Jesus Pleads With You  —  Come to Me

Duration: 44min
Romans 10:9
Children—K. Amsler
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And there's plenty of chairs up here for all the children.
There's a row up there and there's a row here and don't feel nervous because I'm just as nervous as you are.
So you're more than welcome to come up and share my nervousness.
Sing a song while the other children are coming up and you know, as usual, we sing from the back of the hymn sheet. So does anybody have a that they would like to sing in the back? The Backpage says. Children's hymns and choruses.
There's one hand right there, #47, #47, and we'll have a brother start the hymns for us and we have a designated hymn starter, Heinz.
'S love that's nearest old.
Life of our hearts and our.
Little children.
Who are?
Dreamers are the Jews. Gratitude.
This long and his own.
Like a star is on the morning, his bright crown on the.
You know, children, when I was a little child, I never got to sit up in one of these rows. I never got to hear the gospel message.
Like you do. And I wasn't able to sing these songs and say that I love my Redeemer because I didn't know him. I didn't know anything about the Lord Jesus.
And we went to a church, and I knew a little bit about them, but I didn't know that I had to be saved, to know him as my personal savior and have life from above, that he died for me and he shed his blood for me that I might have life.
And so you are a great opportunity to be under the sound of the gospel and to hear the good news. It's not bad news. Have you ever some of the older ones, have you ever looked at the newspaper or heard the news on the radio?
It's bad news. There's nothing good there for your soul. It's a it's a heartache for your heart.
Do we have another hymn? There's a hand right there.
What #46? OK #46.
An invitation from God himself. The Lord Jesus is pleading with you to come to come. You have one.
45 #45.
To work for him almighty.
So hard for him now in my youth.
Make them Lord Jesus and let them be.
Always obedient and.
You know, if I was just standing up here and I said nothing.
And your ears were aching to hear something. Wouldn't you be disappointed if I didn't say anything?
You know God himself when he created Adam, and he breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and he became a living soul. Do you think God let him go on his way? No, God did not let him go on his way. Even when Adam had sinned, he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and he says, Adam, where art thou? You think he was mad? I think he was sad.
And he was pleading for Adam to come out from among the trees. Don't be hiding behind the trees.
You know, sometimes we hide behind trees, and we don't want to hear what God has to say to us. We'd rather listen to our own little hearts and our own little minds. But God is above us all, and he knows all what's inside there. And He invites us. He invites us. He says, where art thou? And come out from among the trees, And he'll close thee with the garments of salvation and give you that eternal life that lasts forever.
And ever and no one ever can take it from you.
And that's the invitation that God has. We have another hymn. Let's we had two boys. Let's have another girl.
21 #41.
On the throne of God, in heaven will many children.
Are all forgiven?
Thank you, God for God.
How many children like to sing songs?
You know when we go into meeting.
We live about 20 miles away from the meeting room and the girls always want to sing songs. So we have the little hymn sheet in our car and I'm driving along and I'm supposed to remember all these hymns, but I can't all of them. And I'm trying to drive and read this hymn sheet and sometimes we'll have to give it to my wife because I can't drive and read at the same time.
Anyhow, do you want to sing? Sing, sing. And by the time I get to meeting, I'll have a sore throat.
Do you have one?
Into a tent where a gypsy boy lay.
OK #44.
Isn't it something that we can come here today and to sing these songs and to hear the gospel message and to be together? What if it happens that you're all alone, dying alone like this little gypsy boy? Do you think his heart ached very much?
Someone told in the gospel message, someone told him about the love of the Lord Jesus for his soul, for his life. Someone who had concern and compassion for him. You know, children, somebody has compassion and concern for you, your mom and your dad. I wonder if you were all alone and you're living on the streets. Are you living in a little tent and there was nobody to help you?
What would you do? You'd be crying, wouldn't you? Your heart would be aching and you wouldn't know where to turn. But I'll tell you the Lord Jesus is the way to turn. I am the way, the truth and the life. And the Lord Jesus invites us to come.
He says to come now, while you're young, while you're young. You know, I was 19 or 20 years old when I came to the Lord Jesus, and it was kind of sad that I didn't know about the Lord Jesus when I was young.
I did a lot of things that were not so good. I disobeyed my mommy a lot.
And I wasn't very good at school. I had no goal in life. But when the gospel message came to my heart and into my mind and I chose the Lord Jesus, I had a goal himself. The Lord Jesus gives you a goal in life.
Do you want to take him as your savior?
The man that told me the gospel, he says it's up to you to decide.
It's up to you to decide who you want. You know there's a battle for your soul. A brother was bringing it out the other day.
