Job 1

Job 1
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Address—B. Bauman
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I know the chapter divisions are not always inspired, but I do think that through the God had something to do with them.
So I would just mention that 40.
Is God's number of full testing and probation.
So we have 40 chapters of that with our dear servant of God, Job.
Court trial and court testing by God with the object in view of bringing out what is in Maya, and then God could strengthen what he has put in man's soul. That's really the testing time of Job and the purpose.
Then, once Job went through God's complete probationary test and endured, then the blessings could flow out.
That's the last two chapters.
Two testimony to the last two chapters, 41 and 42.
Really speak of the testimony to God's power and sovereignty at 41 and 42, to God's love and blessing, which is His nature.
So in chapter 42 we have the Lord's blessing upon Job. The Lord gave Job twice as much as He had before. So the Lord blessed the latter end of Job more than His beginning.
I'm going to give a little background before we even have a hymn because, you know, let me go a little quicker, a little faster through the chapter once we have established the background.
There is wonder, and we don't need wonder with the word of God, but there is of who wrote Job.
And most have concluded it was Moses.
I know in Scott's handbook of the Bible he has decided it must have been Moses.
And William Kelly and job the same. And most recently?
AC Brown.
But you know, Job was contemporary of Moses and Abraham.
1520 BC. This was written to 1520 BC. The latter years of Abraham and the former first years of Moses.
But I think God gave us just enough clue in Job to tell us who the writer, the penman was.
But not so much that we make much of dependence because God's the author of the whole word of God. The Penguin isn't that important, but I just mentioned this.
In chapter 32, we won't turn to it now, but verse 15 to 16 and also verse 10 and 32, we have the clue. You know, Job is written by dialogue, first introduction to the speaker and then dialogue. This is the only place it isn't.
It's Eli who and in that place it says this. They the three friends of Job were amazed. They answered no more. They left off speaking and now notice when I had waited for they spake not, but stood still and answered no more than I said I will answer also my part. That's the only place and what other in verse 10.
That instead of saying Eli, who waited until the three, which was the way it is all the way through.
And then Eli who said, I believe Eli who was dependent, if it makes any difference.
His name means God. Is he God? Is he?
He was there through the whole time. Now one other thing might look at Joel. Now these names have meaning because everything in the word of God has the meaning.
God cannot have an idle thought. It's impossible. As I have thought, so shall it be.
Says the Lord. Now we don't need to know the meanings of all the names to enjoy and appreciate reading the word of God. I don't mean that, but you get a fuller understanding if you have the names of the of the of the the meanings of the name. You take the name Bethany. It has two meanings and some of these names have two meanings. And don't let that bother you. You look to the Spirit of God to tell you when the meeting.
The particular meeting is applicable.
Bethany has two meanings, and it means the House of affliction, but it also means the House of response.
I use that as an example because when the Lord first came to Bethany, things were out of order. They were not in order there. Lazarus wasn't there.
Martha was cumbered about with much serving and distressed in her soul anguish. Mary was at his feet.
But, you know, a source of jealousy.
There wasn't an order.
So the next time the Lord first sent affliction in Bethany, affliction, the House of affliction. Bethany is the type of the assembly you know today.
Lord does that the north wind, and so Lazarus is sick.
Now you find Mary and Martha of one mind together, calling for the Lord.
And so in chapter 12 of John's Gospel, you'll have Bethany the House of Respond.
Because the Lord raised Lazarus from the dead and gave him back to the sisters.
That affliction was needed and so you have now Bethany means the House of response. You know the chapter the 1St 3 verses the house was filled with the odor of the ointment. Now Job it means the cry of woe. But Job also means I will exclude.
And so we're going to have over 40 chapters that much the cry of Wolf. But then at the end we're going to have I well exclaimed. That's the purpose of it. Now I just mentioned.
Why all the afflictions? Why all the trouble in trials, in job price or I could say in your life or a loved ones life? Why?
It's because God loves you too much not to have the best for and from you. That's the reason He loved Job too much not to have the best from Job, and then for him. And that's the whole purpose of the book, to tell us that story. Now the trial of Job can only be fully appreciated with four truths.
That run through the word of God in mind and love with the expensive them and they're very important, the first one.
Nothing happens to a child of God.
