Jesus The Saviour

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Gospel—H. Hyland
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General Meetings. Wheaton, August 1974. Gospel by Brother Highland.
By singing hymn #25 on the hymn sheet.
Life, the best is very brief, like the falling of a leaf.
Like the binding of a sheep in time.
Reading days are telling path that the die will soon be cast and the fatal line be passed. Begin time #25.
Like that, That is very great. Like the falling of falling off.
Could we also sing #16 Everybody knows it. I wonder if it's too warm for us to stand up and sing this him, whosoever here at show, show the sound.
Whosoever he read, shout, shout, the thumb send the blessed fighting.
The world.
And a lot of human.
Will happen.
I've had a little before me subject.
Some of the last things that I defined and recorded I have just.
Had these before me tonight and I'd ask you to turn with me to the first one found in the Gospel of Matthew. Matthew chapter 21, and we're going to read a parable.
Of our blessed Lord Jesus, that precious Savior who came from heaven. My friend, tonight when we think of the solemnity of, of time, the calamity of eternity, every heartbeat tonight, every tick of that clock as it moves towards the R, my friends, brings you, brings me nearer to eternity. And you can ask yourself the question, where will I be?
If I go outside of this room tonight and fall.
Down there, my friends, we just hear so many lately, young and old, who have passed out of time into eternity. We heard of one last night. And you know, as we think of these who have gone out of this life without Christ, how it should solemnize our hearts. My friends, tonight, this is a further warning.
A further warning. And if we sang that him life at best, life at best is very brief. Oh my friends, we think of it 30-40 fifty right up to 90.
90 years of age and those who look back over the many years of their life as they seem to think of it just as a short period of time. And when we contrast that with eternity, my friend the soul, your soul and mine friends are going to live eternally as long as God lives.
Where are you going to be an eternity? We can't spend it. We know that it'll never be spent after we leave this life. We know that the gulf is fixed and there's no further opportunity of coming to the Savior all but thank God tonight. God has given us this glorious gospel to tell out once more. And we would urge anyone here tonight who knows not Christ as Savior to come now. Come now.
To the Lord Jesus.
At least the word of God tells in Isaiah, Isaiah 118. Come now, let us raise them together. Set the Lord. Though your sins be a scarlet, they shall be as wet as snow. Though they be red like Crimson, they shall be as wool. My friend, God loves your precious soul. That's the reason.
He allowed, he permitted, He sent his beloved Son, the dearest object of his heart all the way from heaven that infinite distance down to this world of sin, because he loved your precious soul. And as we coat that wonderful verse, again, the gospel in a nutshell. For God, soul of the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. My friends, you may be hearing this verse tonight for the last time. You may be an eternity tomorrow night.
None of us know what's going to take place on the Morrow. I'll never forget and there's some here present will recall the incident just a few years ago as we had a gospel meeting something similar to this on a large day evening and we quoted a verse from.
From Proverbs 27 and one both snuffed eyes. Delta tomorrow. For thou knowest not what a day may bring forth. We know not what lies on the Morrow, thank God.
You know the Lord Jesus as your precious Savior. You can rest assured, you can rest on your pillow tonight and know that your sins are forgiven, that God has justified you from all things. When you believe the gospel always is not worthwhile to have that assurance tonight. And God offers that to you to whosoever will may come and take up the water of life freely. Now in the first, in the 21St chapter of Matthew, we'll read on the 33rd verse, hear another parable. There was a certain householder which planted a vineyard.
And heads it round about, and dig the wine class in it, and build a tower, and let it out to husband. And went husbandmen, and went into a far country. And when the time of the fruit drew near, he sent his servants to the husband to the husband, and they might receive the fruits of it. And the husbandman took its servants, and beat one, and killed him another, and stormed another. Again he sent other servants more than the 1St, and they did under them likewise.
Last of all, now that's what I want to bring before us tonight. Last of all, he sent them his son, his son, saying they will reverence my son. But when the husband and saw the son, they set him on themselves. This is the air. Come, let us kill him, and let us seize on the inheritance. And they caught him and cast him out of the vineyard and flew him. When the Lord therefore the vineyard cometh, what will he do to those?
Husbandmen, they say unto him, He will miserably destroy those wicked men.
