Jesus Only.

(The loved writer of the following lines “fell asleep in Jesus,” 10th January 1905.)
MY Lord! I look alone to Thee,
In Thee is all my trust;
I cannot disappointed be
Nor can my hope be lost.
Once fixed on Thee through love divine,
There will it firm remain,
The grace which once has made it mine
Forever is the same.
Love wrought with grace when Thou didst call
Me by Thy gracious voice,
And cause my heart to yield Thee all
And make Thy path my choice.
It fell so sweetly on mine ear,
With such entrancing sound —
I only saw one Object dear,
Thyself alone I found.
Thou, with a sweet and holy love,
Didst captivate my heart;
I gazed alone on heaven above,
Where grace gave me a part.
I basked within the golden light
Which shines forever there,
And often longed that earth’s dark night
Was passed — Thy joys to share.
Years now have gone since Thy sweet peace
Filled my once troubled soul,
But love’s inscription still I trace
On that which made me whole.
Thy Cross my firm foundation is,
My hope, my rest, alone:
Encircling round it joy and bliss,
Which Thou hast made mine own.
And through those years, whatever way
My homeward footsteps bend;
In dark or light, by night or day,
Thou still hast been my Friend.
Thy Love— eternal as Thy Name—
Could never change to me;
Saviour and Lord! Thou art the same,
I owe my all to Thee.
M. B.