Jesus, the Friend of Children

The gentle Jesus pities you,
Poor thoughtless little child:
He bends on you a look of love
So tender and so mild.
He knows this is an evil world
In which awhile you dwell,
Where many, dying day by day,
Are sinking into hell.
He knows your little foolish heart
Prefers a worthless toy
To all His love, which, once believed,
Would give you lasting joy.
He knows you have a cruel foe,
Who tries to hold you fast,
That you may be his servant here,
And dwell with him at last.
And therefore does the Saviour send
The message of His grace
That children, drawn to Him by love,
May early seek His face.
He tells you in His holy Word
How joyfully He gave
Himself, the spotless Lamb of God,
His wandering sheep to save.
The child that knows its sins forgiven.
Through His most precious blood
Is made a lamb of Jesus’ fold—
A happy child of God.
O! come to Jesus, come today,
And you shall find it true
That He is still the children’s Friend,
And loves to save e’en you.
ML 01/25/1942