This is another date to be remembered with thanksgiving on earth and praise in heaven. On this day E―, the son of another of our helpers, who was himself converted at the Royal Public Rooms, came to Jesus.
E― was twelve years of age, and for two or three years he had been anxious about his soul. He had often wept when alone in bed, and his parents had gone to him and prayed with him, and sought to lead him to the Saviour.
About the beginning of January of this year a change was noticeable in the child’s behavior; he seemed quieter and more thoughtful.
On January 5th, when he was alone, the Spirit of God began to work mightily in his soul, and the lad went up into his bedroom to pray. When he came downstairs again, he took his Bible, and opened to Matthew 11:2828Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28) and 29th verses, and read the glorious invitation, “Come unto me, all ye that labor, and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”
When his father came home he went to meet him with tears in his eyes, and the open Bible in his hand. “What is the matter?” asked the father. The sobbing answer was, “Dad, I want the Lord to forgive me my sins.” “I am sure He will,” was the parent’s answer, “we must ask Him.”
They went into the kitchen, and knelt down in silent prayer. Suddenly the dear lad burst out in prayer to God, so earnestly that those who heard could never forget it.
“LORD FORGIVE ME MY SINS; CLEANSE ME FROM MY INIQUITIES, THAT I MAY TRUST THEE. AMEN.” This was the prayer that rose to heaven and to God from the boy’s heart. The prayer was heard, and the answer was given. He rose from his knees and went to his mother and said the Lord had forgiven his sins, and he felt happy.
Thank God for the salvation of these two lads; thank God for saving them in their homes, and giving the parents the joy of pointing them to Jesus. May their young voices be heard in the Master’s service! May others be brought to the Saviour, so that when we who are older are called away, they, if the Lord should tarry, may still carry on His blessed work, and win many souls for Him.
H. W.