Unless there's a need be, that's first Peter in the first chapter, verse five and six and you can look it up. There's a need be or it won't happen. Second chastisement is always a family affair.
Chastisement. It's an act of love of God.
Toward you, his child.
It always is that I would mention Hebrews 12/6 on that whom the Lord loveth, He chastened. And that's the second principle. The third is all things work together for good to them who love God according to His purpose.
That's the Romans 828 and the 4th is something Job had to learn, and we have to learn. I know that in me that is my flesh is no good faith. Those four things must be kept in mind when we consider Job now the best the Lord could do for a child of God once he saves him.
Just take him home. That's the best. Take him home, the worst. Leave in here to his own way.
But he doesn't do either.
He sends us.
Here because that's our home, as the Father has sent me. So if I sent you where? Ambassadors of Christ right here, walking epistles known in red of all men.
Then he worked with us, as he did with Joe. By afflictions, that's true. By child, by troubles in our lives, by the North wind, if you will, sometimes. So He can bring the best out of us and have food from us while we're here. Our life in this world, all for his glory, all for His glory. These are just a few of the things.
One other thing Job was a real person.
Today in criticism, I talked to more and more preachers and ministers who are convinced in their heart and mind that Job is a myth, merely a parable filled up by God to give an example.
I want you to know Joseph is a real person.
He really lived will see him turn to Ezekiel for this. I want to just give a scripture then we'll get on turn to Ezekiel 14. God made sure there would be no doubt about this verse 12.
Ezekiel 1412 The word of the Lord came again to me, saying, Son of Man, when the land sinneth against me by trespassing grievously, then will I stretch out my hand upon it, and will break the staff of the bread thereof, and will send salmon upon it. Verse 14 Though these three men.
Noah, Daniel, and Job were in it. They should deliver what their own souls by their righteousness, said the Lord God. Another plague is noisome beef. Verse 16. Though these three men were in it, as I live, says the Lord God, they shall deliver neither sons nor daughters. They only shall be delivered, but the land shall be desolate, and the sword, and after the sword the pestilence, and verse 20.
Go know know what Daniel and Job were in it. As I live, says the Lord, They shall deliver neither sons nor daughters. They shall but deliver their own souls by their righteousness.
If they deny Job lived, then they'd have to deny Daniel lived and Noah too.
Well, that's that God makes sure of this. I just mentioned Job was noted for his patience. James five, I think it's probably verse 11. But anyway, he was noted for his patience, but it's in that very trait that Job failed miserably.
Pleasurably, Moses was noted for his weakness #23 but it was in that very trait that Moses failed.
Miserably. Solomon was noted for his wisdom, but it's in that very trait that Solomon failed miserably. There's a lesson in joke for all of us, you see.
Patience, weak and wise, wonderful attributes, but without the Lord it all failed. Without the Lord it's all failure. That's the story. Now there's a warning to each of us. I would just mention Peter.
Peter was bold in his testimony for the Lord. He was outgoing, he was courageous. But isn't isn't that very trade? He failed when he said to the Lord, though everyone forsake thee, I will never forsake thee, even under death.
As you know, the third time he cursed as he denied he knew Jesus in the presence of a little maid failed miserably. Well, the warning to all of us is like this place. Let's never forget it. We need to learn it. Jill had to learn it. Flesh is flesh. It's no good. Whether it's in a prophet, a priest, apostle, or just the same or a Sinner, flesh is the same.
Flesh is the same.
Now the last thought here, the patience of Job James 11 Says, behold, we count them happy, which endure Job endureth. And so I'll just give you the last four things that we'll say.
All chastisement, all affliction can be reacted to in four ways. First.
You can despise it. This is Hebrews 12. Job never did. Never.
Secondly, you can faint under it. This joke never did.
3rd you can endure it. Jill did this, but too long. Too long.
Force is the purpose of it all. You can be exercised by it and look to God. Finally, Joe did it at the blessings gave them. Now let's turn to a hip. That much background is needed that we could get going in the hymn 209.
Chapter one of Job verse one. Chapter one, verse one.
There was a man in the land of earth whose name was Joe. That man was perfect and upright and one that feared God. And they shoot evil, I could add. And he was righteous because that's Ezekiel 14. He was righteous as well. Think of what the Lord said or God said in that short verse, you see?