And will lift out his vineyard onto other husband, which shall render him their fruits in their season. Now I I'd often tend to try to develop this portion of scripture at the point that I want to bring before us is that the Lord Jesus in this parable he rings before them. Now the fact that he is the one of whom the parable speaks the one that only begotten of the Father, the one whom God sending of this world and the one whom men they despise and they slighted him they didn't want him. They said we will not have this man.
To reign over us. And so we see the Son of God, as it were, bringing before these men and women, the Pharisees, the religious people of the day.
Oh, bring him before them. That one would come, and that's how they would treat him. You know what reminds us of the first chapter of Hebrews, where we read God, who at sundry times and in divers manners, taking time passed under the under the parcel by the Proverbs half in these last days spoken unless.
By his Son, yes, He spoke to this world through all the apostles and the prophets down through the years. All my friends, let me tell you that he sent his beloved Son, He sent the dearest object of his heart affection when he said the Lord Jesus.
God manifesting flesh, the one that was born in Bethlehem, who was the eternal God, my friend.
And that blessed one who corresponds to this parable that we have here, he was the one who fulfilled as where this this parable because he was the eternal Son of God. And he came and they said, let us kill him. Oh, this is the air. Let's get rid of him. And they said, we will not have this man to reign over us. And what does it do? All my friends, we think how man took that blessed 1 The eternal, the holy spotless Son of God. We think of the one, those blessed hands that dispense kindness and compassion in the mileage words.
We think of that blessed Savior as he walked through this scene healing the sick, how he could put his hand upon that leprous man and tell him I will be thou clean and how he could raise Lazarus. We've had before us the last couple of days from the dead who had been dead 4 days. Oh my friend, when we think of the wondrous power in that blessed One, the Son of God, how he did all this, how he performed these many miracles.
Yes, John tells of thee that many other signs truly did Jesus do not written this book, but these are written in John. These are written that you might believe that Jesus the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you might have life through his name. Oh my friends, tonight let me tell you if we could only if we only had words to describe to you as a wonderful person of our precious Lord, that one who soul loved you that he came down to this world and he went on.
Yes, after doing so much good in this world, oh, that wasn't a good life, couldn't save us or he went on to the cross. And I think of those men as recorded in the 19th chapter of John, it says they took Jesus and they led him away. But my friend read the next verse it says.
And Jesus bearing his cross, he went forth all, He was a willing victim. And as he went forth, he went forth to Calvary. And there, my friends, and those wicked hands, those wicked hands of those men, as they nailed him to the cross, My friends, let me tell you that your, your heart and my heart is no different than those men, the crucified, our precious Lord as faith, sciences of faith and water.
Sold at the heart of man to man. My friend, your heart is just the same. We've all seen the Word of God tell us. All have sinned and come short of the glory of God. All tonight, beloved friends, let me tell you that the Lord Jesus endured all the spitting, the scoffing, and all the hatred that was heaped upon His blessed head from the hands of men in those first three hours.
But think of it from the 6th powerful of the ninth hour. There was darkness over all the land, when the Son of God, the God manifesting flesh, the Creator Himself, all he, he there bore at bore our sins in his own body on the three. My friends, we think of Him as corresponding to this parable. He said last of all, He sent his son. And my friend, we think how God tested.
Man down through the years.
As he tested him, we he found that he was he was he was a Sinner. Oh, I'll send my son and he sends his beloved Son the best the baskets of heaven he has provided in the person of our Lord Jesus Christ my friend tonight when we think of who he is.
Who is the eternal One, the Creator, the one who could command in this world come into being?
All but the save your precious soul and mind, it was necessary for him to go all the way to Calvary, and there in those three hours of darkness he bore that Lord of sin, And God poured out upon him that judgment, and it would have stunk this world to an eternal hell. But all God, we thank God that He exhausted that judgment, being as he was the infinitely eternal Son of God, He exhausted the judgment of God in those three hours, and he could say it is finished.
And we recall how there, as he laid down his life, he was the only man that came into this world who could lay down his life. He came for the purpose of dying. He came to die. And beloved friends tonight let me tell you, when he died, he laid down his life. No man could take his his life away from him. He laid it down voluntarily. And when he had done before he had done so, he said, it is finished. And he bowed his head and gave up his spirit, my friend, we think.
