Jesus for Me! Jesus for Me!

SOME time ago I wrote to one of the scholars in our Sunday-school, on whose earnest face, for some time, I had noticed a look of unhappiness. I could not but feel that she was in trouble about the question of her soul’s salvation. I told her of the Saviour’s love, and begged her not to trust to any fitness on her part.
“All the fitness He requireth,
Is to feel your need of Him.”
Nearly two years passed before an answer came. It arrived a few weeks ago:
“You must feel that it was wrong of me not taking any notice of your letter before, but I was still in darkness, but now I trust I can say the words you quote in your letter—
‘Jesus, my Saviour, Thou art mine,
The Father’s gift of love divine,
All Thou Nast done, and all Thou art,
Are now the portion of my heart.’
Please will you write some texts out for me to study through the week? O, it is,
‘Jesus for me, Jesus for me!’”
The look of unrest has now left the face of my little friend, and, instead, the joy of God’s salvation rests on it. Do you, dear little reader, know Jesus? You may know about Him, but do you know Him as your own precious Saviour? Can you say, “Jesus for me”? If not, let me entreat you to seek Him now in the days of your youth. He has said, “I love them that love Me; and those that seek Me early shall find me.” (Prov. 8:1717I love them that love me; and those that seek me early shall find me. (Proverbs 8:17).)
ML 12/09/1917