Job is introduced by God himself because only God knew Job and all about it.
Just as only God could have introduced with one verse Nehemiah, because God knew all about him, He knows all about each one of us.
He could write what he just wrote. It's wonderful, isn't it?
So God tells us all about Job in the first verse, practically.
Except one thing about his character, one thing that God was about to take care of. And that's what this book is all about. The book of Joe.
There was a man in the land of woods.
Oz means counselor, counselor, consular consulate and that's what Job was in the land. Turn to chapter 29. Might be good to have a verse on that chapter 29 of Job.
I think it's the end of it.
29 And the last two verses are right there. Chapter 29. Well, I'll take verse 21. Unto me men gave ear, and waited, and kept silent at my console. That's us after my words they spake not again my speech dropped upon them.
Verse 25 I chose out their way and set chief, and dwelt as a king.
In the army as one that comfort us as mourners. Yes Job the land of us first verse. He was a counselor where he was people listened to him respect.
Now I might mention he's also said he's perfect.
God uses that word in different ways and sometimes we use it in the world. Perfect for a child of God is one who is full grown, mature in things of God.
Christian is a perfect one, as we read in Timothy, if he takes in the word of God, his foregrowth, and can take strong lead, God calls that perfect. The next thing upright. Well, that's one who keeps a short account, isn't it? One who, if he sins, goes to God right away and confesses it. That's Job wonderful to see it. God fearing and one who could.
Eschew evil.
And choose the good and righteous, all these things.
Job was what was the problem. Then the first verse tells us what he was in God's sight. He could say to Satan himself, There's none like my servant Job in all the earth, and unlike him, what was the problem? There is a problem.
It's simple.
Job did not know himself. That's the problem. Do you? That's the problem.
I know that in me that is my flesh is no good thing.
This needs to be said in the morning and in the night and during the day.
I know that in me that is by flesh is no good thing. That's a lesson Job had to learn.
Job had to be broken down.
Because God only uses broken material.
And he loves to use it.
That's that's the book of Job, thou God uses who he will for this.
To breakdown Job, God went through with him a stripping process. He stripped him of everything.
And he uses who he will.
To the first one he used to face it.
God will use faithfully.
Used him twice, two times. Then he used Job's wife. That's the third vessel that he used. Then he uses Joe's three friends at six. The 7th one he used was Eli who which means God is he. I believe for us a type of the Spirit of God.
The Spirit of God, who always brings in Christ, who always introduces the Lord and the Word.
Finally, the 8th is the Lord Himself. All this was necessary.
To break Job down, now we've had what Job was, verse one. Now we're going to look at what Job had, what Job did, what God did, what Satan did, what Satan did again, and what Job's wife did. That's all in the first chapter or so.
Then we'll take the life as built there. And so far his three friends, so-called, I have to say, so-called.
And finally, Eli, who? Then the Lord himself. Now Eli, who brings God into the matter for the first time. His name is God. Is he? He introduces God.
And then the Lord himself could speak the joke when he was stripped of everything. So now we'll go to verse one again and or chapter one. Now we'll look at the verse 2. This is what Job has.
They were born under Job, seven sons and three daughters. Is that beautiful 10 children he had?
You see, seven and three are both scripturally heavenly numbers.
Seven speaks of heavenly completeness or perfection. 3 is a divine number which often refers to resurrection life.
10 is the scriptural number for man's responsibility to God. So in that short verse we have seven sons and three daughters, 10 children. We're told Joe's children had divine life and they were going on well as well as that, and Joe was a responsible father.
That's what Job had. Now what else did he have? Verse three. His substance also was 7000 sheep, 3000 camels, 500 yoke of oxen, 500 chiases, and a very great household. Really that should be husbandry, so that this man was the greatest of all the men of the East.
First of all, 7000 sheep. Sheep speak of discipleship following.
Seven is heavenly number of completeness or perfection, and I believe it tells us that Job was a follower of the Lord. His walk was such that you could tell he feared God and Christ. Isn't it 3000 camels? The camels speak of dignity.
An authority or power.
Three, of course.
Is the divine number, and I believe all the respect and the power and dignity guilt had where he was came because of his acknowledgement of God and it shows.
