January 11

“They called Rebekah, and said unto her, Wilt thou go with this man? And she said, I will go.” —Genesis 24:58.
IT is thus the awakened soul decides for Christ. To each there comes the question, Wilt thou go with this Man? — the Man of whom Isaac was but a type, the Man Christ Jesus. He wishes to have us for Himself. The Holy Spirit has come down into this world to seek a Bride for the Son. It is He who wins our hearts for a Man we have never seen—the glorified Man at God’s right hand. Happy the soul who responds gladly, “I will go,” and so is betrothed to Him forever.
“Behold, a Royal Bridegroom
Hath called me for His bridal
I joyfully make ready
And hasten to His side.
He is a Royal Bridegroom,
But I am very poor!
Of low estate He chose me
To show His love the more:
For He hath purchased for me
Such goodly, rich array, —
Oh, surely never bridegroom
Gave gifts like His away.
He sent His Guide to guide met
He knew how blind, how frail
The children of the valley: —
He knew my love would fail.
He knew the mists above me
Would hide Him from my sight.
And I, in darkness groping,
Would wander from the right.
I know that I must follow
Slow when I fain would soar:
That step by step thus upward,
My Guide must go before.”