I wonder, have you ever heard
Of Jesus Christ, the Lord?
Of all His acts of love and grace
Recorded in God’s Word?
How, when He lived upon the earth,
The people heard Him say,
“Let little children come to Me,
Nor bid them stay away.”
He was so loving, kind and true,
So full of sympathy,
He cleansed poor lepers white as snow,
And made the blind to see.
He wanted little children all
To have their sins forgiven,
For one dark stain, however small,
Would shut them out from heaven.
And so, because He loved the world,
He died upon the Tree,
That men and women, boys and girls
Forever might be free.
And though He’s living far away
Above the bright blue sky,
Yet still He loves, as in that day,
Each little girl and boy.
He wants us just to heed His call,
And thank Him for His love,
And then some day He’ll take us all
Into His Home above.
ML 06/11/1939