5500 yoke of Oxford and 500 chiases.
Five is man's #5 is man's number. Now we're getting to the problem. All the other was true, but now the problem.
The oxen speaks of work and flesh with, and the ***** of course, speak of pride, stubbornness, or willfulness.
Joel was proud of what he was doing.
There it is. He was doing a lot.
He was proud of himself for it. The problem Now notice verse four. His sons went and feasted in their houses, everyone his day. So there were seven days. They had a feast every day and it's nice they included their sisters with them.
Now what Job did verse five, It was so when the days of their feasting were gone, about that Job sent and sanctified them and rose up early in the morning and offered brutal offerings according to the number of his children. For Job said, it may be that my sons have sinned and cursed God in their hearts.
This did job not continually day by day. It should say every day.
Just one of the things he did.
Because his sons may have sinned in their heart.
Didn't offer an offering for himself. He didn't have the thought that he could.
God knows, God knew the problem. Not sure, but he did a lot of other things too. I think it's nice to know it at the outset. And we'll go back to chapter 29 and I'll give it to you very briefly because these are things Joe did and they're all true. They're all true. Not just was he a counselor where he was, but 29 will tell us quickly here.
Well, I'm just going to brief it here.
12 I delivered the poor, I delivered the fatherless of him that had none to help. 13 At the end I caused the widow's heart to sing for joy. 14 I put on righteousness, it closed me. 15 I was eyes to the blind, I was feet to the lame, I was the father to the poor. We could go on.
It's all true. It's all true.
Don't get all those things.
Now let's go back. That's what Joe did. He prayed every morning, he offered to sacrifice every morning, he sanctified his children, and he did all those wonderful things. What a list.
Now what God did to verse six. Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord. Satan came also among them. Where? In heaven?
Sacred in heaven? Yes, he's in heaven, the trees in heaven. Not the eternal heaven where God is and dwells and dwells, but the created heaven.
The Lord said unto Satan, Whence cometh thou? And Satan answered the Lord, and said, From going to and fro in the earth, to walking up and down in it. And that is still what he's doing today.
First Peter. Five. I think it's seven. The devil walketh about is a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.
There it is, still doing it.
The Lord said unto Satan, Hath thou considered? Now that word considered in another translation is, set thy heart upon? Think about this half thousand heart of one, my servant Joe. God is the one that raised this issue with Satan.
There's none like him in the earth. A perfect and upright man, one that feareth God and assures evil. Don't forget Ezekiel 14. He was righteous.
Joe was a true St. He had divine life.
He just did not know himself. It took 40 chapters with it. He didn't know himself.
Verse 9 Then Satan answered the Lord and said just killed, feared God for nothing.
Satan is the accuser of brethren always, and don't forget it.
He is the accuser of brethren all.
Hast not thou made a hedge about him, and about his house, and about all that he has on every side? Thou hast blessed the work of His hands, and his substances increased in the land. Who wouldn't be an example of sensation?
What put forth by hand now, and touch all that Joseph, and he will curse me to my face, he will curse me to thy face of Joe, said Satan. In other words, take all his possessions away, everything we read what he had.
The Lord said unto Satan, Behold, all that he has is in my hand only upon himself. Put not forth thine hand.
God always sets a limit. Never forgive us. He is Father, He is sovereign. He's using Job as his instrument. I'm sorry, He's using Satan as his instrument here to start the shipping process that's so necessary.
But he sets a limit. You can't touch him. He belongs to me.
Isn't that lovely to remember?
So you also Satan, went twice in the presence of the Lord and couldn't wait to get started.
There was a day when Job sons and his daughters were eating and drinking wine, and their eldest brother's house. Verse 14. There came a messenger under Job and said the oxen were plowing, the ***** were feeding beside them, and the Sabians fell upon them and took them away. Yeah, they have slain the servants with the edge of the sword. I only am escaped alone.
To tell thee.
Everything's gone. All the oxen, all the acids, all the serpents are dead.
Save what purposefully left so job would hear right away.
The terrible tragedy that's happened, that's why the one was left to tell thee. Now let's look at it a minute. The oxygen and the acid were taken first. Who did it? So be it.
What do you think so being to me?