There that of them coming as they did to break the legs of the of the two thieves, and they broke the legs of one of the thieves. He was still alive. They broke his legs. How true, how hard hearted those men were. Then they went to the other one and they broke his leg.
When they came to Jesus, they came to the Son of God and they marveled that he was dead already. Pilot marvel that he was dead when they called him. Oh, it couldn't be solved. But yes, he had given up his life. And my friends, we find that a soldier with a spear, he takes us there and he thrust it into his blessed dead side. And out of that side flowed air, blood and water. All my friends, tonight it is my joy to be able to tell you that the blood of Jesus Christ.
Sun cleansing small sin if there's an unsaved 1 here in this audience tonight, let me tell your friends you're trifling with eternity. If you if you put off the question of your soul salvation, you may believe in God. You may believe the record that God has given of his son, whatever he ever have you ever had a transaction about your sins with the Son of God himself? Have you ever come to him and said Lord Jesus, I know that I'm a Sinner that I need salvation. And if you will only come tonight as you sit there on that chair, if you'll just come silently to him and say Lord Jesus, I'll come to thee tonight. He'll save your Princess soul and you'll the joy bells will ring in your heart. It's very nice.
Rejoice in the presence of the angels of God over one sin of the repentance. Well, we know this is the last, the last offer that God is going to make. He has told us in the 9th chapter of Hebrews once. I'll have to read it in case I don't quote it correctly, but in the 9th chapter of Hebrews.
In connection with this verse we read at the last it says in the 26th verse. But for then must He often have suffered since the foundation of the world. But now once, once in the end of the world, at the end of the age, has He appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself. And as it is appointed, Oh, this is solemn, my friends, as it is appointed on the man wants to die, but after death to judgment, so Christ.
Crazy but once offered to bear the sins of many and under them that looked for him shall he appear the second time without without sin on the salvation the next time he comes he's not going to pick up the question of sin. The thin question is done with yes at Calvary the thin question is done with when he comes again or he's coming in power and glory all before that all he's coming to take his own redeemed ones out of this world and that might happen this very night just think of it we might hear that shout while we're.
Here in this meeting tonight.
And how many empty chairs will be here I should say will there be anybody left in this room tonight of the Lord Jesus was to descend from heaven with a choice is very nice with everyone here in this room be caught up to meet the Lord in the air my friend. That's that's the truth of God. That's the word of God the everlasting word of God. Let me tell you friends of this is the eternal word of God from cover to cover. It tells us forever. Oh Lord, thy word settle in heaven. Man have endeavored to get rid of this word. They put it they've made bonfires of it they've they've.
They've destroyed them by the millions.
Friends, there's more of Scripture. There's more Bibles available today than ever there were before. Just a few weeks ago, I had the privilege of visiting in Iowa, Iowa Falls. And as some of our brethren suggested that I go over and see this man who ran the Bible house, I went over, I've been over there before. And I went over to see him and he remembered me and we had a talk and he took me through this new warehouse that he has with us, thousands upon thousands of different kinds of Bibles. And as we looked at those Bibles, I said to this man, I said, do you know the author? You know the author? And my friends, I don't believe that this man.
Knows the author of this wonderful book and it's God himself. He's the one who wrote this book. It's inspired by the Spirit of God, holy man of God speakers. They were moved by the Holy Spirit. My friends, as we think of the eternal word of God, how there are more Bibles available today than ever there were before. What a solemn thing it is for a man to make his business selling Bibles and yet not know the Savior which it speaks all friends tonight.
You know the Savior, you know the Savior, sinners. He wants to, He desires, He long to save you tonight He'll only come to Him. Now let us turn to another very scripture found in John's Gospel, the 7th chapter. And we have another expression here similar to the one we had.
7th chapter of John and the 37 verse. A well known verse that we often sing.
In the last day, in the last day, that great day of the peace, Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, If any man thirst, let him come under me and drink.
He that believeth on me as a scripture said out of his village of low rivers of living water. Oh, it makes me remind me of that scripture that our brother, part of which he read last night in the 55th chapter of Isaiah. And there we see heavy gospel prophets, Isaiah uttering these wonderful words by the Spirit of God.