Satan wants you, and he desires to have you.
But the Lord Jesus created you, and he gave you life. Remember? You breathed into your nostrils the breath of life.
He wants you to. You have to decide.
Who you want, they want to rule over your life. Would you rather have the Lord Jesus to rule your life? Are the enemy of your soul that has no good for you. All he has is emptiness. A big black boy. You have a hymn 43.
43 Is there any more children that would like to come up front? There's plenty of room. There's some chairs here and some chairs here.
So while we're singing this song, come on up front.
Only one.
Of your and all day long.
That reminds me of a song I heard about the door.
There's only one door.
And you can go into that door. It's open.
But you can't climb over on the sides and you can't go around and you can't dig underneath. You have to go through that door.
And who said he was the door? Do we have any hands? Who said he was the door?
Jesus, that's right. I'm the door.
So we have to enter in through Jesus, and you can't go up any other way and you can't go around. You can't climb over. You have to go through Jesus. And it's the word of God that tells us that. You know, we were talking about the word of God in the reading meetings, how we need to have it and apply it to ourselves. We can't listen to mom and dad. In the aspect of reading the word of God. You have to get it for yourself. Some of you may be too young to read and your parents read it for you.
But you know what? You're not too young to take the Lord Jesus as your savior. You're not too young. Now is the day of salvation. Take the Savior while you're young and don't waste your life for yourself, are your friends.
Do your friends seek your good?
Or do they want to go out and Justice Corrales around?
You know, they often talk about peer pressure and some of you older children and teenagers, you know about peer pressure. I never had peer pressure. I just gave into it.
There is no pressure. I just gave in to it and it was sad Mr. Tony was talking about.
You had to have energy to read the word of God.
You have to have energy and you have to make it your own and put it in your heart.
That you have the word of God in your heart, that you might not sin against him.
So we have to have the word of God and obey it, you know, I was reminded when our brother Rahm was up, given an address, and just before that during the reading meeting he was talking about.
Those harming the servants of God. It was in the 105th Psalm and reminded me of Shimmy Eye. And he was a man that called David King David. A bloody man. He threw rocks at him, said Now we're a bloody man. He didn't like David at all. But you know what? He was trying to harm the Lord's anointed.
The Lord's anointed.
And you know, when you become the Lord's anointed, He'll anoint you with oil. You belong to him. Nobody can do you harm.
Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord, and I will recompense.
You belong to him. I hope you do.
I hope you do. Are you one of the Lords? I hope you are. I belong to the Lord Jesus, and I invite you to come and not listen to that peer pressure.
And not listen to your friends saying, oh don't trust the Lord Jesus, that's nothing. There's no life in Jesus Christ. That's a lie. Because there is in him is life and life more abundantly, life that we don't even know about until we come to him.
And he pleads with us. Have time for one more hymn.
Let's see, you have 1 #40.
Jesus loves me. This I know, for the Bible tells me so.
He thought lovely. He will.
Take all day.
And my daughter give my life to me on my heart.
Yes, it will be hard to my kidney.
Why don't we just close our eyes and bow our heads and we'll ask the Lord to help us?
Our Father and our God, we thank thee for the blessed Savior, the One who invites us to come to Him today.
That we might be saved.
And OK, we're not going to say everyone's not going to say the verse, but who would like to say the verse? We'll give a chance for a couple to say the verse.
You know the verse real well.
Who knows the verse real well? They can quote it word for word.
You know the verse. Would you like to say it?
If thou shalt confess with thy mouth, Lord Jesus, and shall believe in thy heart that God has raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. Romans 10/9.
Do you believe that?
You know sometimes, what if someone says?
Well, you might be saved. You feel that you're saved. Did you see fireworks?
That isn't what God said. Thou shalt be saved if you believe and if you confess.
If you believe and if you confess, let's go.
Add something to the word of God. You have to listen to it and obey, I remarked about Shimmy I and his name, if I recall, meant here's.
Or obey? Isn't that kind of unique? Maybe Shimmy I heard, but he really didn't obey when Solomon came into his his Kingdom.
You know he gave Grace to shin the eye, and he said to shimmy eye.
What you did to my father, David.
Was very naughty.
He was the Lord's anointed.
You have to stay in Peru for.
And you build yourself a little house here. And don't you go over the book, The Brooke Kidman.
And I looked up that name. The Brooke kid run, and it means dark, black and gloomy if you go over.
Well, you know what? After three years, 2 semiized servants ran away. And so, Simi, I said, well, hey, this is something I have to do. It's not that I'm trying to run away, but I'm going to go after my servants. Oh, he didn't listen to the words of Solomon.
And you know.
