Jesus Takes a Boy's Lunch and Feeds 5000.

Duration: 27min
John 6:1‑14
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After these things, you know many things were taking place when Jesus was here.
Because he was so wonderful, he was doing great things for the people.
He was able to do wonderful things for them.
Jesus went over the Sea of Galilee.
Which is the Sea of Tiberias.
And the great multitude followed him, because they saw his miracles, which He did on them that were diseased.
And Jesus went up into a mountain, and there he slept with his disciples.
And the Passover feast of the Jewish die.
When Jesus then lifted up his eyes, and saw a great company come unto him, he said unto Philip, When shall we buy bread, that these may eat?
And this he said to prove him for himself, knew what he would do.
Philip answered him, 200 penny worth of bread is not sufficient for them.
That everyone of them may take a little bit.
One of his disciples, Andrew, Simon Peter's brother, saith unto him. There's a lad here.
Which have 5 barley loaves and two small fishes, but what are they among so many?
Well, we stopped there just now.
Here was Jesus.
Among the people doing many wonderful things for them.
And he goes over this sea.
This lake old was about 12 miles long.
And about 6 miles wide.
That was rather large, wasn't it? Or not into the ocean.
Not big is one of the Great Lakes around Chicago.
No, it wasn't that big.
But it was.
About that many miles long where you know, and about 6 miles wide. It's just about twice as long as wide was. It was a nice lake too. The waters were pretty. They were clear and blue.
As you could look down into those waters and you could see fishes in there.
The water was so clean.
And around the lake on the hills.
There was much vegetation. What does that mean?
Vegetation. That means grass, doesn't it? Plants that grow things that are green using green things. You see them now, aren't you? They're just coming out. But little leaves and little blooms coming out, aren't they?
And that's what could be seen here.
But a great multitude quality.
Now is that few or many? What would it be, boys? Great multitude followed? How many would that be? Would it be a great number? How many would it be a great multitude? What is a multitude?
Are you going to tell me? Don't be afraid, All right? Yes, That's a crowd. That's another word to use. A crowd following.
And you know, it's nice to follow the Lord Jesus, isn't it?
And they followed him because they saw his miracles and what he was doing for the sick people.
And that's the reason they were going over there.
And he sits down there on this mountain side.
And he lifts up his eyes and he sees all these people, and they've been there all day long. And you know, if you go somewhere and stay all day long and you don't have something to eat, you become hungry, don't you? Did you have some dinner?
Oh yes, you. You've eaten dinner already, haven't you?
And my dinner was good, we enjoyed it and we thank the Lord for it, didn't we? That was right too.
And all these people are there, been there all day long. We've been speaking to them, no doubt. And you know, when Jesus speaks to us, we need to listen. And this is the way he speaks to us now, right through this book, right through his Word. He's not here anymore, but His Word is still here. And we can still hear His voice when we read the Bible, His precious word.
He wants us to stay here. He wants us to know all about you. He wants us to know that he loves us, and he wants us to know what he's done for us. And here He does something for these people. They were hungry and what could be done way out there in just some little towns and all around the age of that lake. Just small places, not big as Lawrenceville.
No, just small places around that lake. Oh, there were so many people there. Or 5000 besides the women and children.
And there they were. And he has compassion on them. He feels for them because they're hungry.
And he wants to supply their need. He wants to provide for them. He wants to do something for them. He wants to make them happy. And he's able to feed them.
But the disciples didn't know that.
And he lifts up his eyes, and sees this great company come unto him, and he sends to Phil.
One of his disciples.
When shall we buy bread that these maids?
Now that's a question.
Where can we get bread or what? When shall we buy bread that these may eat?
And he said this, you know, just to prove Filipino what he would do.
Oh yes, he knew what he would do. That he could.
Supply their needs. He didn't have to run down to the village and go into a big town to supply the needs of these people that had come out there to be with him.
Oh, the Lord Jesus is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask for things. He's able because He made the world and everything is in it and He sustains it. He provides for us and here we find the need does something for these people. Why? Philip said 200 pennies worth of bread wouldn't be enough, that each one would just have a little.
That must have been about 200 days of wages. You know, a man works 200 days. That's a whole lot, isn't it?
I think they worked for about a penny a day at that time and a man would have to work 200 days or more to get enough bread to buy enough bread to feed these people.
That was a big job, wasn't it? Just so much that they needed them and.
How could they do that? They just looked impossible.
But we read a little further that one of his disciples, Andrew, was there.
Simon Peters, brother.
Know he likes us to come along with our brothers and our sisters doesn't. That's nice when we can bring someone to the to the Lord Jesus like Andrew did. He brought Peter his brother.
To the Lord, he says, we found the Messiah, we found the Christ.
And Andrew says there's a lad here. No, we're not told much about this boy. There's a land here. You know what a land is, don't you, LED?
As a boy, just a little boy, there's a land here.
And yes of it.
And we've had dinner, but this boy didn't have a big dinner with him. But he had a lunch, didn't he?
There's a lad here which have 5 barley bows and two small fishes.
