Articles on

Job 34

Job 34:25 KJV (With Strong’s)

Therefore he knoweth
nakar (Hebrew #5234)
properly, to scrutinize, i.e. look intently at; hence (with recognition implied), to acknowledge, be acquainted with, care for, respect, revere, or (with suspicion implied), to disregard, ignore, be strange toward, reject, resign, dissimulate (as if ignorant or disowning)
KJV usage: acknowledge, X could, deliver, discern, dissemble, estrange, feign self to be another, know, take knowledge (notice), perceive, regard, (have) respect, behave (make) self strange(-ly).
Pronounce: naw-kar'
Origin: a primitive root
their works
ma`bad (Hebrew #4566)
an act
KJV usage: work.
Pronounce: mah-bawd'
Origin: from 5647
, and he overturneth
haphak (Hebrew #2015)
to turn about or over; by implication, to change, overturn, return, pervert
KJV usage: X become, change, come, be converted, give, make (a bed), overthrow (-turn), perverse, retire, tumble, turn (again, aside, back, to the contrary, every way).
Pronounce: haw-fak'
Origin: a primitive root
them in the night
layil (Hebrew #3915)
also laylah {lah'- yel-aw}; from the same as 3883; properly, a twist (away of the light), i.e. night; figuratively, adversity
KJV usage: ((mid-))night (season).
Pronounce: lah'-yil
Origin: or (Isa. 21:11) leyl {lale}
, so that they are κdestroyed
daka' (Hebrew #1792)
to crumble; transitively, to bruise (literally or figuratively)
KJV usage: beat to pieces, break (in pieces), bruise, contrite, crush, destroy, humble, oppress, smite.
Pronounce: daw-kaw'
Origin: a primitive root (compare 1794)

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J. N. Darby Translation

Since he knoweth their actions; and he overthroweth them in the night, and they are crushed.