He who is coming, that's what it means. He who is coming, you know, the first thing that had to be taken away from Job was work, and his pride in it when we read in chapter 29 was true, but Job was happy with himself about it all.
Cried for his work, the oxygen and his five. The oxygen had to be taken away first.
And the lesson for job, and the lesson for you and I.
If we lose sight of him who is coming, we may be a disciple, we may be a child of God, we may be assisted, we may ever walk. That looks good.
But it's all.
For no veil is flesh.
If we lose sight of him, who is coming? Sophia.
That's the first. That's what was wrong with the with the prize in the Song of Solomon. The first time she failed, it said I was asleep on my bed in the night. You see a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands.
And spiritual poverty comes on you like one. A woman in Fairfield, she was in trouble right away, away from the Lord. She lost sight.
Well, I could do one on that we won't the next thing verse 16 while he was yet speaking, there came another and said the fire of God is fallen from heaven, burned up the sheep and all the servants and consumed them. I only have escaped to tell thee all the sheep are gone burned up except one service was left so we could quickly tell jokes. The problem in the terrible calamity.
If you don't have your thoughts on the Lord Jesus Christ, He who is coming, everything you do is mere work.
Their work.
Oxygen, you're going to have pride in it. That's the option. And so you walk. It doesn't mean anything. The chiefs discipleship. That's why the fire here, everything was burned up, caved wood and stubble, nothing for the judgment seat of Christ.
While he was yet speaking, verse 17, there came also another, and said the Chaldeans made out three bands and fell upon the camel, carried them away. Yeah, slain the servants at the edge of the sword. I only am escaped, so I can tell same story. The camels are drawn, the servants are playing all but one, so they could get the best thing to build right away.
Satan doesn't work, doesn't it?
Who took the camels? The Chaldeans?
You know what Chaldeans mean? Quad Breakers.
Quad Breakers.
Camels feet of dignity and power.
In this world.
In Second Kings I think it's chapter 3.
3 kings will yell together, you know, not only alliance for warfare. There they were. They made a compass of seven days. In other words, they were lost.
They went around the circle for seven days, ran out of water, cattle dying. They were in distress.
They called then upon the man of God.
You know what the man of God told him to do.
Big ditches make this valley full of ditches. The soldiers weren't able to fight. The soldiers had to get down their hands and knees and dig up the ground all around.
This is a valley of the shadow of death, he says. I'll make it full addiction. What is that?
Complete humiliation. Complete humiliation and admitting you're nothingness.
Then the man of God for that such cloud Breakers here.
Joel had to get down there. The Campbells had to go. The Campbells had to go.
Now verse 18, while he was yet speaking.
There came another.
And said my sons and my daughters were eating and drinking wine in their eldest fathers house, and behold, there came a great wind from the wilderness, and smoked the four corners of the house. It fell upon them, and they're dead. I only have escaped alone to tell thee all his children are gone.
Children's are gone all but once.
So Job was here either way, the terrible thing that's happened.
You know, children are a heritage of the Lord.
Through God's reward, happy is the man that has this river full of them. I dare say Job was happy, but now they're gone. Everything is gone. Everything is gone.
I want to mention something.
Satan didn't do this. God did this to the children.
They were here. You can't put your hands on them. Isn't that lovely? He always sets the limit. How do I know God did it?
It was a great wind, the whirlwind. It came from all four directions, at one in all corners, four corners of the house. That's a home 13, isn't it?
Has his way in the world, wind in the storm. That's it. God took them home.
That's what he did. He took them home. That lovely.
But of course, it's part of the chastisement and affliction for Joe, though now it's all gone, 1234, everything's gone just like that.
Verse 20 I'm just going to read the 1St 2 verses in the last one word, the 1St 2 words, and the last word. Then Job worship.
Get that then gold worship.
And he said, Make it seem out of my mother's womb, make it till I return. This the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away. Blessed be the name of the Lord.
In all this job sin not going to charge God foolishly. He passed the 1St test beautifully. He endured and didn't blame God.
We know often the problem is we blame God. Why even that is blaming God? Why? Why me? That's blaming God.
If you look at the rules, I believe it's the very first chapter, Naomi.
She blatant God, she blamed God and if you look at those 3 kings and I was just talking about the king of Israel, blame God.
