that has brought us into the relationship of God, which as children and uh, God is a God of grace. And so the New Testament ends the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. And James is helping the brethren, if you will, to get on the same page with God.
And the practice of the practical carrying out of that which God has brought.
And wants us to live out as we await the final result of what he is doing and so we're the first fruits of his creatures were were those that he has is working with to bring about the end result that everything will be of God and nothing will be of the original creation. Even the physical creation is good to be replaced because it's been spoiled by sin and so it's important for us to be.
Ready to listen?
Don't bring the old man into it. Don't bring the old man's thoughts into it, don't bring the flesh into it. We do it naturally, but it only hinders us. And the old ends in death, which in its root death means separation.
And when a man dies, in a physical sense, he separated from that which characterizes his life. It's the separation of his fallen spirit from his body, and he no longer can function because those there's been that separation.
But in Adam all died.
And the death is more than the physical death. It is the separation from God that makes it so terribly serious. And when a man is separated from God.
His life is totally wrong. It's totally messed up. And yeah, God's work with us is to separate us from that which separated us from God and to bring us into the enjoyment and that of that which connects us with God, which is life.
And uh, we, we make God's work pretty hard. God has to work pretty hard on us because we make it difficult for him to accomplish his purpose. But we thank God, he reminds, he remains faithful and he will get to the end of his agenda, his program in the day of grace, which is conformity of creation.
And it's in us to that which is purposed by grace and truth. I just want to again state how important the Word is. The Word is terribly important because we're begotten by the word of truth or begotten through the Word. God uses the Spirit, using the Word in us to bring us into life. And having brought us into life, He gives us a word that we might live.
In accordance with the light that he's given that he might make us wise as to his character that we might become, if I could use it carefully, more God like in practice.
And, uh, he wants us to be like himself. And so he does that work that it might result in that. And he, in grace and love to us, brings us into that, which would cause us to judge whatever it is that's hindering his work in the positive side of it.
Four days will be a picture of men's 4000 years history. Isn't it 4000 years. It proves that result is that simple. You think it by now and think about this verse we have before us verse 22 Be doers of the word and not hearers only deceiving your own selves. Back in Genesis, in the garden name was told one simple commandment is not to eat of the fruit of that tree.
And Satan came.
Couldn't he? He couldn't remember exactly what was said. What you Satan say? Yeah. Have God said?
How often do we leave a conference like this and say that was nice, but nothing changed our lives here. We exalted not to be a hearer of the word only.
Not a doer. The word do you find is interesting is in order to God the smallest 'cause you say the shortest word 2 letters.
Co. You can look it up. It's in scripture more than once. Do do.
And so here it says, so we're not going to deceive ourselves. Knowledge sometimes can be dangerous without a guidance from this period. Uh.
Verse 16 We have another exhortation. Do not err, my beloved brethren.
It is so easy to erase certain things which we do if we don't do them with the Lord.
Then he says every good gift, every perfect gift comes from about 4000. Give us bad gifts.
Lord Jesus says she wouldn't give your.
Son who asked for an egg? A serpent?
So all the gifts that God gives, which we need, are good gifts.
And they are also perfect if if they're properly used.
He talked in here about marriage. It's a gift of God.
It has to be understood how to walk.
In marriage with all that belongs to it.
And it all comes from the Father of Lights.
God is light. He has a flashlight that's right now to shine into everybody's life and brings out what is bad.
And exhort us to straighten it out and to confess it.
With him is no variableness. He doesn't risk things around. He won't let us twist things away. Uh, we want to see it, or if we did something wrong, to twist it in such a way that it looks good.
If it doesn't, uh, stand to test of scripture.
Not good.
Has been twisted.
And he turns.
In the right light.
He takes things out of the shadow.
And he shines his light on it, neither shadow of turning. If I have shady things done, he brings it up.
By shining his light on.
So we come back to the same thing again. We have to test everything by scripture.
All the guests, I love these clothes. Thou give them all good. Heaven itself enrich your nose.
Before they now hear at the end of this meeting and thank you for the word which Provo was provided for us, Thank you for.
Knowledge that it is a good gift and a perfect gift. We thank you for each one of these gifts which thou has given to us.
And most of all, for that.
That's perfect. Yeah. It's a gift of thigh. Well, beloved son, which was given for us, we thank thee for not sparing him, but offering him up for a call. We look forward to that soon coming day. We'll be able to see him and be with him for all eternity. His most precious and Marthy. Namely Price.