Jesus' Mission Here.

TUNE—Irene. — The Church Hymnary, 311.
ONCE to earth the Saviour came—
Suffered sorrow, loss, and shame,
Ever blessed be His name—
Came to save the lost.
By the Spirit He was sealed,
God in Him was all-revealed,
Wounded souls by Him were healed,
God’s beloved Son.
Satan’s power o’er man prevailed,
Man’s deep guilt God’s wrath entailed,
Jesus’ work alone availed
Sin to put away.
When on Calvary’s ‘cursed tree
Jesus hung for thee and me,
Bleeding, dying, then cried He,
“It is finished!”
Victim, when His blood was shed,
Victor, rising from the dead,
To His own He sweetly said,
“Peace be unto you!”
Heavy laden is thy heart?
Rest can He alone impart;
Trust Him, He’ll not say “Depart!”
But “I’ll give you rest!”
Sinner, make the Lord thy choice,
He will make thy heart rejoice;
Weary soul, now hear His voice,
“Come! come unto me!”
W. T. P. W.