Jesus: Are You for Him or Against Him?

Narrator: Chris Genthree
Duration: 2min
WHAT an important question! Are you for Jesus. or are you against Jesus? What a terrible thing it would be to find out in the day of judgment that we have been against Him who came to be our Saviour and our Friend. Well, we are either for Him, or we are against Him. There is no middle ground. We are either friends of Jesus or enemies of Jesus.
The disciples saw a man casting out devils in the name of Jesus, and they forbade him, because he did not follow with them. This was wrong. Jesus told them that no man who did a miracle in His name could lightly speak evil of Him. “For,” said He, “he that is not against us is on our part.” But in another place He said, “He that is not with Me is against Me.”
So you see, dear children, Jesus counts us either on His side, or against Him. How is it with you? Have you seriously considered the question?
Perhaps you are ready to ask how you can be on His side. Well it is very simple. If you take Jesus as your Saviour and give yourself up to do His will, you will be on His side. But if you refuse to do this, and go your own way, you will be against Him.
Now I want to tell you that Jesus came to be your Saviour, and He desires to be your Friend, and to save you from your sins, and from judgment to come. If you receive Him you will find He is for you. But if you refuse Him, you will find Him against you in the day of judgment. And do you know what that means? Its means that you will go from His presence into everlasting punishment in the lake of fire. Oh! think of this, and turn to Jesus for salvation, before it is too late.
“He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.”
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