Children—D. Hindsley
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Toledo, November 1975. Children's Meeting. Don Hindsley.
That's John 10, The Lord Jesus says I am the door by me. If any man enter, any shall be saved. All right #43.
One door and only one.
Side are you?
One story, one. And yet it's like the door. I won't be inspired by a witch.
And which side of the door are you on? You know, in Revelation, what is it? 320 It says, Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If any man, I think that means boy or girl. Tell if any man hear my voice and will open the door, I will come in. You see, it's like the hearts like that, and it's a doer, but there's no latch on the outside.
The Lord says I'm not going to turn it and come in like that, you know. No, he's not going to break in you like a thief. Now he says, I'm going to knock.
And I want you to open the door and I want you to say, Lord Jesus, I believe you died on the cross for me, and I want to trust you as my savior. All right, if anyone else now, who else has a favorite over here? Let's see, we took a girl. Let's have this young man down here.
46 I'm glad you children are not bashful. It's, it's the children's meeting this morning. Now all the other meetings are for the adults, so to speak. Now this is our meeting, so let's enjoy it together, shall we? All right #46 glad tidings. Glad.
And the.
Clear and.
I want to arrive now. That's all right. It's.
If you know a spell, but.
Now who knows what that means? What's TIDINGS? What's what is it?
Glad tidings. What's another word for tidings?
News What did you say?
Let's try another Glad tidings. What's another good word for tidings? All right, glad news. All right, the gospel. It's glad tidings. It's good news. You know it isn't. It isn't good advice, boys and girls, it isn't. Thou shalt do this. Thou shalt not do that.
No, that's, that's the commandment, you know, But what's the gospel? Oh, it's good news. What's the good news? I remember one time I was serving mail and I was going down this road and oh, it was hot and I was just so dry, just like I'm dry right now. And I was really thirsty. And I went into a place and I put the mail down. It was a, a business establishment and I saw water cooler there.
And I says, can I have a drink of water? They says, yes. So I took a nice drink. And I said to the people that were there, I said, you know, this puts me in mind of a verse of Scripture in Proverbs. It says as as cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. You know what that good news from a far country is all that the Lord Jesus Christ came down and went to the cross and he's died. He shed his precious blood, and that men and women, boys and girls can be saved.
Have their sins washed away and be on their way to glory. Well, this is glad tidings. Let's see what else we have in this this little song we have IBRING. What does that word spell? What does it spell? All right, glad tidings. I bring that Jesus. All right. I asked you once how I asked you. How about right here?
Jes spells Jesus.
And that's a word that we're going to start with a little bit later on as we take up some words here.
SAVE. What's that?
What is SAVE? All right, let's save, Let's save. Somebody says, well, what do you mean I have to be saved? Well, sometimes there's a bad fire and there's somebody that's crying out of a window up, up top, you know?
Help save me? What do they mean? They say save me from this burning fire?
And they put the ladder up and or else they'll tell the people to jump down, you know, into a net. And so they're saved from from the fire, from burning up. Sometimes, of course, there's that people go swimming and, and they get out too far. Their arms get tired, they get cramps and they start going down the ground. Help save me. Well, what do they want to be saved from going down into a watery grave? Someone comes to their rescue or throws a life preserver. Well, boys and girls, that's our condition.
Really, as sinners, we need to be saved, save from the burning, save from going down into a lost eternity in the Lord Jesus is that Savior. All right, well, and it's boys and it's girls to trust in him, TRUST to trust in him. All right, let's sing some more. We have time to sing some more because I, I'm not a long talker. So that what I can say, I can say in a short time. So we'll sing a little bit more.
All right, did you give us 1 yet?
47 when he come.
Good morning. It is bright brown and brown underneath. They shall come underneath. I will fulfill with me right now.
Now it says, when you come, the Lord Jesus Christ is coming. He says in John 14, If I go away, I will come again and receive you unto myself, that where I am, there ye may be also. Now what boy or girl here knows?
Exactly when the Lord Jesus Christ is coming back.
If you know exactly, exactly when he's coming back, you raise your hand. I want you to tell me you know exactly when he is coming back. You know the day, the loss and the hour. Who knows?
Well, I don't. I don't think you do. I'm sure you don't because the Bible doesn't tell us specifically the very day or hour. It just says he's coming back again. Now, the thing that is, could he come back before we're finished our children's meeting? Could he? Could he? Yes, he could come back before we finish the children's meeting.
I wonder who he's going to take with him.