Whole, all he wants to bring to the attention of all those who will hear him. And so he uses the word whole. And I'm told that that was the way they could, they could carry a note so much further, but by using that word. And so he says, Ho, ho, everyone, the 3rd to count you to the waters. And he that hath no money, let him come by and eat without money and without price. Yes, my friends, how can we buy something without money and without price? All the price.
Yes, it has already been bought the Lord Jesus as we read in the 53rd chapter.
There we see him making atonement for sin. And so the gospel prophet can come out and say that there's free water, the water of life is free to all who will but come and have it. And so that offer goes out to you tonight and tonight.
We want to bring before you this back in the last day. Always think of the Lord Jesus, the precious Savior himself uttering these words and we we would like to examine the occasion. What was the occasion? What if you went to the first part of the chapter? You would see that it was the Feast of Tabernacles and I believe the Feast of Tabernacles was the the greatest feast of the Jewish years. It was the greatest feast Genesee they.
Had lasted for about 8 days.
And on the last day and all here they had religion at Jerusalem and other Pharisees and all described the with all their their forms in the ceremony. They had eight days of it, you might say, and then the Lord Jesus and the last day.
That great day of the faith that Jesus stood and he cried, saying, if any man, Sir, how could a man be thirsty with all that religion? All my friends, let me tell you that religion won't save you. Religion won't quench your eternal thirst. All nothing but the precious person and the work of the Lord Jesus Christ that will do so. And so the Lord Jesus, he doesn't bring religion before them. He said of any man first, let him come where come out of me. Oh yes, under the Savior himself.
And an idea issue that invitation the youth has come unto me, all ye that labor and her heavy laden and I will give you rest. Oh, what a savior he is, what a Savior Jesus is. And he he, he, he's accomplished all this that he might give you the water of life.
Think about water, you know that the woman came to draw at that well. It's like our found in the 4th chapter. She came with all her sin and her wickedness. And there was the Lord Jesus going out of his way for about 15 or 20 miles in order that he might sit in that well and speak to that that wicked woman. And as he spoke to her, he he asked her for a drink of water. We think of the eternal Son of God the Creator.
Stooping down and taking that humble place that we read off in the second chapter of Philippians. He humbled himself, Yes. And he asked that woman for a drink of of cold water. Well, the woman was she marveled at it.
When he explained to her and by saying, if thou knewest the gift of God, the free giving of God, thou was the mask of him and he would have given the living water. My friends, that's what God wants you to have tonight is that living water. If you'll only come to the Savior. Yes, the fountain is free. The fountain is open and it's flowing right by right by you tonight. And if you only come and dip it up, you know, some years ago.
Attract you've read it too, maybe many of you. How this this ship?
In days gone by when they weren't able to carry enough water as they were going down to South America, they they ran out of water and they they flagged signaled one of the shut through passing give us water. We need water. And you know, they thought they were being marked, but the the ship a signal back give it up.
Brought up, well, they didn't realize that right at that point they were passing over the mouth of the Amazon. The Amazon River run miles, hundreds of miles into the ocean. And as it does, it has that Clearwater and without the salt. And they had that refreshing water and all they had to do was to give it up for my friend. Tonight God wants you to dip it up. Tonight He wants you to come to Christ. He wants you to take the Savior of your own.
Once you come, all my unsaved friends, my dear young a person of the boy, girl, young woman, young man here who has never confessed.
Christ as their savior. Why won't you come tonight and just dip it up? Take the Christ of God is your pregnant Savior and he'll come into your heart and save you. The last call has been made last of all, the last of all he said, I'll send my son. Now we have in the last day, that great day of the feast. Here's the last call my friends. The call may not go out after tonight. This is now is the accepted time. We can't promise you the gospel tomorrow night.
We can't they come tomorrow and you can be saved or next. Lord say no now. God never speaks up tomorrow. No, he doesn't. He, He tells us both not by himself up tomorrow. He tells him now is the accepted time. Behold, today is the day of salvation. Now let us turn to another scripture found in the 15th chapter of First Corinthians. And this is quoted tonight in our prayer meeting. And I was struck by it because it was on my heart.