5 barley rolls. They're not very big, you know, barley loaves in that time. They're just little boilers.
5 barley loaves and two small fishes. That was just the boys lunch.
Just what would be enough? Perhaps, for him, But he brought it along.
And whom do you suppose to pack that lunch for that little boy?
You think it's Mama Dean?
That must be about right, because she's the one who does the lunch packaging, and it's nice that she did.
And do you think that boy made a mistake that day by walking out there on those heels you wanted to see Jesus do?
Suppose he stayed at home, but he didn't and you know he killed his mom. He says, mother, I think they'll need lunch, better take it along. And so she fixes her lunch for him. She packs a nice lunch. 5 barlows and two little fishes has all wrapped up nicely. And there he goes along with his lunch.
You know, Mother does many nice things for you. Father does too.
Yes, he works and there's the food for violence, and mother works in the kitchen and she makes something nice and sandwiches and so on as she packs it up for you. And you can have a little tea party or something, a little picnic somewhere and enjoy being together in that way. Listen to the boy now having his lunch.
His mother packed his form, fixed it up and.
You know your mother's doing other things for you too, or she'd like for you to have something that's better than lunch.
She'd like for you to have the true bread that came down from heaven.
You know a lunch is good for now.
What we ate in there today is good for today. Tomorrow we'll need to eat again.
But you know, if we eat the true bread that comes down from heaven.
And the true bread from heaven would be the Lord Jesus, wouldn't it? He's the true bread, isn't he? He came down into this world that we might have the true brave from heaven. That's the reason he was born here as a little child.
And who is a boy?
And then went to the cross to die. But this land is there with his lunch.
And the question is.
Raised. But what are they amongst the men? Just seems nothing.
That wouldn't fit 5000 people with five little barley loaves.
All him just just if you keep it in that little packet, it wouldn't feed 5000.
Or not till is given to the Lord Jesus.
And that's what they did. There's a lad here. Now we don't know if he, he took the lunch up to the Lord Jesus and gave it to him, or if the disciples reached over and got it and passed it up to him. But anyway, he gave his lunch to the Lord Jesus. Would you like to give your lunch away?
Oh, we like to keep our lunches still, but this boy didn't make a mistake.
Or he gave it to the Lord Jesus, and that was all right.
And now we notice.
That Jesus make the men sit down.
There's much grass in the place. It must have been springtime.
Or summer.
And there were about 5000 of them. And Jesus took the loaves, and when he'd given thanks.
He distributed to the disciples, and the disciples to them that were sat down, and likewise of the fishes as much as they would.
Oh my, that was wonderful.
Oh, he abundantly provided for them. There was plenty and didn't run out. Let's see what happened. Did they run out of people or run out of bread? Which happened, you know, right?
Ran out of people because they were all filled 5000 besides the women and the children.
And they were all filled. It was just taking a little. They got all that they needed. And was there any leftover?
Oh yes, that's right, you. Your mom has been and Daddy's no doubt has been telling you about some of these precious things.
All they want you to know the true bread to eat of the true bread that came down from heaven, the Lord Jesus.
So there was plenty for everyone.
Now, there's nothing much said about this board.
There's a light and he had a simple lunch. 5 barley dough's barley and owes the cheap grain. It was just the common cream.
But you know, the Lord could take nothing and multiply it and use it, and in his hands it's multiplied blessing, so that all of them had something to eat and went away satisfied and happy.
And afterwards.
We gathered up the scraps, the fragments. How many baskets were leftover, do you remember? In this case, 12 baskets leftover. So there's more for another day, isn't it?
I know the Lord Jesus.
Has 20 fours now and.
The same tomorrow.
It will have come to it, you know, and that's what happened. There's a lad here.
Are you here?
And this land was where the Lord Jesus was. And you know, that's the way.
To get blessing for your soul, isn't it?
The way to have blessing, to receive blessing, is to be where the Lord Jesus is. There's a lad here, that doesn't mean that he was over there in the next town. Doesn't.
That doesn't mean that he was on the other side of the mountain, does he? Here, right here.
And that's how it is if.
You come to the Lord Jesus, I mean, you're right there, and he's always ready to bless you and make you happy, and he wants you to eat that true bread that came out from heaven. And then perhaps before we go further, there's a story that comes to mind about a boy that didn't have much. This boy had lost it.
But there's a boy down South that didn't have lunch.
And he was going to school.
And the other boys didn't have lunches and they would bring their lunches to school and those days.
No, you don't because you've got cafeteria on the school lecture.
And was prepared riding the school laps, but we used to bring our lunches to school.
And there was a lunch case out in the hallway.
Sometimes, you know, it would have screen doors on it and we could put the lunches in there, but this little boy didn't have any garbage.
When he came to school.
If you don't have a lunch, you're hungry, aren't you?
He didn't have his mother, didn't have enough to make a lunch for him when he came away.
But he had to come to school and he wanted to learn, and he came along and always so humbling. Our recess time came and he was just so hungry that his little stomach was gnawing away. Wanted something inside. Just like we are sometimes, we're telling me.
And this little boy passed along by the north shells and smells good.
