When will all war be over,
When will all conflict cease?
When Christ shall come in glory,
Then will be perfect peace.
Yes, He will come in splendor,
God’s glory on His brow,
He who once died for sinners,
To Him all knees shall bow.
Haste then this day to own Him,
Own Him as Lord straightway,
All power to Him is given,
Own now His rightful sway.
Behold, He cometh quickly,
And every eye shall see
The One who died on Calvary,
Now robed in majesty.
God’s King shall reign forever,
All kings to Him shall bow;
The One mocked by His creature
Shall all His foes o’erthrow.
Despise Him then no longer,
Haste to confess Him Lord,
Proclaim Him as your Saviour,
Worthy to be adored.
He has in patience waited
His rightful throne to claim,
That we might share the blessing,
Who laud His glorious name.
Hark! to the joy of heaven,
Angelic hosts acclaim
That Christ alone is worthy
O’er all the earth to reign.
ML 01/11/1942