And I'm going to read a few of these wonderful verses, which brings before us the glorious gospel of the grace of God. The first verse of the 15th chapter of First Corinthians we read. Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you, the gospel which I preached unto you, which all to you received and were in ye stand, by which all to your safety to keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless you have believed in vain.
Or I delivered unto you. Now the apostle Paul is actually speaking to Christians here. But you know, it's the word of God and it has power. The word of God is, is quick and powerful and sharper than any two edged swords. And listen to these precious words as the apostle Paul by the Spirit of God appends these words. For I delivered unto you, first of all, that which I also received, how the Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures.
Oh, my friend, right from Genesis to Revelation, we find that blessed person brought before. There's a brother in our audience here tonight. He and I were going down to the maritime some years ago. And as we were driving along, we took out the book of Philippians and we're reading about that precious Savior. And as he drove and I read to him how we discussed these precious portions of the word of God. And this brother said to me something I've never forgotten. He said to me, isn't it wonderful that this book that we're holding in our hands, that I was holding in my hand?
Two men, two men only, yes, and the first one is Adam, and we see the one through whom sin came into this world, all but the other man is a man from heaven, God's man, the Lord Jesus Christ. And my friends, that speaks of him. These two men, as we find the Lord Jesus is spoken of in type, right from Genesis, right through Revelation, that method. Once, my friends, here we have these words.
For I deliver another you first of all, at which I also received how the Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures and that he was buried. That he rose again the 3rd day according to the scriptures. How the the word of God is brought before us here. That it was no afterthought of God there that he spent his son. Now it was according to the plan. Yes, when the fullness of time had come, God sent for this son born of a woman guest, and that he was buried. Oh yes, he, he, he died on Calvary's cross. He bore those.
At that Lord of sins, Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures.
And that he was buried, yes, they tenderly took those precious at present body, Nicodemus and Joseph Arimathea, and they wounded in that fine linen, and they laid it in Joseph new tomb, in accordance with the scripture that tells us in Isaiah. He was with the rich in his death, and there he was.
With the rich men, men would have given the Lord Jesus the Potter's field. Yes, they were given a place with a very strangers all, but God saw to it that he would be buried with the rich, and that's where he was with in his death and he was buried.
But that's not all my friends, and this is the power of the gospel, that he rose from the dead, that he was buried and that he rose again the 3rd day according to the scriptures. And my friends, you say, well that's just what we hear the Rose from the dead for. Listen to the evidence. God gives us evidence here of those who saw him that he was seen as Cephas, that of Peter 10 of the 12 after that he was Dean of above 500 president at once.
Whom the greater part remained unto this present, and but some are fallen asleep.
After that he had seen of James and of all the apostles, all but friends. Last of all, all, here it is again. Last of all, he was seen of me, of Paul. Also have one born out of due time. Oh, here's the apostle Paul comes in. He saw him. Where did he see him?
He found that glorified man at the right hand of the throne on high, and as Paul had taken out papers to hail in the courts and perhaps suggest all that called on that precious name of Jesus, and as he had these papers and he was going to arrest them at midday. It tells them the 9th chapter of Acts how like from heaven shone down and Paul was.
Smitten to the earth.
A voice, he heard a voice and was a voice of Jesus. Oh, what a precious name, my friend, the name of Jesus, that one whom he was persecuting. He heard that name and he he said Paul fall out of his name. At that point Saul saw why persecuted saw me. Well, now he wasn't persecuting the Lord Jesus up there and glory was he? Yes, my friends, that's exactly what he was doing when he was persecuting the the Christians down here.
Oh, he was persecuting as a Christ of God. He was the head of the church and all those were members of his body and he was persecuting them. And as he persecuted them, he was touching the very, very one up there in the glory. And he said, why persecute a follow me? And the very moment he said that, oh, we see a right about faith. That's what really conversion is. He turned right around from the way he was going and he he said.
Who art thou? Art thou Lord? Thou Lord? Yeah.
Who he is, and he calls them Lord, My friends, a little later on the apostle Paul writes in Romans 10 and nine, that as thou shalt confess with thy mouth Jesus of Lord, and believe in thine heart that God have raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. My friend, tonight this wonderful gossip.