He's not going to come down to be born as a babe in Bethlehem. No, that's all over. He's not going to come down to the Mount of Olives and and put down all the armies of the earth and set up his Kingdom. He's coming to the air and he's going to call. Who's he going to call to be with himself?
So is he going to take? Who's he going to take?
All the people that have confessed their sins to him, does anybody have any other thought?
All the saved sinners. All right. Anybody else have anything else to add to it? Who's he going to take with him?
Christians, all right, Christ ones, all right. Well, who's going to be left?
Who will be if he comes now, before the meeting is over? And Christians, the Christ ones, those who have their sins washed away, if they're taken up, who is going to be left?
The Who?
Sinners, those who have not confessed their sins well, will they be a lot of people that go to church, will they be left behind?
Yes, yes. Well, if they haven't got saved yet. Well, suppose that don't you know a lot of nice people? Don't you go to school with a lot of boys and girls? You know, they're not Christians, you know they're not. They don't like to sing the hymns and they don't like to learn the memory verses and you hear different things, but they're not too bad. I mean, after all, I like to play with them. And do you think that they'll be left behind here? Will they go?
Will they?
Yes, they'll be left behind. The Lord is only going to come for His own. Oh dear boys and girls, be sure, be very sure that you are one of His own by trusting in Him. I said we might learn a little song up in the tent work a lot of times. One of the favorites that we used to sing time and time again.
Was at the heart store.
Now, I don't know if all of you know it, but it's not very hard, and I'm sure there may be enough that do know it. And it goes like this at the heart store, the Saviors waiting at the hearts door, locked in sin. Can't you hear him? He's gently knocking. Open the door and let him in. Did you ever sing it? All right? I thought maybe it wouldn't be altogether new. Let's try.
With emotions now with the children and the bigger ones still, you want to help us.
In and you hear him.
He tells me not him, open the door and land him in.
All right, we'll sing it one more time because some may have heard it for the first time. All right.
Saviors waiting.
And the heart story locked in there.
Can't you hear him? He's gently knocking.
Open the door and let him in. All right now, another song and for this one I need help.
Let me say, my heart was black with sin.
Who's got black on Who has black?
We're going to ask you to come up here with me. OK? This this may be blue, but my eyes are bad. This is black. This is black. All right? My heart was black with sin until the Savior came in his precious blood. Boy, I can't have anything brighter than this. Come on. All right.
And now I have to get a couple girls. You stand right now.
My heart was black with sin until the Savior come in. His precious blood I know has washed me white as snow. Let's see. I need white young lady here, All right? She's got a white hat and a white blouse. Good.
And now I need someone. Let's see, my heart was black was seen until the Savior command is precious. But I know it may be white as snow. And in God's word. Now I can pick another girl without any colors at all. Come on, you've been so helpful. You can help me again. And you have a Bible. Here, hold mine right there.
OK, you hold it tight because I got some loose pages and when I asked you to, you hold it up like that. All right? OK. Now I used to have a gold watch, but I don't know, I was switched to a Timex, so I don't have my gold watch.
All right, now we all know this song. Let's start now. My heart was black with sin, right? My heart was black.
Wonderful, wonderful day.
We like my sins away, all right, one more time and then my helpers can go down. I used to have little gifts to give to my helpers, but I don't today. So I just have to say thank you when you're done, all right?
Favorite game and it's dragged your blood on the blonde. I'm glad I'm.
And why are you? Why that's no?
The green.
Wonderful, wonderful rewind life in the way. All right. Thank you.
And now one more little chorus. John 316. Right? John 316.
John, 316.
Believe within him.
Perish what?
And now we're going to turn to the Word of God. And again, I want 4 helpers with Bibles and I want you to look up 4 verses.
And this young man here, you look up for me, Matthew 121.
And let's see, the second word is Matthew 1128.
1128 You have a Bible there. Matthew 1128 Remember what I asked you now?
And the third word would be Ephesians 28.
Ephesians 28. Can you look up Ephesians 28? All right. And then John 316 over here on the end, this young man. John 316. All right, Matthew 121.
Do you have an out yet, boy Matthew chapter one and verse 21 as they're looking up these words?
I'll tell you that in Matthew 121, we want a precious word there, the name Jesus.
Matthew 121 And then we want the word in Matthew 1128.
Matthew 121.
Chapter one, verse 21 and I want Ephesians 28. Is that the one I gave you? Ephesians chapter 2 and verse 8 and I gave you John 316, right? All right, Matthew 121. Read that for us.
All right, thou shalt call his name Jesus, for he shall save his people from their sins. Jesus.