You had to bear the punishment and died because he disobeyed. You know, if we don't hear and listen and obey, the gospel message will be forever lost and we won't have the good confidence and the compassion and the comfort of the blessed Savior will be lost without him, I suppose.
We'll give a boy a chance to say the verse who knows the verse over here that can quote it.
If thou shalt confess with Martha and Lord, and shall remain thy heart that have to make him from the dead, thou shalt be saying, Thank you. Thank you.
Isn't that nice?
You know, I suppose you're wondering what's in these boxes.
I work for a candy company.
You know, when I first got the job, a brother and a friend of mine says he says Kenny. That's like putting the mouse in charge of the cheese.
Because, you know, I love candy. And not only do we have candy, but we have a big kitchen back there that makes sandwiches and dinners. And we had chips, we had pop and juice. We've got everything you can think of.
And I like all that stuff. Sometimes I go home. I'm not very hungry.
You wonder why don't you? Because I raid the kitchen.
And the ladies are always saying, can you get out of here?
But you know, Candy's good.
Who likes candy, Emmy? Do you like candy?
This all Emmy eats. She's like her daddy.
Sometimes when I was talking about Satan, he desires to have you and the Lord Jesus desires to have you.
And Satan brings things before our eyes and before our hearts. And he says, look what I have, look what I have. This is better than what the Lord offers you. You're going to have fun.
And it's going to last. But you know what? He's a robber.
And he's a murderer and he's a liar.
Those are clean. I'm telling you the truth. You know he was in the heaven.
Where God was or is.
And he was an Angel, and he rebelled against God because he wanted to be in that power of God.
But he rebelled against God. You know, sometimes we rebel against God.
And we don't listen to the word of God.
We listen to ourselves.
Now getting back to those two that desire your soul and your heart and your life, Satan, all he wants is to use you, and when he's done with you, he throws you out.
Remember her brother McNabb was talking about getting to the bottom.
Deed that miry clay because.
People without life.
You're in darkness.
But the Lord Jesus desires to give you life and to give you light, light.
Has anybody ever been lost before?
Lost. I bet you had an eerie feeling in your heart.
Who helped you?
Was it your mom or your dad? You called out and someone helped you and directed you. Have you ever been in the store, A big store and you couldn't find your mom or dad? And often you hear over the intercom, we have a little girl here whose name is Angie and she's lost her mom.
So her mom was probably right straight up angled there.
She went to the right place and over the loudspeaker they said, here's Angie.
Well what I have in these boxes and I need someone to help me.
Hell yeah. Look at them hands. There's even hands back there.
Why don't you come? You have a black shirt on once you come up here.
This nice big box that says Snickers on there.
You see this nice big bar? I have my knife here.
Wouldn't you like to have a Snickers bar? I love Snickers too. I like them when they're frozen. You ever have them frozen?
They're great frozen. Try them sometimes.
I want you to look in there.
Can you look in there?
What is that?
Nothing, but it's a nice big box. I see something in there. What's in there? Empty bags.
Empty bags.
But it's a nice big box and it says Snickers on there.
There's empty.
Bubblegum bags.
You know, but look at that box it says Snickers on there.
And it's empty.
That's what Satan has to offer you. Emptiness. Oh, you see. But he said he was going to give me this and he was going to give me that.
Be wrong, it's all emptiness.
Is there anything in there? No remnants of nothing is there?
God. Well, why don't you go sit down? But I have something for you a little later.
You know, I often deliver coffee to the various accounts I deliver coffee cream, sugar, filters, you know. No doughnuts though.
We ought to do that because everybody asked me for doughnuts when I deliver the coffee.
Why don't we have a little girl come up here?
We have a little girl.
If you want to come up here.
This nice big box that had nothing but empty wrappers in it.
What are we going to do with those empty wrappers?
Throw them away. Oh yeah. You know where I live, we live out in the country and we burn all our stuff.
We have a burn barrel. We just burn it. And that's what I do with that because there's nothing. It has no value to me at all. No value. You know, the Lord Jesus, He's sweet and he's lovely and he wants to feed his soul.
And we I asked you earlier, do you like candy? And everybody says.
You know the Lord Jesus is sweet.
And he wants to fill your hungry soul with goodness. That's what he wants.
We're going to look in this little coffee box. Do you like coffee? No. And he likes coffee. Do you like coffee? Any Sometimes he drinks coffee with me in the morning. I have to put lots of cream in there, though.
We're going to look in here.
What's in there?
What is it? Bubblegum. Bubblegum. Why don't you smell that in there?
Does it smell good? Does it smell sweet?
You know, look at all this.
Look at it. Listen to all that awe. I love it.