Going forth to you and you may never hear it again. You may never. Oh my friends, I plead with you tonight, don't pass up this wonderful invitation of God's grace and love to you. He wants you to be saving, delights to save you, and he wants to bring you into his family, make you a child of God, an heir of heaven. Oh yes, you have all the blessings down here on earth, seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. When you believe the gospel brought into the family of God, you can address God as your father.
The Christ, the Lord Jesus that your precious Savior and heaven, my friends at your home and that's your home tonight. It's.
Know him as your precious Savior all the wonderful to know we have that assurance. I couldn't lay my head on my colors and I if I didn't know that I that I that if the Lord took my life away tonight, if I died in my sleep that I would be absent from the body and present with the Lord. My friends, we just think of so many of our loved ones who have gone that very way tonight God would speak to your heart, your conscience.
And God, don't despise, don't turn down this offer. Don't neglect. You know, there's so many people and they, they believe what we say, but they say, we'll put it on. My friend, let me tell you how the word, the question is asked, how shall we escape?
If we not reject, if we neglect so great salvation. Our friends tonight you heard that Christ is the only answer. Christ is the way. He could say I am the way, but I am the door by me. If any man or any child be saved, He is the way, the truth and the life, the Lord Jesus himself. And he offers you that tonight, tomorrow night, as we heard the last two nights, He may be a judge by tomorrow night and you, you'll be lost eternally. Oh, we don't like to talk about hell.
We don't like to frighten anybody about the awful judgment is going to come upon this world, and you'll begin it if you know not crisis Savior. Friends, we plead with you to come. We must be faithful as the Word of God would have us be faithful in telling you of the doom that awaits all those who neglect the Savior. Nor in the 16th of Acts, the curtain is drawn aside, and we see as that rich man.
That man that had a great funeral, we're not told even his name. We know from history what his name was, but we're not told much about him. Lazarus, you know, we got his name. He didn't even have a funeral girl. He was carried out by the angels into Abraham. But this rich man, he died and was buried. A great criminal protection. Many flowers perhaps were presented there and they gave a very wonderful eulogy to his, his life and all my friends that tells us in hell.
He lifted up his eyes, being in torment. My friends, we want to warn you of that awful place known as hell. God doesn't want you to go there. Wasn't prepared for man anyway to prepare for the devil and his angels, and Satan is endeavoring to draw men back down to that awful place.
God and his wondrous grace and love has provided a means whereby you need not go there. You can come to the Savior. And so we see the Apostle Paul, the one who got got the last sight. We may say, I believe it's the last sight of our present Lord. And he saw him as the extended one on high in glory. And that characterized his 14 epistles as he brings before us the risen glorified Christ. Yes, he could say in the Romans 116. The apostle Paul writing, he could say for I'm not ashamed. I'm not ashamed of the gospel of Christ.
For it is the power of God on the salvation to everyone, the believers. Why could he say that all my friends, the apostle upon you. And that was dynamite in that precious word, the fact that God had raised him from the dead. There's the power now the power of the resurrection. There's the power of the gospel. We know that the death of Christ, the cross of Christ is the principle of Christianity. But resurrection is as power tonight and.
The Apostle Paul to say I'm not ashamed.
He knew what it would do if you'd believe it. He knew what it had done in his life when he saw the the Lord Jesus there in glory. And we find that the Apostle Paul, he, he, he came to the Savior and he received him as his own precious Savior. And now he's gone out to others and he has given this wonderful invitation. This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation. This is Paul himself, that Christ Jesus came into the world.
To save sinners, yes, and he could say of whom I am chief, until the chief of sinners has been saved. Now there's there's an opportunity for any here tonight who knows, who know not Christ, to have their sins put away by faith.
Him how our time is living by Let's turn to another scripture found in the Second Timothy, Second Timothy chapter 2.
Second Timothy, chapter 2 and.
Sorry, it's the third chapter in the first verse it says this. Know also that in the last days, last day, perilous times shall come.
Listen to all the list we have here. For men shall be lovers of their own selves. Covetous bolsters, proud black beamers. That's the beating. The parents and thankful and holy without natural affection. Truth Breakers, false accusers, incomplete. Those are good.
Traitors had a high minded lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God having a form of gardens and not true today, having a form of gardens but denying the power thereof and such. Turn away my friend, these are the last days we're in, we know.