He says God brought us together and put us in this terrible trouble. God has to get us out. Oh no, He doesn't have to. Grace He did because of Hezekiah on his face. First they had to have complete nothing, nothing, humiliation. They had to make the valley full of pictures and dig it up.
In all this Job sin not and did not charge God. He endured and He worshipped.
Now we'll go to Chapter 2.
Chapter 2 Again, there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord. Satan came also among them to present himself before the Lord. This is the created evidence. And the Lord said to Satan, From whence cometh thou? He gave him the same answer, because that's what he's still doing today.
Going through, and so upon the earth, speaking, whom he may devour.
The Lord said, The Saint, hath thou considered my servant job, and he gives all the same wonderful characteristics of Joel, but he adds, 1.
He says you've done all this to him and at the end he says still he owed it fast his integrity, although thou moved me against him to destroy him without fault. Yo Mr. Test, God says to Satan.
Verse four Satan answered the Lord skins for skin. Yeah, all that a man hath will he give for his life. But put forth thy hand now, and cut his bone and his flesh, and he'll curse thee to thy face. Don't forget he's always the accuser of faith of the of the President. The Lord said unto Satan, Behold these in thy hand but.
You can't have his life belong to me. God always sets the limit.
He always sets the limit. I just think that's the wonderful to know.
So went Satan forth to the President, the Lord, and smoke jokes with store boils from the sole of his foot under his crown.
Now Joseph has lost everything, even all his children.
And now Can you imagine what's happened?
There is a place on his body from head to foot that there isn't a storm boil. Think of it. Now turn to Isaiah chapter one. I'll give you one verse and probably describe it better than the I can say Isaiah chapter one at the verse 6.
From the sole of the foot even to the head. No soundness in it. Wounds and bruises crissifying sores. They have not been closed either. Bound up, neither mollify the ointment. Now that is joke. Now, when Satan stuck him in his body.
Job took a pot to scratch himself with all, and he sat down in the ashes.
Now God is going to use. He's done with faith and faith leaves him. God uses another instrument.
Is the one dearest to him? Is his own wife now?
Then, Sir, his wife and the job dot S shall retain thine integrity, curse God and die.
It'd be hard to take it that moment, wouldn't it?
What Job said to her, Thou speakest is one of the foolish women, Speaketh what? Shall we receive good at the hand of God? And shall we not receive evil in all this? Did not Job sin with his lips?
You know it's wonderful, his answer.
It didn't say to his wife you are a foolish woman.
No, he knew better and he spoke better, he said. You are now speaking as one of those foolish women.
To drive a reply.
That all this did not kill sin.
So now he's going to use three other vessels.
Don't forget we're in the shipping process.
Now when Job's three friends heard of all this evil that was come upon him, they came, everyone from his own place he life has and so dad and so far, for they had made an appointment together to come to mourn with him and to comfort him. They came from distant places and not the same places. They decided to meet there, and when they lifted up, their eyes are far off.
And new Job not. They lifted up their voice, and they wept, and they wrenched everyone his mantle, and sprinkled dust upon their heads towards heaven. And they sat down with Job on the ground seven days and seven nights, and none spake a word unto him. They saw that his grief was very great.
Now here's these three friends who came and they sat there for a while and Justice scared out afar off.
Then they threw actions on themselves.
And then they sat opposite Job and they just stared at him for seven days and seven nights. They didn't say anything.
Now don't try this trick. Now God begins to get at it. You know, the crux of the matter now is self righteousness itself and pride with Job. And it was just too much to be gazed upon with pity by these friends. Just too much for Job. There they sat with that expression. Aha, aha, that's it.
There's a reason for this.
You know, you can weather sickness and token eye. You can weather all kinds of trials in your life, and so can I. But when your brethren turn against you, that's just hard to take, isn't it? It's just hard to take.
So Job let loose. Now chapter three, Job let loose. He fails in the one thing he was most voted for paid him.
Now Job is set upon justifying himself and so he starts out by cursing the day he was born. Chapter 3. After this open Job his mouth and cursed his day. Verse three, let the day perish wherein I was born in the night which it was said there is a man child can see. Look at verse 10. Now I can go faster because it cut not up the doors of my mother's womb. He's talking about that night.
