January 4

Genesis 6:14
IN the ark, built according to divine direction, we have a beautiful type of Christ. Pitched with pitch within and without, it went through the flood carrying its passengers safely over to the renewed earth—a picture of Christ bearing the judgment of God against sin and sang all who trust in Him. Note that Noah and his family did not have to hang onto spikes or some similar arrangement outside the ark. They were safe inside where the waters of judgment could not reach them. Blessed it is to be thus “in Christ Jesus,” where there is no condemnation (Rom. 8:11There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. (Romans 8:1)).
“In the refuge God provided, —
Tho’ the world’s destruction low’rs,―
We are safe, to Christ confided,
Everlasting life is ours.
And, ere long, when come to glory,
We shall sing a well-known strain. —
This (the never-tiring story): —
Worthy is the Lamb once slain!”
—Mary Bowley