We see if we look in this world, we look at the prophetic words and we see what's going to take place after the Lord Jesus comes to take his church out of this scene and we know that he's coming very soon.
Before judgment can fall upon this world, the soul of the earth has must be removed. The Holy Spirit of God is going to be taken away. As soon as the Lord Jesus comes, you and I will be gone who know Christ as our Savior. Some may be left here old.
Forbidden. God forbid there's be any left here tonight. If the Lord Jesus was to descend from heaven with a shout is very nice. And you were left behind. What a sad, sad state it would be for you to be alone, without God, without hope, eternal.
Friends that just consider the eternal reality that God would have a thing of tonight in in if the Lord Jesus were to come now. He said this no also that in the last day.
Perilous times have come. Is that true today? Look about us. We see all the shooting that's taking place of the murders. We see all the governments having difficulty inside and out, all friends. All these things would tell us that they were in the last days and God.
Is not going to allow peace to come upon this world until the Prince of Peace himself, the Lord Jesus and glory is going to come and set his feet on the Mount of Olives.
And then he will bring peace. But we think of all the judgments are going to take place before that. All friends listen to the word of God. He take heed tonight of this the awful.
Result of neglecting God's way of salvation.
Now stays perilous, times shall come, and men shall be lovers of their own selves. Do we see that all about us? Yes, friends, we know it is the last day, and it's not only the last stage, but it's the very last of the last days. We're just on the verge of the coming of our precious Lord from heaven. Yes, I never like to call the gospel meeting without quoting that wonderful verse found in.
The First Thessalonians 4 for the Lord Himself.
As a sand from heaven, with a shout, with the voice of the Archangel, with the trump of God, and the dead in Christ shall rise first, then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up to meet the Lord in the air. And so shall we ever be with the Lord. My friend, let me take place tonight. There's nothing.
Her prophecy is concerned prophecy is not being fulfilled now. The the clock of prophecy is stopped at this moment.
All but we see God as someone mentioned the day God is behind the scenes moving the scenes that he is behind and we know that he is he he's just setting the stage as it were or the setting up of Christ Kingdom again we think of all the judgment that's going to take place and we think of the Jewish people yes Israel all the judgment they must go through yes friends if you're not saved you're going to go through it and God's going to give you going to blind your eyes that you will be willing to believe a lie yes the thing about the Satan is going to blind the eyes of them that believe not all my friends is going to be a solemn time we don't have to frighten anyone here any young person or older one either into.
Coming to Christ, oh Lord God, love my friend, the one desires to save you. God stole us all. We can't measure it. We can't tell it out if we would like it, but we can tell you that little word so tells us how much he loves God's soul, love the world that he gave his only begotten Son. And what are those words if the Lord Jesus Christ himself speaking to Nicodemus, he speaks those very words and tells that God loved this world and he gave him.
The Charles son of God that you and I through faith in him might have our 10 foot away and be brought into the family of God. Well now we have the last days before let's turn to another Scripture before we we finished in the 15th chapter First Corinthians again and we read in the in the 51St verse we read about the resurrection. No men scoff when we speak about resurrection pointed out today I one of our brethren that.
A man would endeavour to destroy.
The remains of a loved one because because I didn't believe there was a resurrection. Yes, denying God power. My friend, let me tell you that when God made this world and the Lord Jesus brought this world in the being, He did it with the word of his mouth and everything became as it is through the word of His mouth. Do not think that He is able to restore a body that has been gone for perhaps hundreds of years.
Every, every, that body will be raised again. And so we have here in the 51St verse. Behold, I show you a mystery. Oh, it was a secret, yes, and revealed particularly to the Apostle Paul himself. He goes, behold, I show you a mystery. We shall not all sleep and we shall all be changed. He's speaking to Christians now. Yes, he said we'll all be changed. That body accumulation that you and I are in tonight is going to be changed and passionately on his body of glory.
And it says in a moment how fast, in the twinkling of an eye at the last Trumple here it is the last Trump, my friends, yes, I believe in the military, Roman military that had three trunks and the last one was formed in March to get ready. They were to pack everything and then they were just to be set to go. And then the last Trump was falling to March and my friends were going to get that that that board. We're going to hear it perhaps tonight for us to March and we're going to.