One time somebody said Jesus stands for this. Jesus exactly suits us.
Jesus exactly suits us sinners and indeed it is true boys and girls all. How precious we sing many songs in our little flock in book. Oh how sweet the name of Jesus sounds and a believers ear. And you know I was saved when I was 20 and I'm 49 now so that's 29 years ago and time and time again.
I've heard the gospel.
And I have read in the Bible some of Matthew and Mark and Luke and John. And in that those gospels, you know, I've read and even last night our brother reminded us again in the gospel about the Lord Jesus Christ and how did he came into this world? You see, he always was with God and he was God the Lord Jesus Christ, because there's God the Father and God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
And the day came when God the Father sent his Son the Lord Jesus, and the Lord Jesus was willing to come down from heaven above and become as a babe in Bethlehem Manger born to the sea. And he didn't remain a babe, You know that He grew up and he increased in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and man, the Scripture says. And he grew up. And at 30, John the Baptist.
Baptized him and the heavens were open and God said, this is my beloved Son.
And the Spirit of God came down upon him like a dog. And the Lord Jesus Christ then started on his ministry, His work, old, ever mighty works done by the Lord Jesus Christ. Remember a man called Bartonius?
Blind Bartimaeus could never see.
And one day when Jesus was passing by, he cried, Jesus son of David, have mercy on me. And the people, they told him, look, you're a blind man now be quiet. Jesus is important and he's busy. He doesn't have time for you. Jesus, son of David, have mercy on me, cries out and says, Jesus stood still.
He heard a cry of someone in need, and he says, what wilt thou old that I might receive my sight? And the Lord Jesus opened up the eyes of blind Bartimaeus and he could see Jesus first. That's important. He could see the Lord Jesus and then he could see the crowd and he could see a blue sky. He'd never seen these things before. His eyes were open. Then there was a a lady one time and her tears were just coming down her face. She was crying.
Why? What's wrong? It was a funeral and they were on their way and her only son.
They were taking him out. He had died and the Lord Jesus said stop, don't go any further and he stood over that beer, you know, like where that young man, whatever they carrying then any cost him to come back to life.
And the young man, he gave him back to his mother, and her tears stopped. Isn't he gracious? Oh, he's so loving and kind. And then one time.
There were so many people that came to hear him, thousands of them, oh perhaps even 15,000 people were sitting on the grass because it says there was at least 5000 men. And then if they're wives and a couple of children, you know, for each family, oh, there must have been a large multitude. And they were there and they said, oh, we're hungry, what are we going to eat? And the disciples came to the Lord Jesus and they had those five loaves and those two fishes.
And they says, but look, we cannot feed this great crowd with what we have here. And so the Lord Jesus had 12 disciples and he took some of the bread and he broke it and he gave it to Peter. And he says, Peter, you go over there, cut off a piece of fish as you go to that crowd that's over there. And Andrew, piece of bread and a little bit of fish, you go over there and right on down. And he sent us 12 disciples.
And they went over and I know they were a little apprehensive, and Peter took a piece of bread and he gave it to this man, a piece of bread, and he gave it to this lady. And he gave a piece of bread and fish. And he looked and he had just as much as when he started. And he went all through that crowd and Andrew and James and John, and there was leftover. Do you think that happened? Do you think that happened? Yes, yes, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Could feed a great multitude with loaves and fishes. And all through his life a man who was a leper, a man who was lame. It didn't make any difference. The Lord Jesus met everybody in their need, and there came a day, there came a time.
When for my love they return me hatred? Can you imagine anybody hating such a one, who would do such wonderful things and such gracious things? And then all of a sudden they said away with him crucifying. We don't want this man to reign over us. We don't want anything to do with him. The best thing for him is to nail him on the cross like a common criminal.
They wanted witnesses, too.
They wanted witnesses to come and and to testify against him. But all suppose they had called that widow woman. They said you testify against him, She says I can't. He raised up my only son called blind Bartimaeus. I can't speak against him, he said. He opened up my eyes.
And the left and the lane, No, they couldn't. But they raised up false witnesses against him. And then finally they said, take him out. And those soldiers, do you know how cruel soldiers are sometimes? But those Roman soldiers, they took the Lord Jesus and they put a blindfold around him and it would smack him in the face, You know, they would take the blindfold off and they'd say, now prophecy, who? Which one of U.S. soldiers smoked?
They play games with Him, the very Lord of glory, the one who came down and did such wonderful things to meet all the need of man. They beat Him and they put a crown of thorns on His head and they beat His back, and finally they nailed Him on that wooden cross. And then we heard before that right at noon time.
