Jesus Came to Save

I once heard of a little outcast girl, whose father and mother had died, and left her all alone in the world. She had no home, no one to love her, and no one to care anything for her. She had to go about the streets and beg, and was often tired wandering about, and ofteimes very hungry.
One day she came to a large farmhouse and asked for a piece of bread, being so hungry; and to be allowed to sit a while at the warm kitchen fire, for it was bitterly old, and she was but thinly clothed—the torn, tattered garments scarcely sufficient o cover the shivering child. The little pleader’s eyes filied with tears as she spoke to the lady of the house.
“Tell me,” said the lady, “where is your mother?”
“O,” said the little, cold, weary, hungry child, “I have no mother, no one cares for me; no one loves me at all. O! if some one would only love me, I would be so happy.” And again the tears ran down the thin, wan cheeks of the child. Softly and gently the lady drew the little outcast to her, kissed her, wiped her tears away, and whispered in her ear,
“Dear child, I will be a mother to you.”
This is a sweet picture of a love that has sought, found, and saved little outcasts, just like you. Ah! my dear young readers, the love of Jesus far surpasses a father or a mother’s love; for to seek, save, and bless you He came from the bosom of His Father. He has died on the cross because He loved you. Now, won’t you love him? He died to put away your sins; but, unlike the poor outcast little girl who sought a home and some one to love her, Jesus is seeking you, your love—your heart. He came to save you.
Will my dear young readers think of who Jesus is, and what He has done, and look to Him and be saved?
“Neither is there salvation in any other; for there is none other Name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” Acts. 4:12.
ML 02/23/1941