Come, listen to a story, friend, I want to tell to you;
A story very, very old,
But still as good as new.
I learned it at the Sunday school,
And now would have you prove
The joy that such a story gives—
Of Jesus and His love.
We all had wandered far from God, And gone like sheep astray.
And the’ so very young, you see
I, too, had turned away.
But God who set His love on me,
My little heart did move, For through His holy Word I learned Of Jesus and His love.
He left His home in heaven, I read,
For sinners such as I,
He must “be lifted up,” He said,
On Calvary’s cross to die.
I never could have gone to heaven,
To dwell with God above,
But for the blessed, joyful news
Of Jesus and His love.
I trusted Jesus’ precious blood,
Which cleanseth from all sin.
That blood has made me pure and white,
As though no sins had been.
And while in journeying through the world,
His daily grace I prove,
I love to think, and talk, and sing
Of Jesus and His love.
My story isn’t finished yet,
He’s coming soon, He says,
To take me home to dwell with Him
Through everlasting days.
And when the sweet new song I sing
With all His saints above,
‘Twill be the dear old story still,
Of Jesus and His love.
ML 02/15/1931