That night, he was born.
Up the doors of my mother's womb, Nor his sorrow for my Why did I not from the womb? Why die, die not from the womb? Why did I not give up the ghost when I came out of the belly? Verse 16 Or as a hidden, untimely birth I had been as influence which never saw light. There the wicked cease from troubling, and there the weary are at rest.
Finally we'll go to verse 25. The thing which I greatly feared has come upon me. That which I was afraid of is come unto me. I was not in safety near the neither had I rest, neither was I quiet. Yet trouble came to Job let loose.
This is really the loss of patience here coming out. He failed in the thing that he's noted for when he spoke.
Now his three friends speak first. Do I fail? Now I want to mention.
Each one of them represents.
The children of God in one way or another, when we do not have the Lord's mind.
Life says the name means refined.
And what characterizes the live players is he speaks from experience.
Now there's a lot like that.
A refined brethren, you know, and they've seen a lot, they've gone through a lot, they've heard a lot. They speak from experience.
And that's his position. He life has refined, but he speaks from experience.
Now though this in verse chapter 4 and verse.
I'd like to mention first look what he says in verse two. If we are saying to commune with thee, will thou be grieved? He saved this job. We'd like to speak with these, but will it grieve you? And then he says that I just can't wait to get started.
He says who can withhold himself from speaking job. I took that way to get started.
This is one of the friends now notice.
Verse seven Remember, I pray thee, whoever peries being innocent.
Or where were the righteous cut off? Even as I have seen that the life has from experience. They that plow iniquity and so wickedness reap the same by the blast of God. They Perry by the breath of his nostrils are they consumed? You'll find throughout when he lies fast speaks. He speaks from experience. If you look at chapter five, I think it's verse 3.
I have seen the police taking root.
But suddenly I cursed his habitation. His children are far from safety. They are crushed in the gate. Neither is there any to deliver them whose harvest the hungry heats up and taking it even out of the thorns and so on. He says, I have seen this and if you notice verse 27 of chapter 5, Lo, this we have searched it is.
So, so it is here it, and know that for thou it for thy good, in other words.
Every time you speak, he speaks of his experience, what he's seen or heard.
Now notice what he says verse seven. Remember I pray thee, Job, whoever perished hits their innocent, or where were the righteous cut off? He didn't know Job. Lord says he was right.
So he's saying.
He's saying remember.
The innocent never perished, the righteous had not cut off When Job later says miserable comforter indeed, miserable comforter indeed. What was the effect on his speaking? We look at jokes, but I think it's chapter six, Job. Job answered verse 8. All that I might have my request that God would grant me the thing that I long for.
Even that it would please God to destroy me.
That he would let loose his hand and cut me off. The only result of the live fire's words to Job was bringing in despair. That's all despair for Jervis. This type, he didn't have God's mind. Now if we look at verse 27 of chapter 6.
Yay, he overwhelmed the fatherless. You dig a pit for your friend. Job tells the life as and verse 20. Well. 28 now. Therefore be content to look upon me for evidence unto you. If I lie, return. I pray you, let it be iniquity. Yeah, return again. My righteousness is idiot. Is there iniquity in my tongue and not my taste? Discern perverse things.
Now the problem is beginning to surface.
He says my righteousness is in it. Job is beginning to spring out his problem.
Yoke speaks on. But now to chapter 8 quickly, and the second friend Bildad speaks.
Takes his turn Bill dad means.
Contention and Bildad speaks from tradition, from their fathers of old traditions. You know, tradition always brings in contention.
I will just mention a couple verses here.
He says in verse two, How long wilt thou speak these things? How long shall the words of my mouth be like the strong wind? He says, Joke, everything you say is empty. It's like wind.
That God pervert judgment. Notice verse four. If thy children have sinned.
Against him and he have cast them away for their transgressions.
We looked at verse six. If thou were pure and upright, yo, surely now he would await for thee, and make the habitation of thy righteousness prosperous. Verse 8. For inquire, I pray thee, of former aides, you see tradition. Prepare thyself to the search of their fathers, for we are in front of yesterday and know nothing, because our days upon earth are a shadow. Shall not they keep thee and tell thee in other words, out of.
