Do you know a sweeter word than that? I don’t think I do.
It seems to bring us right up to Him, quite close.
When the two disciples took that sorrowful walk to Emmaus, Jesus Himself drew near, and there was no more sadness, but hearts burning within them, (Luke 24) and the very mention of it warms our hearts as we read. Then that same evening, when they were telling the disciples about it, Jesus Himself stood in the midst and said, “Peace be unto you.”
There are many other places that I might tell you of, but I would rather you would try and find the rest for yourself.
Jesus HIMSELF! He Himself loves you; He Himself wants your love. It is all real and true; He Himself watches you as you read these words, and waits for your answer of love. Will you not give yourself to Him now and Forever?
He is coming again; and when He comes it will be Jesus Himself that you will see.
No, not another, not a stranger, but “This same Jesus,” “Jesus Himself.” Then we shall know all the sweetness and the glory of the reality of our Lord Jesus Christ!
He Himself, and not another,
He who loves us to the end,
King and Savior, Christ and Lord,
Gracious Master, glorious Friend.
He Himself, whose name and story
Make our hearts within us glow,
He is coming in His glory!
Come, Lord Jesus, even so!
“Surely I come quickly.”