You know, if you don't eat all this, I'm going to.
But you know, this is what the Lord has to offer you, not candy or bubble gum.
But the blessing of the Lord is insurmountable.
Isn't that something?
The Lord Jesus offers you the true riches.
He offered you the true riches, and all you have to do is receive it and it's good.
The Lord is good. And remember that children, when you make a decision.
Make the decision the Lord Jesus Christ for your life and all that you'll have in him will be nothing but blessings.
Who? That's the compassion of the Lord and how he desires you, He says. Come out from among the trees. You can sit down, sweetie. Come out from among the trees. You know, we hide behind our nice clothes.
Our suits, our cars, our homes, our dolls, our toys. We hide behind them.
You know, three speak of men and we hide, but the Lord Jesus says you have to come out.
He calls that he is down from that tree, that Sycamore tree. He was on that branch looking down for the Lord Jesus.
And he says, I want to find that man.
That man Christ Jesus and I want to talk to him and then he calls up and he says that he is come down. He says come down out of that tree and don't be hiding there and don't be looking come down.
And he received Jesus. What?
As a savior. But there's a there's a song that says and he received Jesus.
You remember?
Say it louder. He received Jesus joyfully.
He didn't hesitate when he heard the Lord Jesus say come down, he came down and received them joyfully.
And he knew that he was a Sinner.
And he knew that he took extra money from people. He's a tax collector and use did not like those tax collectors.
And he took the Lord Jesus to his house, and he made a feast there. And the Lord Jesus said.
This day of salvation come to this House.
No, your heart, he knocks. He wants you to come in and receive him joyfully and to have that blessing. You want to take it? I'm offering anybody some bubble gum.
You want to have some.
Look at all those hands. All of a sudden there's children out there. They just cropped up.
So as you receive this.
Piece of bubble gum.
Remember about receiving the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior, feeding upon him that sweetness and that loveliness, and receiving him joyfully.
Remember that. Make that decision for the Lord Jesus today, any older one, to receive him joyfully. Take him now and you'll have life evermore. And you'll have a new life. And you'll have a goal in life. And you'll have something to sing about. I want to tell you a little story before time's up. There was a boy. I know. We got lots of gum here. Don't don't worry. There was a boy. His dad died, and so he went to the big city.
To get a job. This is back. I don't know how long ago it was.
Anyhow, he got it. He got a job. He was sad. He was lonely. His mom wasn't there.
But he had to make some money and make a living to pay for his utility bills in his apartment. And he operated in the elevator in a big, big tall building he had to operate. So that must have been quite a while ago. Now you just press the button. Anyway, he was the elevator operator, and he was sad and lonely. He'd get on that elevator and nobody would talk to him to say, floor one.
5th floor, 6th floor, 20th floor. And that's all he heard all day long. One day he was walking in the park. He sat down and he looked sad and gloomy, and a man came up to him and told him the gospel.
And he heard that gospel message and he said that's for me.
And he had new life. He got saved.
He got saved and he got on that elevator with a smile and his eyes were lit up because he had new life in the Lord Jesus. And then he started talking to people, saying good morning, how are you? How are you doing? Which floor would you like? And pretty soon word got around. It was called the Sunshine Express elevator because he had new life before. It was dull and life was.
And then he was able to talk to other people about the Lord Jesus and people had got saved. Isn't that marvelous? He had new life, and that's what the Lord Jesus offers you, because you're old lion is nothing. It's full of sin. It's full of empty wrappers in a big box. And don't be hiding behind those trees.
Receive the Lord Jesus and come and get a piece of bubble gum. Come on.
This this one you get 2 like 2.
Remember, there's other people and that's all I have.
Don't take a hold on, sweetie, because there's other people coming, OK?
You're the Lord. Jesus has a lot more to offer than I do.
Did you get some? Here? Have to. Here you go, sweetie. Here you go. Did you get some?
Not too many.
Other people are coming.
OK, OK. Did you get some? Did you get some? Here you go, sweetie. There you go.
You get 2. Here you go.
Yeah, You're welcome.
That's fine. That's fine. He's a big kid.
Now I want to warn you.
I'm going to double warn you.
Looks like someone's coming back with more.
Let's sit down for a minute.
I thought I'd better give a little warning on the wrappers and on the gum because I might get in trouble for this.
I don't want to see it underneath the seat, and I don't want to see it laying on the streets or out in the carpet. So let's keep your gum in your mouth and the wrappers in your pocket. And when you're all done but becoming the wrapper, throw it in the trash. OK? Can you help me out that way? OK, why don't we just close with the word of prayer?
Our God and our Father, we thank you.