All those lunches, you know, have just been made at breakfast time and two or three hours now and we're still smelling fresh and good. And, you know, he went around, there's nobody there, and there's no one over there. He reaches in.
When you get something because he's hungry.
And he goes outside and sits away, you know, And when we do something wrong, we want to hide, don't we?
Guess when we do something wrong? Why would we say we don't like to look at mother father and perhaps we run away and don't like to look right and brought her sister either. Perhaps because we feel bad about it. We've got a conscience that tells us right and wrong and we feel feel bad about it. And this year the boy ran off either way and one had lunch was so good.
And then then lunchtime came and the boy came out reaching.
Where was his pale, much pale? Where he opened up was all empty.
Everything's gone.
Did you know? The teacher wanted to know who did was right to know? So I wanted to take a lunch. It wasn't his. And they began to ask on that. They inquired and they found out.
Because you know what? We do something wrong. Why it's found out usually, maybe a long time, but be sure you're saying we'll find you out. Oh yes, and he was found out. And this little boy was, but wasn't very strong.
And he says, yes, teacher, I took the lunch. I was hungry.
My teacher says, well Johnny, you'll have to take 10 heavy strikes with this big whip here.
And you'll have to pull your shirt off.
And you'll just have to take what is due you because we made a rule and.
Those that take a lunch that doesn't belong to them have to pay the price.
That was. That was awful, wasn't it? That was.
Just sad little boy, hungry and he was going to be whipped that way and he would cry.
But you know there was someone there when that big boy saw the little fellow come up to the teachers desk. He was so young and so thin, he says. Teacher.
Stuff. Just may I speak, he says.
Let me take the punishment that is due that boy. I know the rule is made and we have to punish those that do wrong, but he says I'll bear the punishment for that little boy.
I missed my lunch. He got it and he owns it. He confesses it. He says he's he stole it. But I want to take this punishment.
Teacher said, well, what about it children? And they said, all right, do you think it would do all right? Just so the price of paid and then the big boy comes up and he gets those two heavy stripes and a little boy goes free. You know, that's the way it is for us. The Lord Jesus came in between us and our sins and he took the stripes that we deserved, and with his stripes we're healed.
He has become our substitute destiny.
That is what we learn in the precious word about the Lord Jesus died on the cross and save us from our sins, to save us from the judgment that is due. Isn't he a wonderful thing?
Doesn't he love us to do that much for us?
Always. Not just a little nonsense we've taken, why we've been doing things, you know, naughty things.
We're all come shortly. We've sinned. Oh yes, we've got natures that are bad. We need to stay here.
We need the Lord Jesus to save us. We need Him to provide for us, and He will. He wants to, and He's been to that cross. And that's what we learn about here in this very same chapter.
That he would go to the cross and die.
And if we?
To believe in Him, then we would be free from our sins.
And enjoy that true bread that came down from heaven, the Lord Jesus Christ.
People didn't like that very much or they said we don't like this.
And some of them turned back at that time wouldn't go along with it anymore because he spoke about giving his flesh.
The life of the world and because he told them that they would have to eat his flesh and drink his blood.
We couldn't actually do that, but we can believe in the Lord Jesus that he died for us on the cross, and that's what it means.
That he there shed his precious blood for the remission of our sins. That's the only way we can have our sins forgiven, washed away. Cleanse the way.
No, dear children, remember that the blood of the Lord Jesus shed on Calvary's crosses the precious love of God's land.
And in the world, you know, they don't like it.
As you grew up, you'll find those that don't like the story of the cross. They don't like to hear about the precious blood.
But that's the way we give life, isn't it?
Yes, it is because we had some ham for dinner, didn't we? And we had some meatloaf for dinner.
And an animal died.
Oh yes, a pig died. Well, ice fat pig and grown up and all. Had to give it some money so that we could have that nice juicy hand for our dentist today.
Oh yes, people believe in the blood when you come to the dinner table.
And they believe in the blood when they go to the hospital. You heard about people getting blood in the hospital and put a needle in their arm and they put something up here on the pole. But they understand blood trickles down. And maybe you haven't seen that because it won't let you come into the hospital very much, will you? But you know what it is. Yes, people believe in the blood and that way.
And then, you know, they get into the army and the government expects the boys to shed their blood for the country.
Yes, they have a great deal to do with the blood, but when it comes to the precious blood of Christ, all they say that's no good.
And they laugh at that.
But we're not going to laugh at it. We believe in that precious faith, don't we? We believe in the Lord Jesus and let us trust in children because he came down here to die for us. And going back up there, yes, He is indeed. And there's no other one to whom we can go. Just where could you go or anything like that? Why is nothing like it? There's no one like the Lord Jesus.
He's the only one.
Thou hast the words of eternal life.
That's what Peter said in this. Shall we say that together?
Thou hast the words of eternal life. We didn't say it strong enough. Let's say it again. This is what Peter said about the Lord Jesus.
Thou has the words of eternal life. Do you think you could remember that?
In the end of John 6, let's say it again.
Thou hast the words, and turn the light.