O NAME, the psalm and the music
That fills the heavenly place—
O Name by which there I enter
And see Thee face to face—
O Name, Thou art here the music,
And here the sweetness and song,
Though the sea and the waves are roaring,
And though the night is long.
The night—but a night of glory,
For there in the heavens I see
The Morning Star in its brightness,
Thy gift of love to me.
I have the pledge of the dawning,
The glow of the golden Day,
For Thou, O my Lord, hast arisen,
The guide Star of my way.
The light of the Star outshining
The myriad suns is mine—
Oh sure is the glorious morning,
The morn of joy divine;
Of joy and of gladness and singing,
When deep unto deep shall call;
The sweetness shall answer the sorrow,
The vinegar and the gall;
The depth of the glorious music
The depth of the bitter cry
Of him in the darkness abandoned,
Unsolaced, alone, to die.
To the blackness of darkness shall answer
The light as a jasper stone,
The rainbow of glory encircling
Christ on His radiant throne.
C. P. C.