See our present Lord, and when we shall see Him we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is, not as He was down here. Now we'll see Him as He is, and you and I will be changed in fashion, like under His glorious body. With The only exception, He'll bear those nails, print a nail print in His blessing hands, and in His side and His feet throughout the endless ages of eternity.
And each time we look, we'll look at that blessed face and see the the the Marks and inspired in his hand. Or it'll just take us back to Calgary and we'll see the cost of our redemption. All my friends, I think that he has paid the price of redemption through his precious blood, and he offers free salvation to whosoever will, if you will. But come, now is the accepted time. Behold, now is the day of salvation.
He says in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last run for the trumpets of sound. And the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. Or this corruptible must put on incorruption. This mortal must put on immortality. So in this corrupt rule shall have put on incorruption, on this mortal shall have put on immortality or incorruptibility then shall be brought to pass the same as written. Death is swallowed up in victory.
All death, where is thy sting or grave? Where is thy victory? The sting of death is sin. All the Lord Jesus has tasted death for everything. The string is gone, and now death holds no terror for the Christian, because he knows that the sting is gone.
King of death is sin and the strength of sin of the law, but thanks be to God, which given us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
I'll listen at the resurrection when we hear that shout and we may hear it tonight. Well, there's one further verse and then we're finished in the 26th verse of this very same chapters, 15th chapter first Corinthians and the 26th verse it says. And let's go back just a few verses to 22nd verse four. As an atom all die, Even so in Christ shall all be made alive.
But every man in his own order, Christ the first roots afterwards they that are Christ that is coming.
Then come at the end. Then come at the end, when he shall deliver it up, and when he shall have delivered up the Kingdom to God, even the Father, when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power. For he must bring, Hilliard, put all enemies under his feet. My friend, He's going to put all enemies under his feet. When he comes back again, you and I'll be with him as Christians. You and I who know him will never, never be separated from him.
The last enemy, or here's the last enemy, the last enemy that shall be destroyed is death. Yes, he corners destroy that, or he have put all things under His feet, And when He set, all things are put under him. It is manifest that He is accepted which did put all things under Him. And when all things shall be subdued unto him, then shall the Son as man remember the Son also, and shall be subject unto Him.
That put all things under it.
That God may be All in all. Now I'd like to clarify anything here that someone might say, Well, now the sun is going to be subject to the Father, just as man. He never did, never will leave the Godhead. He'll always be the Godhead. And when it says here that God may be All in all, it means the Godheads. The Lord Jesus is the second person of the Trinity, and he has never left the bosom of the Father.
Man, my friend, he's going to step down somewhere when he has plans this world when John the Baptist, you know when he saw that blessed ones and he said, behold, the Lamb of God which taketh away beareth away the sin of the world. He prophesied as it were this time when the Lord Jesus will have put on put down all enemies from under his feet and God may be All in all my friends, going to restore. That's what she took not away. He's going to restore it to the Father.
And why is it all, my friends, as Jesus, as that precious one, that he might be associated with you and me as Christians? His body, his church, his bride, He might be associated with us throughout the countless days of eternity is not wonderful. Yes, we're never going to be suffering from things.
He's going to put all enemies under. He's allowed down his death. Our friend, if you're on save tonight, don't trifle with the word of God. Don't trifle with his way of salvation. This wonderful offer of salvation has been presented to you. How shall you escape if he neglects so great salvation? Now is the accepted time. Behold, now is the day of salvation. It may be too late tomorrow. Won't you come tonight? All come to the Savior. Take Jesus as your own precious Savior and joy.
And happiness will be yours. Could we sing a birth to two of #12 just as I am without one, please?
But that thy blood was shed for me, and that thou bits may come to thee, O Lamb of God.
I come just as I am, and waiting up to rid my soul of one dark love to thee whose blood can plant each bottle down of God. I come just as I am, poor wretched blind sight, wretched healing of the mind.
Yeah, all I need in need a final Lamb of God. I cannot as one in this room tonight or more their exercise about their soul salvation. Once you sing this prayer and reality and say I'll come to the Lord Jesus. We sing the last two verses of this him just as I am.
Thy love.