O Shepherd of the flock of God,
Thy voice we love to hear;
Its tones divine, so strong and true,
Still every anxious fear;
Oh call Thy sheep together, Lord,
As one to follow Thee!
Yea, loudly call, and by Thy Word
Set all Thy loved ones free!
O Shepherd of the flock of God,
Thy watching eye does see
The dangerous track, the scattering wolf,
The thief and those who flee;
In Thy true wisdom we’d confide,
Trusting in Thee alone,
Happy to shelter by Thy side,
All drawn to Thee as one.
Almighty Shepherd of the flock,
Thy powerful hand does hold
Each timid sheep, each tender lamb
Without a narrow fold;
One Shepherd o’er one flock enough
To keep us all, and guide
To fountains pure, to fields of truth,
By bounteous love supplied.
O glorious Shepherd of the flock,
The assembly bought by blood,
The priceless pearl, the heavenly bride
Is Thine, O Christ of God:
We would then, Lord, for Thy name’s sake
To Thee e’en now be true,
And God the Father’s glory seek;
His will with gladness do.
H. J. Vine