Jesus Cleansing the Temple.

Narrator: Chris Genthree
Duration: 2min
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JESUS had just returned from Bethany, where He had spent the night with His disciples. He went into the temple, and found the money-changers there, and those who sold doves. He overthrew the table of the money-changers, and the seats of those who sold doves. This He did with energy and authority, for He was the King, and if He was going to reign over His people, He could not allow them to do as they were doing, for the house which was to be a house of prayer for all people they had turned into a den of thieves.
Many of the people who came to worship, came from a long distance, and instead of bringing their offerings with them, they brought money and bought offerings at Jerusalem. These money changers and dove sellers were the men who supplied the people with these things and they brought them into the courts of the temple, and sold them there, and no doubt, made large profits from the people in order to enrich themselves by this unholy traffic. This is the reason why the Lord Jesus called them “thieves” and charged them with making the house of God their “den”. But He had come as King, and if His authority was to be owned, these things must cease. The temple must be cleansed from all this unholy traffic, and holiness must have its place in God’s house. Jesus spoke and acted with power and authority, but the wickedness of the scribes and the chief priests was incurable, and they sought to destroy Him. They were afraid they would lose their influence with the people, because the people were astonished at His teaching; and so they must get rid of Him at all cost. Oh! how solemn. Reader, how is it with you? Do you own the authority of Jesus? Or do you want to get rid of Him?
ML 02/22/1903