God said, man, you have done all you're going to do.
And you have seen enough.
And God caused everything to go black. Can you imagine at noonday with the sun shining in all of its brilliance, all of a sudden darkness just pitch black. And then out of that pitch blackness, all of a sudden there was a cry. My God, my God.
Why are thou forsaken me?
The Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
The one who became man.
God's beloved Son.
Was paying a debt that no man, no Angel could pay but he alone.
And my sins, all the wicked sins that I committed, were laid upon him. And when he who knew no sin was made sin, then God had to pour out stroke upon stroke. God must punish sin. And God did punish it. And the Lord Jesus Christ became the sin bearer. He's the one that took all of the judgment of God and then cried out.
It is finished, it is finished. He did to her all dear boys and girls, thou shalt call his name Jesus, for He shall save His people from their sins. Jesus exactly suits us sinners. All of our need can be met in Him. Now our next verse.
Matthew 1128 Who had that?
Matthew 1128 Come unto me, all ye that labor, and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
COME is children.
Old folks, middle-aged, everyone.
COME children, all folks, middle-aged everyone, The Lord Jesus Christ now that he's died upon the cross of Calvary.
Now that he shed his precious blood, he wants boys and girls, He wants men and women, he wants Russians.
Chinese, He wants all anywhere. You know, I thank God for a gospel message that we have that can go into all the world. We don't have to meet a person on the street of Toledo or in Ohio anywhere or anywhere in the world that we cannot say Jesus died for all mankind. He's a savior for all who will believe and trust in him.
Children, all folks, middle-aged, everyone come. You know when the ark was finished, then God says come thou and all thy house into the ark, and the door was shut.
Come and all the way through the Bible, God gives these gracious invitations.
And it goes all the way to the last book in Revelation where God is still saying everyone that is a first come take the water of life freely. Oh dear boys and girls, Jesus loves you. Jesus died on the cross for you and he wants you to see ome come and trust in him. Our next verse is Ephesians 28.
For five degrees New York State and not of your citizens.
For by grace are you saved through faith. Faith is the word that I want, and here again we want to break it down. Faith forsaking.
All I trust him, Forsaking all, I trust him. Buddhist Mohammed.
No matter what they may be trusting in, forsake it all, put it aside. Some people trusting in the fact that they were baptized or they know their memory verses you know now put it all aside, forsaking all. I trust him and him alone. There is salvation in none other.
The Lord Jesus Christ alone is the Savior of sinners. Then we had one other verse.
John 316 should not perish. That's the word I want now.
PERISH Parish passed eternally ruined into a sinner's hell past eternally ruined.
Into a sinner's hell if you reject the Lord Jesus Christ, if you do not trust in Him as your Savior, if you go on and don't love Him.
And you die or the Lord should come, you'd be left behind and perish past eternally ruined into a sinners hell. Oh how awful. You know, I was talking to a lady one time and she says, well there's no hell. You know that Jesus is loving. And I said to her, Jesus told us some of the awfulest expressions that we know about hell came from the lips of the Savior.
If by hand or thy foot offend thee, cut them off, he said. It is better to enter into life halter maimed, and to go into everlasting fire.
Where the worm dieth, man, the fire is not quenched. Don't touch that.
And so the Lord Jesus faithfully warned of this if we reject him.
Of passing off into a lost eternity. You know there's a.
There was a brother.
That was doing some carpentry work.
And he was down on his knees, of course, and he was working backward, nailing.
And all of a sudden he he felt rather strange and he stopped.
And he turned around and looked, and right behind him was a stairwell, unfinished. There was a hole. Had he gone one more little bit of nailing backwards, he would have plunged right down into a concrete basement and been seriously hurt and perhaps even killed.
And he looked, and there was another man working right there, looking at him.
And this brother looked at this man and he said, did you see this?
And the man says, yeah, I was wondering if you were going to stop.
That Workman had no concern.
That that man was almost ready to be heard and perhaps killed.
He should have warned him.
Boys and girls, this morning, by the grace of God, we know your danger. If you're without Christ, if you do not know the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior, we know the danger that lies ahead.
Lost, ruined, a lost eternity away from God, unhappiness, misery, heartache and sorrow.
We would warn you, warn you, and we would say come to Jesus, trust in him this very day is your Savior. Let's sing just one stanza.
I wanted life at best is very brief.
#25 #25 just one stanza.
And the course life at best, is very brief.