So he is speaking from tradition, but he didn't have the Lord's mind and he didn't know Joe verse 20. God will not castaway a perfect man, neither will he help evil doers. But God said Job was a perfect man.
God said Job was a perfect man, so we have built that here, bringing in tradition.
Much broader field than a life has with the experience.
The authority of the former days, the entire past tradition of today does this. Do you see a triggered? It doesn't bow, it doesn't move, and it brings in contention. That's what his name means, contention.
Now Job responds and let's see I'll just give a couple thoughts here to get it. Job says at the end of Chapter 9 God is not a man verse 32 That I am that I should answer him. We should come together in judgment. Neither is there any days man betricks us that might lay his hand upon us both. Job was just at the end of himself now.
The third. The third.
The third friend.
Was go far That's Chapter 11. But before I mentioned that the results of God speaking to Job was more bitterness. I'll just mention a few things. Chapter 10 verse one, Job says my soul is weary of my life. I will leave my complaint upon myself. I will speak in the bitterness of my soul.
Now look at verse 18. Wherefore then hast thou brought me forth out of the womb? O that I had given up the ghost, and no eye had seen me. I could have been as though I had not been. I should have been carried away from the womb to the grave. That's the lowest state Job is in. Now Chapter 11 is so far the third prayer.
His name means a climber. He's a legalist.
He once spoke from experience, the other was particular and now a regalist. And you know, legality always is that way. The more you knock someone down, the more you elevate yourself in your own eyes. A climber. Let's go far.
Now he says.
In verse 5.
But all that God would speak and open his lips against thee, Job, and that he would show thee the secrets of wisdom.
That they are doubled to that which is I know therefore that God exact as of being left than that iniquity deserves. You know what he's saying to Joe Joe friend, you're not getting 1/2 of what you deserve.
Think what's happened to Job and he says you're not giving 1/2 of what you deserve. That's the legalist.
Coming in, I will look at another verse here just to get the thought.
Well, verse 7 can't stop by searching, find out God. Can't stop, find out the Almighty under perfection. None of these three had the mind of the Lord.
And so we have in chapter 12, Job's reaction to the three now no help. They just acted to open Joe's mouth wider in defense. So now Job says in chapter 12, verse three, I have understanding as well as you. I am not inferior to you.
Yeah, who knoweth not such things as you say, It's all common knowledge, says Jill. Now Joe begins self vindication.
The only effect of the three friends speaking to him, he begins self indication. And I'll notice in verse six of chapter 12, the tabernacles of robbers prosper, and they that provoke God are secure, into whose hands God bringeth abundantly. He's saying, even the worst season. Robbers prosper. What? Ask now the beast they shall teach thee. The fowls of the earth they shall tell thee speak to the earth. This shall teach.
See the pictures of the seeds shall declare unto thee, who knoweth not all these things, that the hand has wrought this, in whose hand is the soul of every living thing, and the breath of all mankind. What Job says to them is Everything you've said is just common knowledge.
They to yourself will tell you just what you told me. I know everything you know and more. Now in chapter 13 job goes on and he says here.
Verse two. What ye know the same, I know also I am not inferior to you.
You notice the pride coming out now and felt surely I would speak to the Almighty. I desire to reason with God.
Yo, really, would you desire to reason with God? I wouldn't.
Ye are all forgers of lies. Ye are all positions of no value. Now he Stoops the name calling.
All that he would all together hold your peace, and it should be your wisdom, he says. If you could shut up, you could be wise.
Turn to verse 13. We'll go on quickly. Hold your peace, keep quiet and let me alone that I may speak.
Verse 15 though he slay me, yet will I trust him in that beautiful joke face coming out. So God slay me, yet I will trust him, but I will maintain my own ways before him.
These two things don't mix.
I will maintain my own ways before him and then say so he say me, I'll trust him. There's our problem. And now I just mentioned quickly, we'll make Chapter 14. We'll go to 15. And I would say this is a good place to break. I just want to mention.
The three friends did not gain one point.
Not as helpers, not as comforters, certainly not as fast as they did not have the mind of God. If they had reached the point and had the mind of God, Joe could have kept silent. Even at false accusations he could have kept silent. But here he is in his own self-interest and vindication. He has to go through more shipping in God's school.
Of affliction.