I called upon a scholar
From Sunday school one day,
Who in a humble cottage,
In helpless sickness lay.
A kind and ready welcome
I met with from the boy,
And something seemed to whisper
His heart was full of joy.
I spoke to him of heaven,
And heaven’s eternal day,
And of that precious Saviour
Who washed my sins away.
And when I spoke of heaven,
Where soon I hope to be,
“And so do I,” he answered,
“For Jesus died for me.”
Whene’er I spoke of Jesus
Upon the cursed tree,
He said, “He died for sinners,
But, sir, He died for me.”
Long time I sat conversing
With this dear, happy youth,
So pleased to find his spirit
Rejoicing in the truth.
He seemed so calm and happy—
His heart from fears so free—
The secret of his gladness
Was, Jesus died for me.”
‘Tis this that makes me joyful,
And keeps my heart so free,
To know Christ died for sinners,
And that HE died for ME!
ML 08/20/1944