In a house in a crowded court, a poor boy lay sick. On the window-sill were a few bright red flower-pots, and the carefully tended flowers gave their pleasant smell to the evening air.
His little room was very clean, and as tidy and comfortable as his poor mother could make it; for now, that her Mick was laid aside she had hard work to find enough to keep the home together.
“Michael, you are very ill. Perhaps you may die. Are you ready? Do you think you would go to Jesus?” a Christian friend inquired.
“Yes, my lady, yes,” said, he; “I am sure I should go to heaven.”
“And why are you so sure, Mick?” she asked again.
“O, ma’am,” was his answer, “Jesus says, ‘Verily, verily, I say unto you’ (and that’s Mick), ‘He that heareth My words’ (and I do listen to His words) ‘and believeth on Him that sent Me’ (and I believe) ‘hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation, but is passed from death unto life’: and JESUS NEVER TOLD A LIE!”
Dear Mick’s was simple faith, Jesus never deceived any poor sinner, and His word was life to Mick!
Of doctrines of religion, Mick knew nothing; but he did know that he was a lost sinner, that Jesus died for lost sinners, and that if Jesus said, “Verily, verily, I say unto you,” Jesus was to be depended upon.
God grant that like precious faith may be yours, dear little reader.
ML 06/02/1946